Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

A mother hires a group of heroes to protect her son as he bungles his way through the jungle looking for inspiration for stories to tell.

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Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by holydeg »

Amidst the tumultuous seas of the Eye of Abendego, where tempests rage unrelenting, and the remnants of a once-great city rise from the depths like specters of a forgotten past, our tale begins. Welcome, brave adventurers, to the treacherous yet captivating Sodden Lands.

As your ship, battered by the ceaseless storm, sails toward the drowned city of Hyrantam, a land shrouded in mystery and danger, you find yourselves drawn together by fate's unseen hand. Each of you, from distant lands and diverse backgrounds, has been called upon for a singular purpose: to safeguard the intrepid Ecmund Swiftstout, scion of a lineage hailing from the distant Inner Sea.

Under the employ of Karil Swiftstout, a stalwart Dwarf with a heart set on her son's safety, you embark on a quest of both peril and promise. Ecmund, a seeker of stories amidst the chaos of the untamed wilderness, seeks to gather tales of bravery and adventure, weaving them into legends to be shared across distant shores.

Pixel, the Charhide Goblin Sorcerer, whose fascination with flames rivals the storm's fury, crafts beauty from the earth's depths, while Tover Lastblock, the Gnome Fighter armed with a Flickmace and Spiked Shield, stands resolute against the tempest's wrath. Victor Who'me, a nimble Catfolk Swashbuckler, dances upon the waves with grace and finesse, while Arkyat, the Orc Thaumaturge, delves into arcane mysteries that rival the storm's fury itself. And amidst the shadows, Inva, the Fetchling Psychic, peers into the depths of the unknown, her mind a beacon in the darkness.

Together, you journey into the heart of the Sodden Lands, where danger lurks at every turn and the promise of coin for a job well performed beckons amidst the ruins of a drowned city. Will you brave the storm's fury and carve your own legends amidst jungles beyond the wreckage of Hyrantam, or will the Eye of Abendego claim you as its own? The answer lies within your hands, adventurers, as you step forth into the unknown.

As your ship cuts through the tumultuous waves of the Eye of Abendego, you cling to the deck with grim determination, the salt spray stinging your skin and the roar of the storm deafening your ears. The vessel itself is a weathered behemoth, its timbers groaning in protest against the relentless assault of wind and wave. Tattered sails strain against the gale, their once vibrant colors faded to a ghostly pallor beneath the darkened sky.

Around you, the sea churns with a chaotic frenzy, its surface whipped into a frenzy of foam and spray. Towering waves rise like titans from the depths, their crests crowned with a froth of white as they crash against the ship's hull with bone-rattling force. Lightning dances across the roiling clouds above, illuminating the scene in brief, flickering bursts of brilliance before plunging everything back into shadow.

As your ship navigates the treacherous waters of the Eye of Abendego, your eyes catch glimpses of the drowned city of Hyrantam on the horizon. Though its once towering structures now lie submerged beneath the relentless waves, the city's resilience is evident in the bustling activity that thrives atop the remnants of its former glory.

Upon closer inspection, you see a labyrinth of makeshift structures rising from the water's surface, connected by a web of rope bridges and pulleys. People of all races and creeds bustle about, their voices carrying over the roar of the storm as they go about their daily lives amidst the ruins. Traders hawk their wares from rickety stalls, while fishermen cast their nets into the churning sea, their boats bobbing perilously in the choppy waters.

Despite the ever-present danger posed by the Eye of Abendego, there is a palpable sense of resilience and determination among the city's inhabitants. They have adapted to life amidst the storm, carving out a living amidst the wreckage of their former home.

As your ship draws nearer to the bustling port, you catch glimpses of Hyrantam's inhabitants going about their daily routines. Children play amidst the ruins, their laughter mingling with the sound of crashing waves, while merchants haggle over prices in the crowded marketplace.

Though the city may have fallen from its former glory, there is still a sense of life and vitality that pulses beneath the surface, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who call Hyrantam home. And it is here, amidst the ruins of a drowned city, that your adventure truly begins.

You are aboard the ship the "Storm's Edge", which has been sailing from the ports of Jula, Greenblood, Hell Harbor, Chalk Harbor, Drenchport, Quent, and Port Peril. Where did you join the ship? Have any of you talked with each other? What are you doing as you approach your destination?


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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by admin »

As the big vessel approaches the bustling port, Pixel sighs to himself, ready to get some solid ground under his goblin feet. All the while, he has been uneasy on the ship, with all that water surrounding him... water, that is the enemy of his fire magiks!

