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Please read the 3 testimonies below, and select WHICH of these 3 testimonies you like best!!

Poll ended at Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:52 am

The entry by larenee
The entry by Curben
The entry by Duniagdra
Total votes: 20

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Post by admin »

I need your input to decide WHICH of these 3 great testimonies you like best! Please read all 3, and then vote!
This will decide the winner for part #3 of the Two Years Anniversary Contest of 2009! This poll will last 7 days!


Entry by larenee
larenee wrote:My gaming group had been playing AD&D for the better part of 15 years, when we discovered that a third edition of D&D had been published. After playing it for a couple years, I noticed we kept making small mistakes in our character stats with advancing levels. We occasionally performed time-consuming audits of our characters, invariably finding something we had not added correctly. Then there were the times when a session came to a halt because the PCs happened to enter an anti-magic field; several minutes were spent making the right adjustments.

When I discovered the previous (now classic) TOS, the issue of accurate tracking of character stats from low to high levels of play was solved. I personally bought TOS for more than half my group. However, there was still the problem of various temporary effects, like conditions and spells, which required careful manual adjustments.

Then, in 2007, came TOS+. Suddenly, applying most temporary effects and conditions was just a few clicks away. Now, if the PCs stray into an anti-magic field, all it takes is [click] and all changes are made, in seconds. If camp is interrupted and the fighter doesn't have time to don his armor, [click]; if the paladin drops his shield, [click]; all the various statistical adjustments are handled without having to worry about the math. In fact, TOS+ does such a great job of implementing the rules of D&D 3.5 that when the Sheet calculates something that doesn't match with our recollection of the rules, it's our memories that are usually faulty, not TOS+.

What about classes and prestige classes that build on each other, enhancing each others' abilities? No problem; class-based effects are there. What about material from other sources or third-party publishers? Nearly anything d20-related can be incorporated in the many customization areas. What about house rules? Even most of these can be included, with just a basic knowledge of Excel formulas.

When I showed TOS+ to my group, I didn't have to buy it for them this time. More than half bought it for themselves. Even for those few players who don't use electronic sheets, I still use TOS+ to track their characters. TOS+ has become an integral part of our gaming table, at least as important as the wet-erase battle mat and character miniatures, and almost as important as the rule books themselves.

As long as I keep playing D&D 3.5, I'll be using and subscribing to The Only Sheet Plus.

Troy Terrell
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.

Entry by Curben
Curben wrote:I originally was looking for a way to make my own character sheet in excel and was looking around for all the ideas others had that I could use myself. I had seen many and all where lacking and only contained the base details and I felt i could do better. I stumbled upon the Only sheet and after a little time with the demo realized that this could do everything I wanted, and so much much more. I quickly paid for my subscription and have not regretted it since.

With TOS+ it is easier and quicker to make characters and also much easier to keep track of all the things i can do. This is especially true when starting higher level campaigns as your are walked through almost everything. Equally so it's easier to level up and not worry about "Did I forget something" as all the checks are there. We can now spend less time in the books and more time the game. Our characters are able to reach their full potential with the easy list created of all abilities features and feats broken down and organized.

Spellecasters are significantly easier as well. One of our players was restricted from playing spellcasters as he ended up spending so much time in the books looking up spells that it was a drain on all of us. Now with the TOS+ spell lists and spell planner, it isn't an issue anymore. The spell lists are so quick and easy with references to the sources that even when we need to look in the book its much quicker.

With all of the abilities of TOS+, the ease of use, the regular improvements and the community support in creating additional items, spells, races, and classes. I don't see any reason a player wouldn't get TOS+. And if you are a DM, I haven't found an easier way to quick roll your NPCs. I heartily recommend TOS+ for any Gamer, casual or dedicated.

Entry by Duniagdra
Duniagdra wrote:In all my years of playing D&D dating back to my freshman year of high school to today, I've been a great fan of the stories that made D&D ALL of what it is. Playing a table top game meant running a pencil and paper character. This meant having to write, erase, and rewrite information on your sheet. Before long, you'd need to transfer your character to a new sheet as the existing one would deteriorate from use. For years this is what everyone was left with.

Over time, as technology improved, rumor spread of electronic sheets existing. I searched the internet. I found one that supported 2nd edition. It was limited in what it could do, but it allowed printing of a clean character sheet. Not long after I caught word of a new character sheet. I searched the internet and found admin's creation of a dual class character sheet. It did a lot of the calculations for you. This was great. From that sheet in 2003 came the evolution of a more sophisticated, more dynamic character sheet. This sheet has evolved into what is today known as TOS+. This sheet can track the progress of a character from 1st level all the way through any level a player might be willing to work a character through.

Running a character from first through twentieth is easily handled by TOS+ and epic levels above twentieth are just as easy. TOS+ v2.03 allows a choice of systems to be applied; D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder's beta play test. This allows The Only Sheet to continue to grow and evolve.

Are you looking to create a custom item, spell, class, and/or race? No problem. TOS+ is designed to make this a not so complicated task to accomplish. It does take a little work on the user's part, but once the basics are entered, the rest becomes fully automated. The sheet calculates all synergies/effects of feats, skills, items, age, weight, spells, and any other variables known fluidly and nearly flawlessly.

The best thing about TOS+ is it's still not finished. It continues to evolve and keep up to date. While D&D 3.5 may no longer change, the deployment of Pathfinder and TOS+ incorporating these rules into it means new and great things to come. While TOS+ currently incorporates Pathfinder's Beta Rule set, I'm anticipating Pathfinder's release this August '09 of their official System Rules. I expect this may result in a new update for TOS+.

The flexibility of TOS+ 2.03 is not just limited to Customization, Synergy, Tracking, Multiclassing, and Multisystem Functionality. For users able to play from a laptop or computer, TOS+ becomes an even greater tool to use. TOS+ has a sheet specifically designed with a computer in mind. The Laptop Sheet allows live tracking of effects a character may experience from spells or conditions or whatever else may come about in game play. Are you going to level in mid game? Has your party's wizard cast hast on you? The Laptop sheet allows you to track these effects/conditions immediately without having to recalculate and then return you character back. Simply select the effect/condition and select the duration and you're ready to go. in my opinion, this alone makes TOS+ the most powerful tool anyone could ever need.
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Post by admin »

Congratulations goes to Duniagdra for winning Part #3 of the Second Anniversary contest!!!!

Thanks to all who helped decide!

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