
A game that seems to change settings every couple of years; currently following the Age of Worms Adventure Path.

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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by patransom »

The short thug glares at Cyrius, but he and his fellows step aside and allow the party to approach the front door of Smenk's home, a somewhat run-down looking mansion. A knock on the door is answered by a scantily-clad, unhappy-looking woman who reeks of perfume. When Cyrius repeats his explanation that the party has business with Balabar Smenk, the woman sighs and says, Follow me. But stay single file in the center of the hallway. Don't go near the walls.

The front halls of the mansion are completely empty, except for an odd metal railing along both walls. The purpose of the railing soon becomes clear when a creature rushes around the corner and attempts to grab Lola. It is a great white ape, attached to the railing by a length of chain that keeps those in the exact center of the hallway just out of its reach. Frustrated, the ape follows the party down the hall, straining at its chain in an effort to get hold of various party members, but failing because they have all followed the woman's instruction and remain far from the railings.

Finally, the woman shows the group into an interior sitting room. In the middle of the room, Balabar Smenk, an ugly, corpulent man, sits in a chair that seems to visibly strain under his weight. The stink of perfume is even worse here. Apparently, Balabar drenches himself in the stuff. The ape railings continue around all four walls of this room. It appears safe to stand just inside the large doorway, but otherwise the size of the room is such that the apes can easily reach the center, including the chair where the fat man sits. In spite of this, they do not attack Smenk. Two of the creatures sit peacefully next to his chair. The third ape, which followed the party into the room, also lopes over to sit in front of the man.

With a sigh, the woman announces, Milord, these folk claim to be the ones who interfered with your friend at the Observatory. You sent for them?

Balabar replies, Oh, yes. Thank you, my darling. You may go. After the woman sulks away, he addresses you, So you lot are the ones that fool Filge was complaining about? I hope you realize you've caused him a bit of a setback and, in turn, this creates a rather serious inconvenience for me?
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by CGM3 »

Cyrius responds to Smenk's remarks with as nonchalant a confidence as he can muster. When different folk pursue their various goals in ignorance of each other, 'tis not uncommon for them to find themselves working at cross purposes. Your man Filge had taken something we had been contracted to retrieve; we were unaware of your involvement with him.
So the character with the 10 Charisma and no ranks in Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive is doing the negotiations with an underworld boss? To quote a certain roguish starship captain, "I've got a bad feeling about this."


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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by kabkal »

Lola does her usual step up and stand up straight (wink wink). Sorry if we inconvenienced you. That was not our intent. Is this why you called us in to you, or did you have something else to talk to us about?

Diplomacy [dice=totalonly]0[/dice]
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by Duniagdra »

Look, we have much more important business to address. Filge said you might be interested in contracting us to assist you in some trouble in a particular mine. We came as a courtesy, though we had no obligation. Get down to the fact of why you called for us, or we'll just be on our way back to what we are here for.

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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by Duniagdra »

I rolled a bluff because Marcus is nether tough or intimidating, but he's trying to appear so. I think he may have pulled it off.


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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by patransom »

Rather surprisingly, Smenk seems unimpressed by Lola's assets. He also rolls his eyes at Marcus' attempt at bravado. Still, he doesn't seem particularly angry, only a bit stern, as he replies, Yes. I called you here because you caused a major setback to Filge's operation. An operation of utmost importance to me. In recompense for the inconvenience to me, I want you to handle the problem that Filge is no longer capable of handling by himself.

Now, before you start whinging about how this isn't your fault, you didn't know, et cetera... let me explain. The problem I hired Filge to deal with is one that could soon trouble the entire town, so it's your problem as much as it is mine. If you don't help me with it now, you probably will have to deal with it later, when you no longer have my resources to back you. Also, the people causing the problem seem fairly well equipped with the sort of gear and goodies you adventuring types love to collect. In other words, there's loot in it for you. I don't even want a cut. I just want these... people dealt with.

He smiles magnanimously and waits for a response.
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by CGM3 »

A reasonable attitude, Cyrius opines amicably. Who are these people, and what problem might they present?
Over on Discord, I go by Gryphon
"And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, for if you hit a man with a plowshare, he's going to know he's been hit." - The Wisdom of Nodwick
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"I know, the first rule of Robot Fight Club is, you don't talk about Robot Fight Club." - Jack Darby, Transformers Prime
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by Duniagdra »

Disappointed that Smenk was unimpressed or remotely effected by his best show of bravado, Marcus nonchalantly says: Then you'll need to give us all the intelligence you have on these people and the mine. If you have a recent schematic of the mine, even better. If it's not so recent, then at least we'd have a portion of it to work from.
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by kabkal »

Lola backs down trying to disappear in the group listening to what is being said.
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by tdsprouse »

Tex was mostly quiet, only grunting now and then in agreement.
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by patransom »

Good, says Smenk, I'm glad you are a reasonable bunch, in spite of your treatment of poor old Filge. He chortles.

