[NOW AVAILABLE] TOS 2nd for the Pathfinder 2nd edition

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[NOW AVAILABLE] TOS 2nd for the Pathfinder 2nd edition

Post by admin »

August 15th, 2019

I've released TOS 2nd which can be used to manage and print (on paper or as a PDF file) Characters for the Pathfinder 2nd edition! Note that I have not tested it on MAC and it probably does not work on the MAC version of Excel!!

There are currently TWO methods to acquire it. Later on, it will be available as a stand alone on the Paizo store (and perhaps other stores as well) at a lower price, but without subscription (i.e. no forum access, no downloading shared stuff etc)

NOTE: Any subscription time gained with the purchase of TOS 2nd will STACK with current (i.,e. not expired) subscription time!!


I have been investing heavy work on the 2nd edition of PathFinder!

I have been reviewing the current beta version of TOS 2nd to add, change and modify it to comply with the official rules.

This is a TON of work ahead of me to get TOS 2nd ready for the release of the nd edition version of Pathfinder! So if your situation allows for it, I'd greatly appreciate any financial help you can send my way via donations - thank!!
I have started building a new tool called TOS 2nd to support this new system but I need your support to finance the months of work required to build this tool. By helping me out, you will not only gain early access to this new tool, but will also see your forum subscription time increase as well. ALL those who contribute for the development phase of TOS 2nd will have their names and/or nicknames (your choice - see FAQ) appear in this new tool as an official supporter of this Project!

There are many aspects to such a project.. not only the tool itself, but everything related to it must also be worked on! With the release date looming ahead, I started working on things that I could while I was waiting for this release. Below, you'll find my progress report, which I will update as I go along. I estimate I will need a couple of months of work before I can release the first alpha.
You can grab the free PlayTest rules on paizo's site, of click here to get the whole bundle from my server, or here if you want only the RuleBook.


  • Index: 20%
  • Preview page: 0%
  • Download (demo): 0%
  • Purchase: 0%
  • Links: :valid:
  • Help (wiki section): 0%
  • Contact: :valid:
  • Welcome worksheet: 50%
  • Control worksheet: :valid:
  • FRONT worksheet: 90%
  • BACK worksheet: :valid:
  • XP worksheet: :valid:
  • Coins worksheet: :valid:
  • Note worksheet: :valid:
  • SpellPlanner1 worksheet: :valid:
  • SpellBook1 worksheet: 0%
  • FormulaBook1 worksheet (for Alchemists): :valid:
  • Classes :valid:
    • Alchemist, Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Champion, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer and Wizard
  • FEATS: Class Feats: :valid:
  • FEATS: General Feats: :valid:
  • FEATS: Heritage Feats :valid:
    • Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Human
  • FEATS: Skill Feats: :valid:
  • FEATS: Multiclass: 0%
  • Ability to create a custom Ancestry: 10%
  • Ability to create a custom Class: 0%
  • Backgrounds :valid:
  • Deities: 0% (for copyright reasons, Paizo didn't include them in the PDF I received)
  • Gear worksheet {needs review}
    • Alchemical Items :valid:
    • Armors :valid:
    • Shields :valid:
    • Weapons :valid:
    • Ability to apply Runes on weapons :valid:
    • Ability to apply Runes on armors :valid:
    • Talisman
  • Spell worksheet: :valid:
  • Integration worksheet: :valid:
  • Armor & Weapon Potency Runes :valid:
  • Armor & Weapon Property Runes {needs review}
  • Programming aspects of TOS 2nd (VBA): 70%
  • Image to be the new face of TOS 2nd :valid:
  • New forum sections for users of TOS 2nd: 0%
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Re: PATHFINDER 2ND edition PlayTest is coming!

Post by admin »

LIST of CONTRIBUTORS for the TOS 2nd Project
These sponsors of TOS 2nd will see their names appear in the new tool!!
  • D. Ray (rayzor4444)
  • J. Petherick (Jpetherick)
  • A. Bell (Grimoire)
  • R. Lindegren Jr. (Ronbo)
  • Q. Milton (velvetsanity)
  • F. Savadge (Victor71)
  • ElectroZman
  • dhood64
  • smeltdm
  • J. Powers (jjpowers)
  • J-M. Gauthier (jhydhan)
  • J. Anderson (phoenixget)
  • L. Stott (LGSTOTT)
  • M. Godbout (gondolin1)
  • D. Frederick (spcfredy)
  • J. Colella (Duniagdra)
  • T. Sprouse (tdsprouse)
  • P. Jackson (Papaduval)
  • rowdyrod007
  • Tairyssa
  • M. Hertzog (werard)
  • T. Nicholson (owatonnahacker)
  • M. Aston (Mark+)
  • H. Robertson (shybutpsycho)
  • D. Munie (Gokker)
  • R. Lanteigne (whiteknight735)
  • P. Barousse (Phe0n1x)
  • M. Franz (RickSummon)

Q #1: Will you be making a character sheet for the 2nd edition of Pathfinder?
A #1: Yes I intend to create a new tool to support the 2nd edition of PathFinder! Since the PlayTest rules will be coming out first, that is what this new tool will be based on.

