When a draconic predator threatens the food supply of a northern village, it is up to a group of heroes to track the creature back to its lair and end the threat it poses.
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Post by Jinxs-3d »

I'm not against sleeping in the wild and with that caravan, but I surely miss the warmth of a nice inn and something other than my bedroll.
He looks up at the tall elf (Falas) and nods in agreement.
I agree with the elf, we should check the general store first.
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Post by JellyBrains »

I'll join you in the inn.I want to get a feel for the country.Van walks to the edge of town to get a feel for the terrain nature check 12
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Post by rednetra »

The fidgety Gnome will look at Van I’ll join you and take a look around. He will mumble a few words in a dialect none of you should know and then bound after Van in the form of an arctic fox and starts looking around
Knowledge nature roll 18
Fox perception roll 27
I used my perception since was not sure I got a bonus from the fox


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Post by ElectroZman »

Siril feels like he's ready to go. It's a hunt.

If it's to be tomorrow morning, he'll drink some mead, wine or ale to pass the time, then sleep it off. He has a few silver to spare unless someone else decides to sweet talk the innkeeper...

He's ready bright and early.
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Post by admin »

Falas and Mazer, with a shared sense of purpose, make their way to the bustling heart of the village, their footsteps crunching through the thick layer of snow. Their destination is the local General Store, a sight that stands out from the surrounding buildings. A two-story house, larger than most, proudly displays a simple yet inviting sign that reads "General Store." As they approach, they can't help but notice the frost-covered windows of the second story, suggesting it might serve as living quarters for the store's proprietor.

Upon entering, a melodic chime resonates through the air, announcing their presence to the store's occupants. Their eyes scan the well-stocked shelves, showcasing an array of equipment and supplies, albeit familiar ones they have encountered countless times before in their adventurous lives. The absence of other customers within the store adds a layer of tranquility to the atmosphere.

Soon, their attention is drawn to a door behind a counter situated at the back of the store. Emerging from it, a middle-aged woman, her face mirroring years of experience and wisdom, greets them warmly. Her ample bosom and striking deep blue eyes lend her an air of kindness and familiarity.

With a warm smile, she addresses them, her voice filled with genuine curiosity and helpfulness
. Greetings, friends, she begins, her words carrying a soothing tone. May I be of assistance to you today? Are you in search of something specific, or perhaps seeking guidance on your journey? Her willingness to assist is evident, extending beyond mere transactions to a genuine interest in their needs and desires.

Before making their way to the comfort of the inn, the rest of the group decides to take a leisurely stroll to the outskirts of Aaminiut. The western side of the village offers a breathtaking vista of the frozen lake, its icy expanse stretching out before them. Their gazes wander further, catching a glimmer of water in the distance, where the stubborn grip of winter has yet to claim that particular part of the bay.

Along the frozen water's edge, they notice numerous small boats meticulously positioned, clearly stored away for the winter season. Large tarps are carefully draped over them, serving as protective shields against the encroaching snow. A fascinating sight unfolds as racks and lines, adorned with a variety of fish, are scattered around, left to dry in the unforgiving cold climate. The fragrant aroma of fish fills the air, especially noticeable when the wind carries the scent downwind, creating an olfactory symphony.

Three villagers move about their tasks, their attention seemingly diverted from the approaching group. Engrossed in their own affairs, they pay little heed to the visitors who have ventured into their domain, their glances fleeting and passing by without a second thought.

Meanwhile, Zan taps into his transformative druidic abilities, assuming the form of a small fox. His senses sharpened, he begins a meticulous exploration of the area, sniffing around the area with an inquisitive nature. After a brief but thorough investigation around each racks, he discerns nothing of concern. The scent of fish fills his nostrils, their varying species subtly distinguishable to his keen senses. The signs are clear that this place has been a hub of fish handling for countless years, a testament to the village's long-standing relationship with the waters that sustain them.

