Ptolus Campaign V2.0 [FULL]

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Ptolus Campaign V2.0 [FULL]

Post by Phoenix512 »

Here is the intro from Monte cook.

A city of mysteries, secrets, and dark histories, Ptolus lies forever in the shadow of a towering stone spire reaching impossibly high into the sky, itself an enigma and a reminder of evil long past. Ptolus is a place where the supernatural is expected, and treachery lies around every corner—or is it that the supernatural lies around every corner and treachery is expected? Either way, Ptolus is a city of danger, magic, intrigue, and above all: adventure.
This campaign will be mostly in the city of Ptolus with some outside exploration later on. I love this campaign setting when I was a player and hope that the people will join will do as well.

Starting level would be at first with a 30 point buy system with most classes and races are available to use. Also I'm going to use a new skill set for this.

Skills: Profession is a free skill for everyone but any additional profession will cost a skill point. Skills have either combined together to form a new one or put into another skill. Here is the skill list:

Acrobatics: Balance, Tumble, Jump
Bluff: Includes Disguise
Diplomacy: Includes Gather Information
Handle Animal
Knowledge Arcana:
Knowledge Dungeoneering: Includes Knowledge Arch/Eng for dungeons
Knowledge History: Includes Knowledge Nobility and Royalty for past history and Knowledge Arch/Eng for old architecture
Knowledge Local: Includes Knowledge Nobility and Royalty for current and Knowledge Arch/Eng for current buildings
Knowledge Nature: Includes Knowledge Geography
Knowledge Religion
Knowledge Planes
Linguistics: Decipher Script and Forgery
Legerdemain: Escape Artist, Sleight of Hand
Mechanics: Disable Device and Open Lock
Perception: Listen, Spot, Sense Motive, Search
Spellcraft: Includes Concentration and Use Magic Device
Stealth: Hide and Move Silently

For things that improve skills like the Acrobatic feat where it improves both Jump and Tumble, you only get the bonus once. So you don’t get +4 but +2 instead. Same thing with synergies, but some synergies don’t exist anymore.

I'm thinking 5-6 players for this and priority goes to the players in the fewest number of games. Everyone must have an active subscription to TOS+.

Richard, please send a message to the Mailing List for the Sheet for this.
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Re: Ptolus Campaign V2.0

Post by harneloot »

I'm interested, and am currently playing in zero other pbm games :D

I'm thinking of playing a Dwarf who is a member of the Stonemason's Guild.....? (Rogue would be the class)

Let me know if I'm in and I'll start making up my character

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Re: Ptolus Campaign V2.0

Post by admin »

Phoenix512 wrote:Richard, please send a message to the Mailing List for the Sheet for this.
Done. Please PM me the name of the forum you wish to use, with the description so I can create the section. thanks!

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Re: Ptolus Campaign V2.0

Post by Duniagdra »

I'm confused as to which system this is using.
On the sheet (TOS+) under 3.5 I do not find Acrobatics, Linguistics, Legerdemain, Mechanics, Perception, and Stealth.
On the sheet (TOS+) under PF I do not find Legerdemain, and Mechanics.

What rule set are we following to utilize these skills as you've defined them? While I am interested in playing Ptolus, I'd first like to know where these skills are from before I commit and which rules are in effect. These are skills I'm not familiar with to either system.
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Re: Ptolus Campaign V2.0

Post by Ceroill »

Count me as interested
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Re: Ptolus Campaign V2.0

Post by Duniagdra »

Disregard my above post. I think I figured out what is needed after talking with the R. Will gestalt be acceptable or do you consider it "too off-balanced"?
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Re: Ptolus Campaign V2.0

Post by Ceroill »

I think I'll make a rogue....(pondering, pondering)
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Re: Ptolus Campaign V2.0

Post by Benji »

I'm always interested in new PbPs. Of course I'm already in a load so will happily back out if you get others.

Will it be pathfinder or 3.5?
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Re: Ptolus Campaign V2.0

Post by Phoenix512 »

It's 3.5. It's a custom list of skills that I came up with. You can remove skills that won't be a part of the game and add the new ones pretty easily. I'll explain more about that once the forum for the game is setup.
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Re: Ptolus Campaign V2.0

Post by Ceroill »

Cool. I'll work on a character tonight. Are you planning on using the chat room at all? It has a die roller you know. :20:
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Re: Ptolus Campaign V2.0

Post by larenee »

I am still interested. If possible, I would like to retain the character I already created. I will, of course, make whatever adjustments are necessary based on your new skillset.

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Re: Ptolus Campaign V2.0

Post by Phoenix512 »

It's fine, larenee. Adjust your character to the new skillset and if necessary, I'll do any corrections to it.
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