Below, you will find all the new things added or fixed from the previous release. If you detect a Bug or any errors, please report it in the BUG REPORT sub-section that you can locate in the Loot Divider sections of The Only Sheet forums!
Thanks and Enjoy!
APG = Advanced Player's Guide from Paizo
- Added the new Gear from the APG, including:
- Adventuring Gear
- Animal-Related Gear
- Clothing
- Entertainment Items
- Special Substances and Items
- Tools and Skill Kits
- Added the new Armors and magical Armors from the APG
- Added the new Rings from the APG
- Added the new Rods from the APG
- Added the new Shields and magical Shields from the APG
- Added the new Staves from the APG
- Added the new Weapons and magical Weapons from the APG
- Added the new APG magical Abilities for:
- Armor and Shields
- Weapons
- Added the new Wondrous Items from the APG
- The Player's Loot page double the value if the Qty was more than one
- The Player's Loot page did not add in additional monetary totals after Line 16
- Forced the Assigned To: columns of the Treasure! sheet to text
- The value of the Potion of Enlarge person was incorrect