Just as Zan is about to conclude his appraisal, his peripheral vision catches a sudden movement. A villager, clearly startled by the presence of a fox among the fish racks, darts toward him with a palpable sense of alarm. Gripping a deadly harpoon, the villager's intent is unmistakable, and a potentially dangerous encounter hangs in the balance...

ZAN: Roll an initiative (perception check) to see if you are able to act before the incoming attack is launched...! (Other players remain unaware of this situation at this time...)


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Post by Jinxs-3d »

Actually we could use some guidance. We are new to your village. Some of the village elders have asked us to track down this beast stalking and stealing the fish catch. Replies Mazer to the seemingly kind lady. We were also curious of what you might have here to aid us?
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Post by admin »

Is Mazer specifically trying to deceive the lady by stating he was asked to track down a beast? If this is the case, please roll a Lie (Deception) skill check! Mazer was not specifically "asked" to handle this; Mazer came to know about a Bounty he saw posted and volunteered, with some newly found companions, to do something about it...
{I realize we are stuck with words in the confine of a PbP, so I need to make sure of your intentions before proceeding...!}


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Post by JellyBrains »

Zan was accompanying Van. Does Van get a chance to notice the attack?


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Post by admin »

JellyBrains wrote: Wed Jun 21, 2023 9:41 am Zan was accompanying Van. Does Van get a chance to notice the attack?
(Other players remain unaware of this situation at this time...)


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Post by Silverstone »

Falas nods at the store owner and adds to Mazer's discussion We just wrapped up being the arriving caravan's guards, and we saw the bounty posted about something destroying your nets and taking your fish, and we are willing to help. Do you happen to have heard anything about the situation?
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Post by Jinxs-3d »

admin wrote: Tue Jun 20, 2023 11:45 pm
Is Mazer specifically trying to deceive the lady by stating he was asked to track down a beast? If this is the case, please roll a Lie (Deception) skill check! Mazer was not specifically "asked" to handle this; Mazer came to know about a Bounty he saw posted and volunteered, with some newly found companions, to do something about it...
{I realize we are stuck with words in the confine of a PbP, so I need to make sure of your intentions before proceeding...!}


No, Mazer is not trying to lie to the lady. The elders posted a bounty asking for help. We have volunteered. It’s perhaps a matter of perspective. More operator error, not character.
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@Falas and @Mazer:
With a warm smile directed at Falas and Mazer, Gertrude, the proprietor of the General Store, interjects with a hint of excitement in her voice.Ah, yes! I've heard rumblings among the fishermen about organizing a bounty to deal with the creature that's been pilfering their catches. An agreement has been reached, and preparations are underway! Her eyes sparkle with anticipation as she shares this tidbit of local news.

Gertrude's pride in the hardworking fishermen of Aaminiut shines through her words.Our fishermen endure the harsh cold of the seasons, dedicating themselves to securing enough fish and game to sustain the village and even sell to those down south. Our dried fish has earned a reputation of excellence! Her voice carries a sense of admiration for the efforts of those who brave the elements for the sake of their community.

Introducing herself and her husband as the owners of the General Store, Gertrude gestures toward the assortment of goods surrounding her. I'm Gertrude, and should you require any specific items or supplies, I'm here to assist you. However, I must confess that when it comes to hunting down this elusive animal, my expertise is limited. I'm no hunter myself! A warm chuckle accompanies her admission, signifying her good-natured acceptance of her own limitations.

Glancing at Mazer, curiosity mingled with a touch of cautious skepticism colors Gertrude's tone. Please forgive me if I speak out of turn, but I must ask: Can a goblin truly navigate the challenges of hunting in this unforgiving cold climate? We rarely encounter goblins in these parts, and my knowledge of them suggests that their prey tends to be no larger than a chicken. A subtle blush graces her cheeks as she expresses her concern, clearly hoping her words have not caused offense to her esteemed guest.
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Post by Jinxs-3d »

Mazer chuckles at the question, his large toothy mouth grinning broadly.
Mistress Gertrude, my people do have quite the reputation. We are changing rapidly, and we are hardy folk. For myself, I'm tall for a goblin, and stronger than I look. The goddess Milani guides me to keep others free from tyranny and slavery, as I was once freed years ago.

