[TIP] How to define Multiple-Treasures in the Treasure Sheet

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[TIP] How to define Multiple-Treasures in the Treasure Sheet

Post by admin »

The Treasure! sheet can be used to enter multiple treasures if you wish. This can be useful if you intend on keeping a Log of all the loot found (and sold). Since you can fit near 200 entries in the Treasure sheet, it makes sense to use the available space for different treasures. Here is how.

Let's define a small treasure - A few Masterwork swords, and a nice ring.
MultipleTreasures1.png (12.34 KiB) Viewed 9722 times
As you can see, this Treasure is worth 900 gold pieces.
Now, once we have given out each of the player's shares (225gp for each of the 4 players defined here), we can add a new entry which will 'empty' our total! Simply type Assigned$-900 and this will get our total back to zero!!
MultipleTreasures2.png (10.17 KiB) Viewed 9722 times
If you use this trick, make sure that you have enough space left for the 'next' treasure you will find. You can easily Archive copies of the Loot Divider that contains older (already shared) Treasures - Rename the workbook to include the time period it covers, which will facilitate any search you might need to do at a later time.

Of course, you could also copy&paste the WHOLE treasure to a blank worksheet (which you can easily add to the Lood Divider) and use that as a "master" copy of all the loot found!

I hope these tips were useful!
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