🕸️ New Website edition 🕸️

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🕸️ New Website edition 🕸️

Post by admin »

NEW Website open!
I an extremely happy to announce that we are ready to open the NEW Website that we (@cubitfx and I) have been working on since September! The NEW site contains a STORE where you can acquire any of the TOS Managers, get Subscription Time and even download updates of the managers (within the Subscription time left on your Forum Subscription). This means that the links to download .zip updates for all managers are available directly in your "My Account" section of the new Website! You will also be able to view your Personal Key(s) as well!

So the .zip archives for TOS+, TOS FIVE and TOS 2nd PRO edition, are now available on the NEW Website for all ACTIVE SUBSCRIBERS. But to be able to access these, you have to create an account on the NEW Website, and I need to set you up for that; I suggest using the SAME account nickname as the one you use on the Forums. Details for what you need to do is available HERE: - Just follow those instructions and do not forget to Register your new account in Step #1.

Also note that all the DEMO version of the managers can be downloaded freely/directly from the new site!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS 2022 to you and yours!!
P.S. If you see a TYPOE (grin) on the new site, please let us know in the #new-website channel in Discord - thanks!!
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