He pauses for a moment.
To be honest though, I do hope the snow is not too deep, and I do enjoy chicken.
Are there any supplies you would recommend before we head out?
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Post by rednetra »

Initiative roll = 12
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With lightning-quick reflexes, the fisherman hurls his harpoon toward Zan, who remains transformed into a fox less than 20 feet away. Mesmerized by the display of skill and precision, Zan can only watch in awe as the hefty weapon cuts through the air, tracing a magnificent arc. Yet, to the Druid's surprise, luck or fate seems to intervene, for the harpoon veers off course, striking one of the fish racks positioned to Zan's right with a resounding thud. A curse escapes the fisherman's lips as he urgently cries out, FOX! FOX! The intensity in his voice carries the weight of warning, a call to alert his fellow villagers to the presence of a predator sniffing around the drying racks teeming with freshly caught fish.
What does Zan do? Everyone else except @Falas and @Mazer can also act, as you have heard the fisherman's warning (Consider you are are within 30 ft of Zan, who, thanks to his small size, was able to maneuver under the fish racks as he was sniffing around)
:>: The order will be first to post, first to act! (and NO, I am not starting combat... I suspect you don't want to start killing Villagers... right? >:) )


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Post by JellyBrains »

Van looks around for Zan, whom he had seen transform. :d20: perception check 24 He calls out to the fisherman, "Stop! Stop! That's not a wild animal!"
if a diplomacy roll is needed 21


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Post by Relkyn »

Ixil bravely walks into the inn and talks to the Innkeeper. We would like lodging for the night. Our group is helping with the monster that is plaguing your town and bringing down your prosperity. The group of us would like a few rooms for a small sum along with dinner and breakfast. The first mead should be included with the meal and we will pay for subsequent drinks. Most of us would like to clean up a bit before we head after the beast. So if you have a bath that we can use with hot water that would be great. The better fed and decent sleep accommodations we have, the better we can help your town, and get your prosperity back.What can you do to help us help you?THINKING: If we have to sleep outside in the cold we can do that, but no noble of my rank should have to do that without actually being on a trip out of civilization. What little of it there is here.

Ixil waits patiently for his response.
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Post by admin »

Since your group has split up, I've build this to keep track of who's where!!

General Store of Aaminiut (interior location):
  • Falas (Elven Rogue)
  • Mazer (Goblin Champion)
Western shore of Aaminiut (exterior location):
  • Van (Human Cleric)
  • Zan (Gnome Druid)
The White Seal Inn (interior location) {This is the DEFAULT location when not specified}:
  • Ixil (Gnome bard)
  • Siril (Elven Ranger)
REMINDER: Remember that you SAW the Bounty being posted on the board outside by merchant Bjorn the Blade and the Erutaki elder Seshu a few minutes ago! Do not assume that everyone in this 3,000+ town are instantly aware of this posting, nor that all of them would necessarily CARE about issues others might be experiencing... ! >:) {Like in the real world, right? ;) )


General Store of Aaminiut (interior location) {FALAS + MAZER}

With a friendly smile directed at Mazer, Gertrude acknowledges the prevailing reputation often associated with goblins. Indeed, goblins have not always been known for their civility. However, it's evident that you defy the stereotypes of the more barbaric versions, she remarks, a genuine warmth in her tone. Her grin widens, highlighting her appreciation for Mazer's unique character.

Shifting her focus to their potential needs, Gertrude ponders for a moment before suggesting a specific item. In terms of supplies, snowshoes might prove useful, especially considering the terrain and weather. However, they do come at a price at 12 GP per pair. She briefly reflects on the potential expense, recognizing the impact it may have on their budget. But overall, as long as you avoid traversing through extensive, untouched snow, you should be fine without them. We have a range of standard supplies available for your perusal. Is there something particular you're looking for? she inquires, her readiness to assist evident in her attentive demeanor.

