Using imgur to host images off-site!

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Using imgur to host images off-site!

Post by admin »

This explains how to use imgur to host your images on their site - which helps the community in maintaining a smaller footprint!

1 - Create a free account on and add an image:

2- Drop your image file onto this area.

3 - While hovering on your newly uploaded image, click the 3 dots in the upper right of the image and select Get Share Links.

4 - In the Share Options, click on the green Copy Link for BBCode forums.The IMG code you need to use on the forum is now in your CLIPBOARD! You can PASTE that link in your forum thread.

Alternative: If you go to your IMAGES section (upper right, click your account and select Images) you can a dashboard of all your images. You can easily click on any one of your images library and get a list of ALL the available links - just grab the BBCode link to use on the forums!

All the images above are hosted on IMGUR!

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