Turning to the others, he says with a slight tinge of excitement
Me wants off ship! How 'bout a big fire to get dry? Good, yes? he grins.


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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by rednetra »

Inva joined the ship like 3 days ago what ever port that was.


The fletching who looked a lot like a deep gnome was present the past few days but also kept to herself. After hearing the goblin's words. She speaks in almost a whisper
Master Goblin I do not think fire on the ship is not really safe she smiles softly.
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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by JellyBrains »

Victor the Amurran swashbuckler eyes the Goblin cautiously. "Let me witness your fire sorcery from a safe distance." He flicks water off one ear. "Although I fear I am soaked enough to be waterproof at this point. But let us not test that."
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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by JellyBrains »

Just an FYI and question. One of Victor's main abilities depends on initiative order. Will we be aware of our PC initiative orders or are we going to play that they are fungible within the before/after NPC initiative position?


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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by holydeg »

JellyBrains wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:38 am
Just an FYI and question. One of Victor's main abilities depends on initiative order. Will we be aware of our PC initiative orders or are we going to play that they are fungible within the before/after NPC initiative position?


I was going to run combat the same way admin ran combat in the Whitefang Wyrm Bounty.


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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by JellyBrains »

So if I am in the same before/after NPC initiative group with one or more PCs, I can just ask to go before them to benefit us both? Thx.


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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by JellyBrains »

Victor works his way through the passengers, asking if they had seen another catfolk like him but smaller and stouter. As he does this, he surreptitiously takes a sniff of each. The goblin smells burnt, the gnome smells like fresh-mown lawn, the fetchling like mushrooms and the orc smells like...orc, i.e.; blood and leather.
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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by Jinxs-3d »

Arkyat who boarded the ship back in Quent is eager to dock and find some real food over the ship's meager selection. He's quite content to practice his diplomacy with the others over their time together on board ship. While taking time each day to keep his equipment clean, and dry when possible.
While we'all agree that the warmth of a nice fire would be welcome. The others are right, fer now.
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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by admin »

Of course, not burn ship! Pixel exclaims offended. If burnt, how me return? he asks nobody in particular. He starts pacing back and forth, zig-zagging thru the others as he goes.

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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by Silverstone »

At some natural point during the journey, Tover would try to talk with Ecmund in friendly conversation to get a feel for what type of person he is and to try and size him up that if we do get into a bit of "excitement" will he be someone neutral and let us do our job or do I think he will make bad situations worse... but if I get the impression he wants to be left alone/not talk with "the help" I dont press


Tover gets more and more excited as we near our real destination, just hanging out on a ship is not this gnomes idea of fun at all.. Being in the cabin is worse since on land rooms don't sway, so every day he takes comfort on deck from a sheltered spot to limit the rain to watch horizons as we sailed. Concerned with the effects of salt and rain on his weapons, and with alot of time to pass, he has spent extra time ensuring his weapons stay functional and ready, and making small talk with anyone else sheltering near his spot
Looking at the others Lets help Ecmund get off this ship as soon as we land, the quicker we are standing on stable land the better! Nodding to the seemingly fire obsessed goblin, he says Not sure about a big fire, but wouldn't mind a nice non-swaying fireplace myself and some good food.
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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by holydeg »

I seem to have miscommunicated somewhere. Ecmund is not on the ship. He is already in Hyrantam, waiting for you.


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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by JellyBrains »

What about the mother?


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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by holydeg »

JellyBrains wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 7:31 am
What about the mother?


Karil Swiftstout used the Pathfinder Society to arrange your contract, transportation, and pay for this mission remotely. She is at home in an Inner Sea country far from the Sodden Lands. (Boy, it sure feels like I missed communicating quite a bit here. Sorry.)

Anyone who would like to edit their previous posts to reflect the fact that the Swiftstouts are not on board may do so. Please notify me on Discord if you do.


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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by holydeg »

The city looms large now, and your ship - the “Storm’s Edge” - will be docking soon. Hyrantam stretches before you, the once great city mostly underwater now, all that is left of its ancient buildings being the tops of massive towers. The residents have been resilient though, and have turned these towers into the bases for its new infrastructure. The interiors of the towers are prized shelters from the storm, some turned into markets and other forms of commerce, others house the government, and the rest have been modified into housing – most of these into multi-family dwellings, but the truly elite of the city have claimed some entire towers as personal residences. Built out from the towers, almost like branches from a tree, more recent buildings use the towers as foundations. Made of wood, these are stained black with pitch to protect them from the storm. Spanning the towers is a maze of bridges and pulley systems so that residents can travel safely from one hub to another.