Western shore of Aaminiut (exterior location): {VAN + ZAN}

The fisherman, his harpoon still quivering where it struck the fish rack, hesitates upon hearing Van's urgent warning. The initial rush of aggression gives way to a moment of pause as he carefully evaluates the fox before him, dagger gripped tightly in his hand. His eyes search for any signs that might indicate a tamed or domesticated creature. The tension in the air is palpable as he weighs his next course of action, a sense of caution mingling with curiosity.

Meanwhile, the other two fishermen, having been alerted by the initial cry of a fox in the vicinity of the fish racks, swiftly respond to the unfolding situation. Their steady approach is accompanied by the readiness of ranged weapons, held firmly and poised to be deployed if necessary. The trio of fishermen now converges upon Zan, their expressions a mix of concern and wariness, ready to address the potential threat posed by the unfamiliar situation ocuring in their domain.

The White Seal Inn (interior location) {IXIL + SIRIL}

Rudoff, the amiable owner of The White Seal Inn in the quaint village of Aaminiut, exudes a sense of rugged charm. With his weathered skin and warm smile, he listens attentively to Ixil the Gnome, who arrives in the company of Siril the Elf, seeking both nourishment and lodging due to their monster-hunting endeavors.

Ah, adventurers on the hunt for monsters! Quite the expected pursuit, Rudoff responds with a hearty chuckle, his voice carrying the weight of familiarity with the adventuring life. He leans in slightly, his eyes sparkling mischievously. Indeed, many of our fishermen have been vexed by a certain trap-evading... 'monster' that has been wreaking havoc on their catches. He emphasizes the word 'monster,' clearly relishing the exaggeration for dramatic effect.

However, when the topic of baths arises, Rudoff's jovial demeanor takes a momentary pause. Ah, my friend, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong establishment if it's a bath you seek. We don't offer such amenities here. He shrugs apologetically, recognizing the limitations of his inn's offerings. "As for lending a hand in the hunting business, it's not quite my current endeavor," he admits.

A glimmer of inspiration dances in Rudoff's eyes as he scans the bustling inn, observing the various tables occupied by satisfied patrons. A plan begins to take shape, and he turns his attention back to Ixil, pointing at the gnome's musical instrument. But wait! I have an idea, he interjects with a grin. Since you are a troubadour, why not entertain my patrons for the evening? If your performance brings them joy and satisfaction, I have no doubt they will show their appreciation with a few coins tossed your way. You can use those coins to help cover the cost of your food and lodging.

Rudoff leans forward, extending his large hand toward Ixil, waiting for the gnome's response. And, as a gesture of goodwill, I'll lower the price to a mere 13 copper per person for food and a warm bed. Does that sound agreeable to you? His eyes twinkle with anticipation as he eagerly awaits the gnome's decision, ready to seal the deal with a firm handshake
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Post by JellyBrains »

Van says in Sylvan Can you change back? It might be wise under the circumstances.
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Post by Jinxs-3d »

I'm sure 'snow shoes' THINKING: (Mazer finds he likes the taste of that word), would be be helpful, but currently beyond me. However, would you happen to have oil and tindertwigs? I'm not sure what burns in this cold, but I imagine oil helps.
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Post by rednetra »

JellyBrains wrote: Sun Jun 25, 2023 7:28 pm Van says in Sylvan Can you change back? It might be wise under the circumstances.
THINKING: Now I have to rest for a few before I can shift back. zan will shift back into normal form looking directly glaring at the villager that just trying to kill himTHINKING: i should just torch all his stuff and see how he likes it when attacked it’s bad enough that they are trying to deprive the creature that they want us to hunt of foodDo you know how hard it is to shift and how much prep work it takes to turn into a different animal. crossing his arms and glowering at the villager and then giving the other villagers deaths shares all the while remaining as still as a statue.
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Post by Relkyn »

Ixil speaks to the innkeeper I will gladly perform for the crowd here. He pulls from his back a wooden Mandolin. He strums a small tune on it as a warm up for the crowd.