Q #2: When will this new sheet release? How much will it cost? :new:
A #2: As soon as possible! The CORE Rulebook is coming out in August - I'm aiming to get TOS 2nd out as soon as possible after the lunch of PF2!

Q #3: I already have TOS+/TOS FIVE: Can I get this new tool for free? :new:
A #3: Like TOS FIVE is to TOS+, this is a new tool is a stand alone product, not part of any previous subscription. Active Contributors in the list ABOVE will gain access of the new tool for free!

Q #4: I don't want you to use my real name when I contribute!
A #4: Certainly!! I can use your nickname in the credits - OR nothing at all if you wish to remain anonymous!

Q #5: Will you be putting the names of the sponsors in any particular order?
A #5: Yes - They will be listed by the weight (high to low!) of their Contribution to this project.

Q #6: If I contribute twice, do you add the amounts?
A #6: Absolutely! But consider that when PayPal takes their "cut", one part of it is a fixed amount...

Q #7: I really want to help out, but I can't afford it. Can I still help?
A #7: The financial help is really what helps me out the most - but once the tool is released, you can help out be reporting bugs and creating and sharing content!

Q #8: I see you found an image for the face of TOS 2nd?
A #8: Yes!! I posted the details about this new image HERE!

Q #9: What are the main differences in the new edition?
A #9: This covers it:
At its core, the story of both games is essentially the same. You still build your own character, venturing off on daring adventures, risking your life for a chance at fame and glory, defeating deadly foes that threaten your friends, your family, and perhaps the very world itself. Beyond the narrative, there are many things that have changed, but mostly in the details of how the game works. You still pick a race, even though it is now called your ancestry. You still decide on your class—the rulebook includes all of the core classes from the First Edition Core Rulebook, plus the alchemist. You still select feats, but these now come from a greater variety of sources, such as your ancestry, your class, and your skills.

Where the changes really shine through is in how the game is played. Gone are the confusing action types like move, standard, swift, and immediate, instead replaced with a simple system of three actions and one reaction each round. All of the varied systems and formulas for determining your character's bonuses and statistics, like saving throws, attack bonuses, and skills, have been unified in a single, easy-to-use proficiency system based on your choices and your character's level. You no longer need to collect a specific set of magic items to be a balanced character, relying on specific magical statistic bonuses. Instead, you get all of the bonuses you need from your regular armor and weapons, allowing the rest of your items to be truly wondrous
So the second paragraph seems to indicate that the new system is streamlined and simplified. Like 5th edition! So I guess that PF2nd is Paizo's answer to the WotC's 5th edition!

Feel free to post any questions you have regarding this subject, below!

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Re: ⚡⚡⚡ PATHFINDER 2ND edition PlayTest has arrived! ⚡⚡⚡

Post by admin »

I am no fan of the use of "Ancestry" to denote the Race in the Paytest... and I posted about my dissatisfaction here on the Paizo forum! Feel free to comment if you agree with me but if you LIKE the use of ancestry, keep quiet!!! LOL

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Re: ⚡⚡⚡ PATHFINDER 2ND edition PlayTest has arrived! ⚡⚡⚡

Post by admin »

I've been working hard for you guys (and it's never too late to participate in helping me out doing this!! Details in the post above)

Here is the TOP part of the FRONT worksheet for TOS 2nd
Obviously, this is still a work in progress.... LOTS of Data to go through :P

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Re: ⚡⚡⚡ PATHFINDER 2ND edition PlayTest has arrived! ⚡⚡⚡

Post by admin »

Updated my progress as of 08/30!
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Re: ⚡⚡⚡ PATHFINDER 2ND edition PlayTest has arrived! ⚡⚡⚡

Post by admin »


There is really a ton of DATA to add ... While I can certainly add this data, it does eat up much time, which I would like to divert for the important stuff, like class creation!

