TOS+ Newsletter January 24th, 2013

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TOS+ Newsletter January 24th, 2013

Post by admin »

TOS+ v3.867 with the Barbarians Archetypes and extra Trackers RELEASED!
The next update of the Sheet is now available here for all active subscribers! (if your subscription has expired, click here to renew). It features the Barbarian Archetypes and new rage powers of Ultimate Combat, as well as much more space for Dynamic Trackers! As always, the [ur=]Release Notes[/url] has all the details.

A new section on the Forum has been opened in the resource section: The NPC Codex sub-forum is where you can share your NPC creations! Ealdwulf has already been busy creating the iconic characters and I created a few myself! Join the fun in creating these NPC and share your work! Note that everyone has access to that book, as it is part of the PRD!

3 NEW Videos online!
It has been quite a while since last I made a Video for the Sheet... So to get back in production, I made 3 new videos - one today, and two in December. Check the Video Archives to see the NEW ones! Laptop users will specially like the Dynamic Tracker tutorial!

New PBP seeking players: Escape From Zanzer's Dungeon!
Cain Eyebright will be DMing a new PbP on the Forum, available to any active subscribers! Here is an introduction:
Groggily waking up with a parched throat on a hard floor in a room smelling of stale, unwashed bodies is never the best way to start your day. Realizing that you aren't alone and that one wall is made of bars and not stone like the rest just means that it's going to be even worse than you thought. Your life will be getting very interesting, very soon. A one-shot module for level 1 characters, the players must escape their imprisonment, or face the consequences.

[TOOL] Pathfinder Treasure Generator v2.30 - Ultimate Equipment
CGM3 has updated his Treasure Generator to include the stuff from Ultimate Equipment!
Active subscribers can download this most useful tool HERE.

TOS+ FORUM now open to ANYONE to 'Play-by-Post'!!
I am happy to announce that the The Only Sheet Forum is now OPEN to ANY Play by Post game anyone want to start - even for people who have not acquired TOS+!! The Forum has all the bells & whistles required to support PbP Games - from Dice rolling to special BBCodes. Game Masters can invite their friends and/or other TOS+ Users to join their PbP. Use the Forum to connect and find other gamers all over the world! (more details)

Need something from the UM/UC?
If you need something specific from, the Ultimate Combat/Magic that has yet to be added to TOS+, use the ULTIMATE COMBAT/MAGIC REQUESTS thread to make your request!

Chat presence!
Have a quick question you wanna ask me? Just in Chat and say hi to draw my attention! If present, I'll be more then happy to answer your question or point you to the right direction! Go to the home page to access the chat!

Happy Gaming!
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Cain Eyebright
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Re: [PENDING] TOS+ Newsletter

Post by Cain Eyebright »

New PbP game starting February 9th!

Groggily waking up with a parched throat on a hard floor in a room smelling of stale, unwashed bodies is never the best way to start your day. Realizing that you aren't alone and that one wall is made of bars and not stone like the rest just means that it's going to be even worse than you thought. Your life will be getting very interesting, very soon. A one-shot module for level 1 characters, the players must escape their imprisonment, or face the consequences.
Image | Slarn: Android Spellblade
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