He suggests to the innkeeper. I will require a good warm drink to be able to give them a great show. Perhaps you have one in mind at no cost. Ixil turns to the crowd anxiously waiting for word from the innkeeper. THINKING: What was I doing. Oh yes a performance I think I will sing a few southern folklore songs, then switch to northern songs I picked up on the road here. Also the warm drink will warm my pipes to hit the lows and highs of the music.
Last edited by Relkyn on Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ElectroZman »

Watching the interchange between Ixil and the innkeeper, Siril chimes in at a good moment, A mead or two, a spot by your fire and a good meal in the morning before we hunt this beast would be welcome. He places a silver on the counter. I hope this will cover it for tonight.
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Post by JellyBrains »

Van steps between the (in his opinion) justifiably furious Zan and the approaching fishermen. Taking a conciliatory tone he says,Why did you think our comrade Zan here was here to raid your catch? Does the robber look like a fox? Have you seen it? I can see why you are protective, those are a beautiful catch of fish.
diplomacy roll 11


Is there a particular way you want us to insert skill checks or attack rolls? I'm not sure the out of character should be a catch-all for these. Thanks


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Post by Silverstone »

Falas nods at Mazers comments and adds I cant speak for my friend here, but I am not used to this deep cold. Any survival tips or inexpensive items that could help? Kinda coin limited at the moment...
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General Store of Aaminiut (interior location) {FALAS + MAZER}
Indeed, we do have a few flasks of oil available, Gertrude affirms with a nod, acknowledging the request. They are priced at a reasonable 1 copper piece each, she confirms, ensuring clarity on the cost. As the topic of oil arises, she proceeds to enlighten her customers on its potential use. Did you know that these can be thrown? she asks rhetorically, her eyes alight with excitement. While I haven't witnessed it myself, I've heard tales of lighting the oil and hurling it a short distance away. It may not deter a charging polar bear, but it certainly makes for a fiery spectacle, she explains, a shiver running down her spine at the mere thought of facing such a fearsome creature.

Turning her attention to Falas, Gertrude ponders for a moment before sharing her knowledge of survival in the harsh outdoors. While I can't claim expertise in the matter, I do know that shelter is crucial during the night to prevent freezing to death, even with a campfire. The caravan that brought you here utilizes large pavilion tents when they make their nightly stops. Those tents are excellent and can even accommodate a cozy campfire, providing a comfortable sleeping area, she suggests, momentarily lost in her own memories.

Her thoughts drifting to a peculiar recollection, Gertrude continues, a hint of nostalgia in her voice. That reminds me of a family I once saw when I was younger. They had ingeniously constructed a shelter out of ice, and believe it or not, it was surprisingly cozy inside! They could even shed their heavy clothing, she reveals, a slight blush coloring her cheeks as she quickly glances behind her, ensuring her husband isn't within earshot.

As for inexpensive items to aid your survival in this harsh wintry climate, I'm afraid I can't think of any, Gertrude admits, her expression tinged with regret. It's no surprise that everything here tends to be slightly more expensive due to the distance it must travel to reach us. However, locally crafted items, like these beautiful ivory statuettes, she gestures towards a shelf adorned with intricate carvings, tend to be less costly and are highly sought after down south.

Gertrude concludes her insightful remarks, awaiting the adventurers' decision. So, is there anything you would like to purchase? Take your time and let me know what catches your interest, she says warmly, prepared to assist them in their choices.
Western shore of Aaminiut (exterior location): {VAN + ZAN}
The fisherman stands frozen in awe as he witnesses Zan's miraculous transformation from a fox to a gnome right before his very eyes. His mouth hangs open, displaying his utter astonishment. When Zan inquires about the challenges of shape-shifting, the fisherman can only respond with a helpless shrug, indicating his lack of expertise in matters of transformation.

As Van, the human cleric, steps into his field of vision and questions the fisherman's suspicion of a fox prowling near the fish area, he explains matter-of-factly, Obviously, predators are always on the lookout for an opportunity to snatch our catch, especially when they are desperate for food. He gestures to the surroundings filled with fish undergoing the drying process. The scent alone attracts all kinds of creatures, don't you agree? he asks, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. However, he continues, his expression turning more serious, we cannot afford to share our fish with these animals as they are crucial for our own survival.