Let me tell you the whole story. It's long, but I want you to have all the details. Smenk explains, My primary business is mining, but like most wise businessman, I've diversified into all types of industries around Rastingdrung. And I've got connections throughout the region. People around town know, if they need provisions that are unusual or in large quantities, I'm the man to see. So, maybe two months ago, my colleague and fellow mine owner, the dwarf Ragnolin Dourstone came to see me. Ragnolin was looking to obtain large quantities of food, supplies, and weapons. Now, while I was certainly capable of providing what he asked for at reasonable prices, I was curious as to why Ragnolin would need them. Especially the weapons...

So, as part of the negotiations, Ragnolin invited me to a meeting in his mine: the Dourstone Mine, it's the one right in the middle of town, I'm sure you know. I had just arrived when I was grabbed from behind by cold, unliving hands and blindfolded. Whoever or whatever it was that captured me led me deep into the mine. Guessing from how far we traveled, we went well below where ordinary mining operations ought to be. When they finally took off the blindfold, I was in some kind of wizard's laboratory. There was this... man... Absolutely terrifying... Smenk seems genuinely frightened.

He wore green robes and a leather mask set with iron studs. His hands were covered with mystical tattoos. He explained that he was the leader of an organization called the Triad of Sixes and he started threatening me, Balabar shakes his head sadly. He said, if I knew what was good for me, I would provide what Dourstone was requesting at a ridiculously low price! This wizard -- he called himself the Faceless One -- said, if I didn't do it, then I would face the whole wrath of the Triad and their Overgod, whatever that is. He said this cult of his had access to great divine powers and an army of unkillable zombies, brought with them from the southern hills.

Now, I don't mind telling you this had me pretty spooked! I've heard the rumors about unkillable zombies from the south, and from the swamps to the west. And I saw more than a few shadowy figures lurking about the edges of the laboratory. Still, I had to stand up for my rights as a businessman. I told this Faceless One fellow that he would pay an appropriate and perfectly reasonable price for his supplies. There was some back and forth and the meeting ended at a bit of an impass. They took me back to the surface, but not before I secretly snatched something from the shelves of the laboratory. Something I figured might be useful as evidence against this Cult. It was some kind of segmented green worm in a jar. Filge has been studying it for me. Balabar seems rather proud of himself.

So, I came up with a smart way to hold position in the negotiations. At least, it seemed smart at the time, Smenk shakes his head again. I gave them at the prices they demanded, but shipped them mostly spoiled food and broken weapons. That, I thought, would teach them that they get what they pay for... I was wrong... Smenk begins to stammer a bit. It was just a few weeks ago... I woke up one morning and there was something in my bed... Something that hadn't been there the night before... It was my good friend and servant, Mestal Fixx... But just his head, cut off at the neck! That's when I knew they had me over a barrel. If they could take out Mestal, then sneak past my apes to plant that warning, who knows what they're cabable of? I've had no choice these past weeks but to supply them with what they want at the prices they want!

Regaining his composure somewhat, Balabar continues, So, that's why I called in my old friend, Filge. Who better than an undead expert to deal with a Cult armed with undead, right? He promised me an army capable of dealing with these evil-doers. But now that's shot, thanks to you...

Balabar pauses his story to wait for reactions.
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by kabkal »

Lola asks ” what do you want from us?”
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by CGM3 »

Has Filge learned anything from that segmented green worm-creature you, mm, liberated? Cyrius winders. If he hasn't, we've a friend who might be able to glean some knowledge.
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by patransom »

Balabar replies, What I want from you is to eliminate these cultists. Remove the threat to our way of life here in Rastingdrung. I have an inside man in Dourstone's operation and, because of that, a means to get you into the cult's lair. He can explain the details.

He adds, The green worm is something very bad, according to Filge, related to the unkillable zombies the masked wizard mentioned. It would be best to have him explain. He's the undead expert. I trust you will find his expertise useful, so I will be assigning him, along with my inside man, to help you take care of the cult.

Darling! he yells, calling for his scantily-clad serving woman. When the sullen slave appears, he instructs her, Send some of the boys to fetch Evan Prost and Filge. Tell them it's time to act and to get here right away.