Would anyone be willing to help me out by entering DATA? I'll provide all the details of what I need and the workbook where to add it... This will help speed up the 'readiness' of TOS 2nd - THANKS!!

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Re: ⚡⚡⚡ Support TOS 2nd for the Pathfinder 2nd edition ⚡⚡⚡

Post by admin »

I am happy to report that I have completed ALL of the 12 Classes! *whew*.
My next task will be to focus on the zillions of feats that these classes can choose... HEHHE

Your financial help is always welcome to support this project! Details in the top post.

Happy Gaming!
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Re: Support TOS 2nd for the Pathfinder 2nd edition

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Yesterday, I received the Pathfinder Second Edition Core rulebook from PAIZO! This is what is going to be printed (i.e. NOT a beta version!)

I signed an NDA about it, so I can't comment on the rules, but I see they did make some changes - probably with the user comments they received.

In any case, I started working on TOS 2nd again so I can release it as soon as possible (well, after the new rules ares officially out that is!)

I'll have to re-scan all that I've done so far to see what changed, so that will take me quite a ton of work.... Any $$ sent my way would be quite appreciated while I focus on this!

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Re: Support TOS 2nd for the Pathfinder 2nd edition

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UPDATED initial post (above)

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Re: ✅✅ (UPDATED) TOS 2nd for the Pathfinder 2nd edition ✅✅

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I completed over half the classes... *whew* !!

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Re: ✅✅ (UPDATED) TOS 2nd for the Pathfinder 2nd edition ✅✅

Post by admin »

YES! ALL Classes are done, including their Class Feats! Woot woot!
Since the Race... er... Ancestries were done too, this is a huge milestone for me! There might be light at the end of that tunnel... ! LOL

Much work ahead though... going back to work!

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Re: ✅✅ (UPDATED) TOS 2nd for the Pathfinder 2nd edition ✅✅

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Re: ✅✅ (UPDATED) TOS 2nd for the Pathfinder 2nd edition ✅✅

Post by Werard »

Great stuff to hear :thumb1:
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Re: ✅✅ (UPDATED) TOS 2nd for the Pathfinder 2nd edition ✅✅

Post by admin »

Been giving a bit of love to the welcome sheet.... Specially that Credits/Sponsors section! :)
As a reminder:

Q #5: Will you be putting the names of the sponsors in any particular order?
A #5: Yes - They will be listed by the weight (high to low!) of their Contribution to this project.

P.S. Did I forget you!? WOups! Please let me know if you contributed to this project (specially the date of your contribution!)
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Re: ✅✅ (UPDATED) TOS 2nd for the Pathfinder 2nd edition ✅✅

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I am happy to report that all the 537 spells have been added to TOS 2nd!

The SpellPlanner is pretty amazing, specially since it uses THREE lines to display spell information (as opposed to ONE line in TOS+!)
Of course some spell still manage to have large explanations that require a paragraph, but that can't be helped and the "See text" is used in those cases.

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Re: ✅✅ (UPDATED) TOS 2nd for the Pathfinder 2nd edition ✅✅

Post by phoenixget »


Any chance of a screen shot with random spell(s) to show it off? :angel:
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Re: ✅✅ (UPDATED) TOS 2nd for the Pathfinder 2nd edition ✅✅

Post by admin »

phoenixget wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 11:45 am Sweet!

Any chance of a screen shot with random spell(s) to show it off? :angel:
Have to wait for Release date!!
August 1st I believe... :)

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Re: ✅✅ (UPDATED) TOS 2nd for the Pathfinder 2nd edition ✅✅

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Build #815 has been uploaded to the forum for all active Contributors!
Check it out here with the release notes - and please report any bugs, typos and such that you find - THANKS!!

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Re: ✅✅ [NOW AVAILABLE] TOS 2nd for the Pathfinder 2nd edition ✅✅

Post by admin »

TOS 2nd has been released!
Check TOP of this thread!!

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Re: ✅✅ [NOW AVAILABLE] TOS 2nd for the Pathfinder 2nd edition ✅✅

Post by admin »

TOS 2nd is now also features on the OGS store!

The verison on the OGS store is the "STAND ALONE" version of TOS 2nd CORE edition, as opposed to the version on the purchase section of the Home Page.

Stand alone means:
  • no subscription time
  • no tech support
  • no access to shared content...!)
(Click image to Enlarge)


Quick FAQ:
Q: If I purchase the Stand Alone version, can I 'upgrade' to the subscription?
A: Unfortunately, no. You need to purchase the subscription version offered on the purchase page if you want the subscription.
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