Replacement Players Wanted [CLOSED]

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Replacement Players Wanted [CLOSED]

Post by patransom »

I've had some players drop out in a couple of my PbP games here. If you're interested in taking over an existing character, post here. In both cases, I will give you the option of creating your own character to join the game a little later on, if you desire (it's not possible to insert new characters at this point in the action, but opportunities will be coming up).

In Welcome to Perearth, the available character is Tana, a female human monk.
Tana Lattia.tos
In my D20 Modern game, Brave New Perearth, the available character is Dr. Tividius Alexander, a dedicated/smart hero (and a doctor, obviously). If Dr. Alexander is not your type, it would also be possible to take over Linda Thompson, a charismatic hero (slightly scatterbrained).
Tividius Alexander.tos
Linda Thompson.tos
The same players have also dropped out of my third game, The Veil of Ignorance. I've managed to write their characters out of the action, so I'm not actively recruiting replacements. However, if someone were really, really interested in that game, there are several characters (even some NPCs, if desired) that could possibly be taken over.
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Re: Replacement Players Wanted

Post by Ludyee »

Let me know if you still need a replacement. I am willing to give it a go and will subscribe as I know it is necessary to join a PbP game.

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Re: Replacement Players Wanted

Post by patransom »

Yes, I do. Although you shouldn't join the modern game because it's Age of Worms and could be rather spoilerific :)
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Re: Replacement Players Wanted

Post by Ludyee »

I will seek to avoid any spoilerific threads.

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Re: Replacement Players Wanted

Post by admin »

Is this still in need of a replacement player?
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Re: Replacement Players Wanted

Post by Duniagdra »

Though I like to consider myself open minded in Role Playing, I've never taken on playing characters of the Female Persuasion. I'm not familiar with Modern in the least bit, but how much does that really mean? I'm open for taking on ANY character's you still have open, even Vail. I would like though, once I have a feel of what's going on in any of these games I jump into, to develop a new replacement character at some point down the road, something of my own, if that can be worked in. Unless of course I get to liking the character I'm taking over.

A new list of needed players for what characters would be helpful. Does your Modern Game use TOS Modern that shai-hulud was working on, or are you using TOS+ customized?

I have no problem jumping into all three games.

Image Marcus Tilsworth - Human Sorcerer
Image Agrous: Human Cleric
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Re: Replacement Players Wanted

Post by patransom »

Richard - response to Duniagdra below explains the status of the games/players wanted.

D - Welcome to Perearth is filled up.

The Veil game doesn't really *need* a player and there's no opportunity to introduce a new character. That said, there are plenty of characters waiting in the wings who you could take over and jump back into the main plotline. The concept of the game is such that no one had initial control of who their character was (race, gender, stats, and early background were all randomly determined), so creating a new character wouldn't exactly be building your own from scratch anyway. If you want to join that game, though, I can give you one of the existing "waiting in the wings" characters (with their race, gender, stats, and early background) and let you "rebuild" them from level 1 up. That way, you're starting from the same character build situation that everyone else did. PM me if you're interested in that.

For the Modern game, I definitely need a player. If you prefer to not take an existing character, you can build a new character there right away. The only caveat will be that they won't be able to jump in until the party decides to retreat and rest in town. I think that will happen soon, though (in the next couple weeks of real time). We are using TOS+ customized, because shai's TOS modern isn't quite ready for prime time yet. What do you say to that?
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