New PbP: Sodden Stories - PF2E Bounty

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New PbP: Sodden Stories - PF2E Bounty

Post by holydeg »

OPEN PbP game?: NO
Title: Sodden Stories - PF2E Bounty
Brief description: A mother hires a group of heroes to protect her son as he bungles his way through the jungle looking for inspiration for stories to tell.
Rule System: Pathfinder 2nd edition
Validation Frequency: 2x week minimum
Min/Max Number of Players: 3/6
Start Date: March 18, 2024
Source Books Allowed: Only from TOS 2nd PRO edition v22, with restrictions on Ancestry/Class (see below)
Classes Allowed: All Common.
Ancestries Allowed: All Common plus Catfolk, Fetchling, Gnoll, Grippli, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Leshy, Lizardfolk, Orc, Ratfolk, Vanara, Anadi, Goloma, Poppet, Shisk.
Versatile Heritages Allowed: All common plus Aasimar, Aphorite, Dhampir, Ganzi, Oread, Sylph, Tiefling, Undine
Starting Level of PCs: 1
Stats Generation: n/a
Starting Equipment/Wealth: 15 GP
Hit Points Generation: n/a
Special Rules: See below
Background Information: Not needed
How will Loot be divided: Party decides together
End Conditions: Once the Bounty is completed
About ME: I have been GMing for 18 years and am trying to become a Pro GM. I've been running Pathfinder 2E for the last year and half. This is my first PbP as a GM. I have tried several PbP as a player over the years, but they ended during the first week every time. You can find me on at
Notes: See below
Signature: holydeg

Admin and I have been discussing on Discord having me run a Pathfinder 2E PbP, and here it is.

To apply to this short Bounty (which is a single mission), you need to have an ACTIVE subscription to TOS 2nd PRO edition, and KEEP your subscription active for the duration of the adventure. I don't know exactly how long this adventure will last, as it depends on how often I can validate after everyone has posted their actions. Please don't apply if your Subscription time is less than 3 month from now. This can be verified in the "My Account" section on the Website. You can always add to your Subscription here.

You will also need to be present on Discord as this is where Dice Rolling will happen. Discord is free to use. More information here.

To simplify combat, I will use a SINGLE initiative for Monsters (even if more then 1 is present) - and players will play their turn either BEFORE or AFTER the monster (as per their initiative rolls. I will average out the bonus the Monsters get to roll their initiative. I reserve the right to add other simplification to make the game run smoother in this Play-by-Post format.

Q: Why so long until the start date?
A: I will be out of town for a week in early March and will only have access to the forums on mobile. I would like a few days to finalize the setup after I get back.

Q: I already played this Bounty, but would like to play again. Can I do so?
A: Sure, but please indicate that information to me.

Q: This is a Society module: Will it count as such if I use an existing Society Character?
A: No. I don't know how to setup Society play.

Q: Will you be using a software for the Maps?
A: YES, I will be using Foundry VTT to produce the Maps we need.

Q: Will we be using the Remaster Rules?
A: No. TOS2nd v22 was released before the remaster.

Q: How do we roll DICE
A: On the TOS Discord server, admin created two sections for us to use for dice rolls. #sodden-stories (to discuss anything about the PbP, but no dice rolling) and #sodden-stories-rolls (for ALL dice rolls)

Q: What happens if I will be on vacation during the game?
A: I will play your Character as best I can in your absence, with the help of the others... Please be sure to advise us of your vacation/unavailability.

Q: DO I need to monitor the game?
A: YES, please check the forums each couple of days at the most! You *CAN* turn on Notifications to get notified of new messages, but remember that sometimes, these notifications don't make it to your Inbox...! So don't rely on those only...

Q: How do I tell you what I will be doing?
A: In the PbP, just say what you are doing while OUT of combat. Use the various button at the TOP of the edit window to Talk, Think. Whisper, yell etc... When we are in combat mode, please use the action symbols to tell me what your PC is doing in Combat. For instance, if you decide to move the attack, I would like to see the PATH you take to move (The Maps will have coordinates for such) AND which actions you are doing, INCLUDING their cost.

Example 1:
Wilbert uses :1action: to move B7, B8, C9, C10, then Strike :1action: with his Longsword, the Orc at C11. (share attack/damage results) - Then Wilbert will Strike :1action: again, with a -5 penalty (share 2nd attack/damage results, don't forget the 2nd strike penalty)
Example 2:
Valeria will use :2actions: to cast the Heal spell at 20' to heal Wilbert (make your healing roll) and then will move :1action: to R8, R9 and S10
#1: Recruitment Phase: (Don't submit PC ideas yet) - once enough interest is found, a Forum section will be opened for the Bounty. All communications will occur in that specific section (or via Direct Message on the forums for private messages)

#2: Ancestry/Class setup: Players can start planning their Character and discussing (in the PbP section) what they want to play. You are not required to create a complex background. But you can do it anyways if you like and attach it to your Character thread (see next section).

#3: Validation Phase: Once a Player has completed his Character AND Posted it in the [TOS 2nd] Adventurers! section, it will be reviewed and validated by the DM. Please use version numbers in the .tos2 file! In your Character thread on the forums, you can add a Background if you wish. You also need to provide a GOOD image of your Character (it would be nice if all PCs would have good Icons on the Map!) - I will handle the creation of the TOKENS themselves so you need only provide the Character image. I will help you if needed to find good PC images.

#4: Setup Phase: The DM will be setting up everything behind the scenes to run the small adventure, and share the starting date. Note that some Role Play might be done by that time, in the PbP Area for this Bounty.

#5: We start Phase! The fun begins!! No earlier than March 18

So, Who's Interested? Let me know below, and also include your Experience level (i.e. are you a PF2e Expert? or a Noob? or in-between?)
Last edited by holydeg on Mon Feb 19, 2024 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New PbP: Sodden Stories - PF2E Bounty

Post by admin »

I would be interested, if there is space!! :D

I am no expert in PF2e, but I manage as I've run a Bounty before :D
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Re: New PbP: Sodden Stories - PF2E Bounty

Post by Jinxs-3d »

I’d be interested
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Re: New PbP: Sodden Stories - PF2E Bounty

Post by holydeg »

Jinxs-3d wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 7:21 pm I’d be interested
You're in
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Re: New PbP: Sodden Stories - PF2E Bounty

Post by rednetra »

I would like in if I can.
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Re: New PbP: Sodden Stories - PF2E Bounty

Post by holydeg »

rednetra wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 7:24 pm I would like in if I can.
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Re: New PbP: Sodden Stories - PF2E Bounty

Post by JellyBrains »

I'm interested. And thanks.
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Re: New PbP: Sodden Stories - PF2E Bounty

Post by holydeg »

JellyBrains wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 2:36 pm I'm interested. And thanks.
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Re: New PbP: Sodden Stories - PF2E Bounty

Post by Silverstone »

Im interested.
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Re: New PbP: Sodden Stories - PF2E Bounty

Post by holydeg »

Silverstone wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2024 9:43 pm Im interested.
You're in. I believe that leaves 1 spot open.
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Re: New PbP: Sodden Stories - PF2E Bounty

Post by rednetra »

I would like to be a mage if possible
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Re: New PbP: Sodden Stories - PF2E Bounty

Post by holydeg »

The game should be available here.
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