At that moment, the other two fishermen, who had been making their way towards the group, arrive and silently affirm their comrade's statement by nodding their heads in agreement. Their gaze fixates on the gnome, who has now returned to his normal gnomish form, confirming the unexpected turn of events.
The White Seal Inn (interior location) {IXIL + SIRIL}
With a warm smile, Rudoff expresses his delight as Ixil the bard, confirms his readiness to perform for the villagers that evening. Troubadours rarely venture into these parts, and their presence is sure to enliven the tranquil atmosphere of the cold winter nights. Siril, the elf, steps forward and places a silver coin on the counter, prompting Rudoff to extend his gratitude. Thank you, sir elf. However, the price for your lodging and meals remains at 13 copper pieces per person, or 1 silver piece and 3 copper pieces. Rest assured, this fee has already been discounted, he explains, assisting the elf with the intricacies of currency exchange. Yet, he makes no move to take the silver coin, leaving the choice in Siril's hands. Of course, Rudoff continues, you always have the option of sleeping outdoors.

He directs his attention back to the troubadour. And the same price applies to you, sir troubadour. But any earnings you receive from the patrons through your performance tonight are yours to keep, he adds, satisfied with his explanation.

Siril OnlyShow
After hearing these words, Siril briefly contemplates the suggestion. However, the reality of camping outside without the protection of a pavilion and enduring the biting winds of this place becomes apparent to him. He realizes that maintaining a fire would require a constant supply of firewood, or else he would succumb to the freezing temperatures. Additionally, the forest is not in close proximity to the village, likely depleted by the local population. The scarcity of firewood in the area further deters him from considering the outdoor option. He acknowledges the challenging nature of this place and admires the resilience of the villagers who manage to survive in such harsh conditions.
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Post by ElectroZman »

Siril shrugs and places another silver on the counter, then says in a joking manner, Fine treatment for the stout heros that will be freeing the town of the fearsome fish stealing monster!

To Ixil he says in gnomish I think you should get paid at least, but you know your business best... First round's on me!

To Rudoff, What do you have to drink Rudoff? My partner and I are thirsty!

He'll purchase two drinks and he's expecting change...

Then finds a likely table, looking for one that's large enough for the rest of the group once they arrive.
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Post by Jinxs-3d »

I would like to purchase 4 pints of oil if I may. Mazer counts out the 4 copper as payment at the price Mistress Gertrude stated.

Mazer will wait to see if Falas wishes to purchase anything and will gather his items and prepare to head back to the inn.
Thank you Mistress Gertrude. I've enjoyed meeting you. When this is over, perhaps I'll be back.

Turning to Falas and with a grin.
Should we head back to the inn and meet back with the others?
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Post by Silverstone »

Falas says I would like 2 oil please and puts the 2 copper on the table. Nodding at Gertrude says Thank you for your time., then looks at Mazer, Yes, lets go to the inn
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Post by Relkyn »

THINKING: He gave the ok. I will wet my lips on this mead and think on how I got to this point. I was exiled for my anti slavery stance to the government (my family). They thought I had too many contemporary ideas. I had a small following for that stance and my dad the Duke believed I (lovable me) was trying to overthrow him. Before the caravan I roamed the countryside learning how to tell my stories. I dabbled in law, but acting/singing/playing music was the avenue I excelled at. He would return someday and win approval from all in the kingdom. Ixil moved to Siril and relaxed ar a table drinking and talking with him. When he was about halfway done with his mead he got up to perform his intended selections.
i will be your entertainer for tonight. If you feel anything please feel free to throw some coins my way.

Ixil then gave a grand performance. He even took some requests. Those he didn’t know he offered an alternative. Overall it seemed like a good night.
he rolled 20 for his evening performance.


Last edited by Relkyn on Thu Jun 29, 2023 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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