Within five minutes, the woman returns, leading two men down the hallway to Smenk's audience room. One is a halfling you've not met before. The other is the necromancer, Filge. Good, Balabar chortles, You boys have learned not to keep me waiting. He gestures to Cyrius, Lola, Tex, and Marcus, These people are going to help us deal with our problem. Prost, explain to them the plan for getting into the cult's lair under Dourstone Mine. Filge, they want to know more about the green worm I acquired from the cult's laboratory...
smeltdm and JPetherick will be playing the two new arrivals. So, you're getting not only a rogue, but also a necromancer, which should be helpful given what's coming. Welcome aboard.


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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by Duniagdra »



With the arrival of the two men, and their apparent entry to the team, Marcus nods to the two men and awaits their input.
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by smeltdm »

Evan Prost looks at Balabar with contempt that even a blind man could see, but turns his attention to the group that has assembled.
Name is Evan Prost and you’re all going to be pulling or pushing carts as part of my team to provide supplies to the Cultists. This will be our cover to get us close to what appears to be an ancient stone double door. We are working for a weak minded competitor of Balabar's by the name of Ragnolin Dourstone. He appears to of been enchanted into providing supplies to the cultists, and as far as can tell nothing else. So as long as we don't interfere with his mining operations on the way down we shouldn't have any problems with him.
The passage from the Dourstone mine to the Cult's base is not only deep, but also long. It leads far east of the Dourstone Mine entrance, almost underneath the Ziggurat of Many Steps. Once we get the supplies to the stone door we leave them and some women, tieflings I think, will come out to take them through the door.
I did get a peek through the door, saw some sort of underground church with runes on the walls. Never seen anything that old, looked ancient.

Prost pauses for a moment So unless anyone has any questions this is how we’re going to get to where the Triad of Sixes is holed up. Dourstone expects me to make the next delivery in two days.

And as an afterthought Prost looks to Balabar and back at the group...... Seems there is some bad blood between our BOSS and Dourstone. So it might not be wise to let it be known to Dourstone or his men who were working for. Prost looks to Balabar.......Isn’t that right BOSS, they been stealing from you, Dourstone and them cultists. Prost watches Balabar, hoping his last comments would get him annoyed.
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by kabkal »

Lola looks at the new people smiles and then looks annoyed at being a slave. She starts to open her mouth in protest and then realizes this may be the only way to accomplish the task at hand.
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by tdsprouse »

The arrival of someone new seems to put the grumpy dwarf in an even more sour mood. And having to deal with a dead loving wizard makes it even more foul.

hugnh. he said with a nod.

Welcome guys. Sorry, Tex is grumpy. It'll be fine. :D


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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by JPetherick »

Filge rubs his pale hands together as he nervously licks his lips. After all, these people had previously defeated him and now he is being asked to work with them.

This, says Filger as he presents a vial containing a green worm. This is very rare. And very dead, too, fortunately. It used to be part of a Spawn of Yog. Have you ever heard of that? Probably not. I could tell you a lot about them but that is probably left for a better time.

Filge glances around to see if the adventurers are listening. The Spawn was probably the 'unkillable' zombie that Mr. Smenk head about. Mind you, unkillable is really how you'd describe undead. Un-destroyable. Unstoppable, unrelenting, unsatisfying, unfillable ... those are better adjectives. They are powerful, though ... the Spawn of Yog, I mean. If the cultists have a Spawn working for them it could be quite a challenge to stop them ... and, I suppose, a threat to the community, too. The Spawn look like zombies but are full of these worms. And you have to be careful fighting them, too, because these worms can infect the living. Not really parasites, of course, since they usually kill within a day and then animate the corpse.

These worms are the real problem. Research tells me that they aren't really of this world but actually come from the Outer Darkness. I see that you haven't heard of it - it's a plane of madness and chaos that lies on the outermost edges of the planes, beyond even the Void or Astral Plane that is surrounds this and most other planes. The worms make the Spawn of Yog extremely difficult to kill on this plane.
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by CGM3 »

Is there some method or weapon that is most efficacious against these Spawn? Cyrius asks. Are they susceptible to fire, or something like silver or cold iron, or do they have some weakness we might be able to exploit?
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by JPetherick »

Filger stammers for a moment as he tries to collect his thoughts and formulate a response.
Knowledge: Religion check to determine weaknesses of Spawn of Yog


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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by JPetherick »

After he has collected his thoughts, Filge continues to speak.

