HOW to DM a Play-by-Post Game

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* All PbP requires an active subscription to TOS+
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HOW to DM a Play-by-Post Game

Post by admin »

So you want to try your hand at DMing a PbP Game?
This little guide will walk you through what needs to be done to do so.

Requirements/DM Code of Conduct:
When you DM a PbP, you do it for the fun of it. But you also need to Commit yourself to handle your Game in a serious fashion, to respect the people who will be involved in your game. We totally understand if some life circumstances come up and prevent you to continue your game, but remember that your Players will have invested time in your game, which is as precious as your own. Nobody wants to invest time in a character, only to have the game canceled. So if you expect that you will not be available for periods of time, then don't start a new PbP. People want to have FUN, and the game you run should be FUN! I won't list all the qualities of a Good DM, as I hope you already know what those are. In this context, you must also realize that a PbP game will not be very fast. People will require time to reply to events, some will go on vacation and such. Also, when you start a new PbP, people expect you to keep up your work, at least until such a time that you really can't do it anymore. We all know that no PbP would ever be eternal, so if your game has a specific ending time, you should let people know in advance.

There are two sections for PbP games on the Forum:
  • PLAY by POST - For TOS+/TOS FIVE/TOS 2nd Active Subscribers: Games in this section are reserved for active subscribers to TOS+. There are two flavors for these games:
    • Campaigns (Modules) are adventures that have many chapters, situations, combat opportunities and such. In real life, a campaign would entails many months of regular play. Players will go through leveling as they progress within the campaign.
    • Single Adventures are simpler affairs, where the characters have only a single task to perform (ex: Free a prisoner, Kill a Boss etc). In real life, this is the equivalent of a single session adventure. This type of games usually does not last very long, and allows new DM to gauge how they like running a game. Players usually start at a fixed level, and do not have time to level up during the adventure.
  • PLAY by POST - For Everyone: Games in this section are open to anyone who registers an account on the forum! Note that if a DM and ALL his players are active subscribers, an OPEN PbP game can be moved to the section above, granting more visibility on the Forum!
Using Maps and images in your PbP is a great way to spice up your game! BUT please host these images on a free external "image" site (like This helps the forum remain slim and not take too much space! (I do make backups of everything ya know!) - and posting iterative combat maps ends up eating a ton of space!

Since your players will be using one of the TOS Managers to create his/her character, we ask that these be shared NOT in your PbP, but in one of the Shared sections on the forum for such files... This helps build up a library of PCs, that OTHERS can use as quick NPCs!! CLOSING your PbP:
If you decide to close/abandon your game, you *must* tell the admin, and your Players. Your game will be placed it the cemetery (including OpenPbP games that are ended). If you do not post after 1 month (unless you said you were going on an extended vacation), I will consider the game ended and move it as well to the cemetery. If you wish your game re-activated, just let me know and I'll move it back to the forefront. I'd appreciate the courtesy of being advised if you are quitting your own game.

If you expect to be unavailable for any period of time (vacation, sick leave and such), you are required to advise your players so they know what is going on. There is much frustration in waiting for a game, wondering why the DM is not validating his game.

  1. Send a Private Message to 'admin' to submit your PbP idea. Explain what it will be about WAIT FOR A REPLY before proceeding any further in the list below.. In the mean time, you can start looking for an IMAGE to represent your game: It should be a 150x100 image (if you can't handle resizing, just send me the image in a Private Message and I will handle it)
  2. Create a new thread in this section (The Dice Room) with the title New PbP: title where title is the title of your game (that post sill eventually be 'moved' to your OWN sub-section)
  3. Copy the PbP FORM below (in the CODE zone) and paste in in your message. Then fill it out. This will list all conditions of your game, and be used to see the interest level from Players. If you are undecided about something, you can use a ''range'' to give a general idea.
  4. Mailing List: Once you have completed the PbP FORM and posted it, send a Private Message to the admin so that your PbP will be advertised on the Mailing List.
  5. For PbP aimed at active subscribers, I expect players to maintain an ACTIVE SUBSCRIPTION. Please let your players know they should make the effort to remain an active subscriber as long as they play in your game!! It is now possible to see who is not an active subscriber just by the color of his nickname. Inactive subscribers have a black nickname, while any other users will have a colored nickname! Renewing a subscription for 2 years comes to $0.75 per months... well within the budget of the majority of people!
Title: This is the Title for your PbP Game
Brief description: This is a brief description of your game - the one that would be used in the forum index.
Rule System: This is the Rule System your game will be using
Validation Frequency: List the [ideal] validation frequency you will be using for your game. This will be a guideline for players to determine if they have enough time in the week to properly reply. Examples: Once per week, every Friday; Twice per week, every Tuesday and Thursday; Thrice per week, every Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday; etc
Min/Max Number of Players: list the minimum number of players, or 'Reserved' if this PbP is already reserved for your group of friends
Start Date: the estimated start date, assuming you get your minimum Player count
Source Books Allowed: Which books can classes/races can be picked up from.
Classes and Races Allowed: list any restrictions here, if you have any
Starting Level of PCs: List the starting level of all Players. If ELC is possible, cover it here.
Stats Generation: Which method will be used for the PC's starting stats
Starting Equipment/Wealth: List the starting wealth of Characters and any comments on equipment, if required
Hit Points Generation: What system are you using to generate HPs and starting HP?
Special Rules: Are you using special rules, like Hero Points, Action Points or Harrow Points?
Background Information: Insert any requirement for Character background, if you desire any.
How will Loot be divided: This topic should be decided at the beginning of your game, to avoid wasted time in-game
End Conditions: Conditions denoting the end of this game... (example: a certain level is reached, a certain date is reached, a certain NPC was defeated or not, etc...)
About ME: Use this section to talk a bit about you - your DMing experiences, your interest in a setting and/or anything that would help Players decide if they want to join your game.
Notes: If you have anything else to add and it does not fit in any of the above section, place it here!
Signature: Please confirm you have READ the DM Code of Conduct and will respect it, by signing this FORM.

Code: Select all

    [size=200][color=#0000FF]PbP FORM[/color][/size]
    [size=150][color=#008000]Title: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]Brief description: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]Rule System: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]Validation Frequency: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]Min/Max Number of Players: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]Start Date: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]Source Books Allowed: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]Classes and Races Allowed: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]Starting Level of PCs: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]Stats Generation: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]Starting Equipment/Wealth: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]Hit Points Generation: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]Special Rules: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]Background Information: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]How will Loot be divided: [/color][/size][b] HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]End Conditions: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]About ME: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]Notes: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
    [size=150][color=#008000]Signature: [/color][/size][b]HERE[/b]
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