Captain Seraphina Seaborn approaches. A half-elf, years of commanding ships in the storm have hardened Captain Seraphina into a formidable figure, tall and graceful, yet solid as an oak tree, she has piercing sea-green eyes that seem to hold the wisdom of a thousand voyages that commands both respect and admiration from her crew. Her voice carries over the roar of the storm,
"You’d best be gatherin’ your possessions. We dock in 15 minutes." She pulls out a roll of vellum, wrapped tight to protect it from the rain, and hands it to Arkyat. "These are directions to The Canopy’s Rest and to the local chapter of the Pathfinder Society."

The Canopy’s Rest is the inn where Karil said you would find Ecmund, who has been told by the Pathfinder Society to expect you. Directions to the Pathfinder Society have been left for you as they will be booking your passage from Hyrantam after Ecmund’s excursion is over.
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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by admin »

Pixel examines the city as the ship draws closer. Pondering a moment he states: Hmm no farmland. Fruits & Veggies costly here. Fishies, not so much! he smiles at his brilliant analysis, and wondering how good the Fish would be here. Doubt then clouds his face; Any fishing boats here? he ponders out loud.

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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by rednetra »

Vran will pack her belongings and then reach out for the Vellem using mage hand to bring it to her. Not opening it just yet due to the weather.

I think I am ready
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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by holydeg »

admin wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 12:51 pm Pixel examines the city as the ship draws closer. Pondering a moment he states: Hmm no farmland. Fruits & Veggies costly here. Fishies, not so much! he smiles at his brilliant analysis, and wondering how good the Fish would be here. Doubt then clouds his face; Any fishing boats here? he ponders out loud.
Looking out to sea, Pixel receives a splash of salt water in his eyes before he can ascertain the answer to his question about fishing boats.
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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by JellyBrains »

Victor gathers his things. and looks good doing it.
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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by Jinxs-3d »

Arkyat glares at Inva and will allow the vellum to slip from his hand and growls:
Ye could just ask if it's that important to ya

He will grab his gear and be ready to disembark. Keeping his regalia ready in one hand.
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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by Silverstone »

Tover quickly gathers his gear, very eager to get on land.
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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

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Pixel, wiping the salty water from his stinking eyes, nods his readiness, his backpack already perched on his shoulders.
Stoopid salty waters he mutters to himself in Goblin.

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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by holydeg »

Captain Serphina must love punctuality, because exactly 15 minutes later the ship finishes docking and the five of you gratefully disembark for “dry” land. Casting their eyes about, Inva spots a partially collapsed stone structure nearby. Its weathered walls and crumbling pillars hint at it former grandeur, but now it stands as little more than a shadow of its former self, half-submerged in the murky waters.

Despite its dilapidated state, the structure offers a semblance of shelter from the storm. A portion of the roof remains intact, providing a makeshift canopy under which refuge could be taken momentarily.
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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by rednetra »

In a judging the area points to the male shift shelter
I think that alcove area might get us dry for a few moments enough to check the map and look for our charge she will then walk ever so nimbaly over to the shelter
Sorry for taking the map I miss read it and did not see the captain handed it to someone.

Also any time Inva talks it is with a whisper


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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by admin »

We need a fire, yes? Me build one, ok? Pixel says, hugging his arms around himself for warmth.
He will look around to see a firepit or similar place and see if he can find something to burn. He will not venture too far from the others, to be able to herm them.

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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by Silverstone »

Tover looks at the group, lets check the map while out of the rain.. He looks at the goblin the faster we get to where we need to be, the sooner we all can be near a fire.

Tover walks towards the shelter, glancing behind to see if the group is coming. As he approaches, he is wary/checking if someone is not already there.
was there other passengers? Did most go in the same general direction until we lost sight of them?


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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by holydeg »

Silverstone wrote: Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:22 am
was there other passengers? Did most go in the same general direction until we lost sight of them?


The other passengers were merchants, who are currently working to get their merchandise off the ship.


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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by JellyBrains »

Victor sashays over to the shelter. THINKING: Getting used to the wet is harder than I remember. Aaah, youth!
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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by rednetra »

Once everyone is out of the rain in the makeshift shelter
Ivna will check around for any unwanted eyes and then if safe will unroll the map as flat as she can.
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Re: Sodden Stories: Scene 1 - Hyrantam

Post by Jinxs-3d »

Arkyat will follow with the others as they make their way to the presumed shelter.

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