The problem, as I had said, is the worms. Unless they are destroyed, the Spawn of Yog will regenerate and continue to fight. I believe that magics normally used for treating diseases and magical afflictions will sever the connection between the worms and their home plane. If you simply want to escape, though, it is possible to damage a Spawn so severely that they cannot pursue. Unlike normal zombies, the Spawn of Yog can be easily damaged by daggers and clubs.

The necromancer glances at his companions to determine if they were listening.

Remove Curse or Remove Disease apparently works.


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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by CGM3 »

Always good to know a possible opponent's weaknesses, Cyrius opines. Wonder if it would be worthwhile to find a wand of curing wounds to use as a weapon against these things, provided one of us can activate it.
Presumably, a healing surge to injure undead would have the same effect.


Over on Discord, I go by Gryphon
"And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, for if you hit a man with a plowshare, he's going to know he's been hit." - The Wisdom of Nodwick
"Nothing says love like two hundred feet of parachute cable and a cargo net." - Fred Jones, Scooby Doo: Mystery Inc.
"I know, the first rule of Robot Fight Club is, you don't talk about Robot Fight Club." - Jack Darby, Transformers Prime
"Always. Expect. Ninjas." - Sydney Scoville, Grrl Power
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by patransom »

To clarify in pure game rules terms: the Spawn of Yog can be hurt by any means that normally hurt undead. They don't even have the DR that normal zombies do. You can bring them to really, really negative hp. But the only way to stop them from regenerating is to use remove curse or remove disease. This kills the worms and turns them into normal zombies.


Balabar Smenk mostly ignores the discussion about the Spawn of Yog. He replies, though, to Evan Prost's comment. Although he frowns at Evan's tone, he nods his head at what the halfling says, It's true that Ragnolin Dourstone and I are business rivals. He would be suspicious of people in my employ wandering around his mine even under normal circumstances, probably doubly so while he's under the spell of these cultists. And yes, these cultists have been stealing from me. But my greater concern is the threat they represent to our fair town...
If you make a DC20 Sense Motive check, you can read thisShow
Balabar Smenk is genuinely frightened of the cultists. But it's his own hide he's concerned about, he doesn't care about the town.
We can continue with any preparations you want to make in this thread. Further discussion with Balabar Smenk, talking to anyone else in town, any shopping you need to do... all fair game.

Just let me know when you are ready and we will move forward two days and start a new thread begin the assault on the Triad of Sixes cult.


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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by smeltdm »

Prost's Sense Motive Check: [dice=totalonly]0[/dice]
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by Duniagdra »

WhenI get home tonight, I'll make my SM roll. I'm on my phone now.


Looking to his company, and the two new members, Marcus offers a thought.
Maybe we could pool some coins together and buy some wands with the proper magic to negate the worms.
He looks to Smenk. Or perhaps our employer might provide them as his commitment to this mission?
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by JPetherick »

It would be pricy, but very likely worthwhile, replies Filge. Unfortunately, I cannot ... ahem ... contribute to the purchase right now.
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by Duniagdra »



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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by tdsprouse »

Tex cleared his throat, Uh, a couple scrolls would probably be sufficient and cost a good deal less. The tricky part, with either a wand or scroll, will be getting the damned thing to work.
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Re: [Active Thread] Rastingdrung

Post by patransom »

Duniagdra wrote:Looking to his company, and the two new members, Marcus offers a thought.
Maybe we could pool some coins together and buy some wands with the proper magic to negate the worms.
He looks to Smenk. Or perhaps our employer might provide them as his commitment to this mission?
Unfortunately, replies Smenk, The blackmail these cultists are subjecting me to has severely strapped my finances, what with all of my ongoing duties to my many employees. I simply don't have any more resources to commit, beyond supplying you with the services of Proust and Filge.
This requires a DC25 sense motive checkShow
Smenk is full of crap
If you decide to ask around town to locate items for remove disease or remove curse, you will not find any wands. Valkus Dun, the High Priest at the Temple of Athena, has a single scroll of Remove Curse, but he will demand a high price (750 gp) for it, since it's his only one. Benazel, the alchemist at the Smelting House, currently has 5 potions of Remove Disease in stock at the standard price (750 gp each). However, using these on a Spawn of Yog would require getting the creature to drink them. Generally, you'd have to knock the Spawn out first and force the potion down its throat before it heals to consciousness.

You could get one of the merchants to special order scrolls or wands from Tula, but they would take more than 2 days to arrive.


Image Humble Servant of the Wormgod
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