The Only Sheet+ for D&D3.5 with Dynamic Play ! (Forum Pu

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The Only Sheet+ for D&D3.5 with Dynamic Play ! (Forum Pu

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The Only Sheet+ for D&D3.5 with Dynamic Play !

The NEXT Generation of automated Character Sheet, featuring Dynamic Play for LapTop users and the ability to Apply Effects (while respecting the stacking rules) is now available for Players and Game Masters of Dungeons Dragons v3.5 !!

Dynamic Play?
For those who play D&D with a LapTop, TOS+ offers the LapTop worksheet, which shows you a screen full (no scrolling required) of information about your character AND which allows you to Play Dynamically. This means that you can add, in real time, Effects to your character during your game session!! For instance, activate your Ranger's Winged Boots to see your character gain a Fly speed. Your Barbarian character starts Raging? Simply type (or select) "Rage" to gain all the Effects of that ability! Your friend the Wizard casts Haste on your Rogue? Type 'Haste' and watch all the effects of that spell automatically being applied to your character (and patiently wait while you wait for your pen-based friend to manually scribble their Characters with the effects of Haste!)
Check this video for a small demonstration of the LapTop worksheet.

Apply Effects?
An Effect is anything that has a 'value' which can be applied to your character. For instance, an Amulet of Health +2 grants a +2 enhancement bonus to your Constitution score. The Toughness Feat grants 3 bonus Hit Points. The Inspire Courage ability from a 3rd level bard grants a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage (amongst other things). All these are Effects.

When playing D&D, you will encounter many such effects that need to be applied to your character. Yet, many of these effects do NOT stack together according to the stacking rules. For instance, if a character with an Amulet of Health +2 receives the Bear’s Endurance spell, does his Constitution score increase by another +4, for a total Constitution bonus of +6? No. Because Bear’s Endurance grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, which does not stack with the +2 enhancement bonus given by the Amulet of Health, only the highest enhancement bonus is used.

This is where TOS+ steps in: With its implementation of the stacking rules, TOS+ will automatically adjust the Character's Constitution score to respect the stacking rules (the character would gain +4 to his base score, and not +6, as enhancement bonuses do not stack)!
No need to worry about the stacking rules anymore!!

TOS+ is very customizable: create your OWN effects on almost everything. You want to create a magical hat that grants you:
  • +2 bonus on Bluff,
  • +10' speed bonus,
  • grants Darkvision 60',
  • and gives +5 levels of Sorcerer?
No problem! TOS+ is powerful enough allow you to do this (and still respect any stacking rules issues you might have forgotten about...!) You can apply customization to classes, races, wondrous items, rings, armors, shields, spells, powers etc etc!

Main Features
The list of features is rather long... Some of the highlights are:
  • Based on the System Reference Document
  • Support for Gestalt Characters
  • Support for up to 6 classes simultaneously
  • Load/Reset/Save character files on the click of a button (.tos files)
  • Designed for both the Printer and the LapTop (Dynamic Play)
  • Share your creations or get help from the friendly Community!
Want to know more?
  • Check the HomePage for more details
  • Post questions on the community forum
  • Read the Wiki
  • Check the TOS+ video archive
TOS+ is the culmination of 15 months of hard work and dedication, and is one of the most powerful Automated Excel Character Sheet ever created! Find out why this IS The Only Sheet worth your time!
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