Questions about the Sheet

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Questions about the Sheet

Post by cyotee »

I had some questions about the sheet before buying and I was hopinh some of you could help me. First I'll say it looks like a great sheet, and seems very customizable. I especially liked how there were forms for filling in new race or class information, as I don't know excel very well. And the option to just add a picutre right to the document was neat. But it seems like while the sheet is developed around the SRD it doesn't seem to want to move past it in certain areas. I couldn't find an area to input deities and their domains. I know they aren't in the SRD, and I'm not asking that they be added, but a place to input the deities of the setting, and the domains would be nice. I also didn't see where the domains could be edited. These are minor points, my more serious questions care about support. I don't expect someone else to do all the work for me, but I know just enough about excel to cobble together some simple code from examples, how helpful are people in the forums with code? And more specifically has anyone made and distributed ready made additions, like Complete Arcane? I ask because I'm playing in a Iron Kingdoms game now, and alot of data will have to be added to the sheet, and I'd like some help with the equations.
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Post by klakxor »

First and foremost, the sheet is great. It is very customizable, and domain additions are in the wroks for the next full version release. As far as support goes, the forum has many knowledgeable people who have done many things with the sheet. So far there are probably well over 200 (I forget the exact count) classes from the non SRD books, including all of the Complete Books. Any assistance you would need from creating and inputting formulas in excel can probably be handled by someone in the forum (there is even a topic for just that).

If these are your main concerns about regarding buying the sheet, it is probably worth the investment. We are very friendly here and more then happy to help support other members.
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Post by patransom »

All of what Klaxkor says is true. Also, the area to enter custom domains is on the customize sheet. Go there and look for the link at the top (it says something like Cleric Domains).

The next version of the sheet should have even more support for customization, but don't worry about buying before that version is out ... updates are free after initial purchase.
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Post by steeladept »

The only point I wish to add is that the support is pretty close to instant. I have rarely (if ever) had a question that was hanging for 24 hours let alone days or weeks that I see on many sites. My experience also is that unless you have a unique or obscure addition to be made, it is likely already here. Many changes are in the works and how it all pans out in the end will be seen soon, but I can tell you as a tech in the computer industry - I have yet to see ANY customer support that even thinks about comming close. It is more like asking your neighbor how to do x,y, and z; than it is programming support...

BTW: It is more active than most support sites too...
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Re: Questions about the Sheet

Post by admin »

cyotee wrote: But it seems like while the sheet is developed around the SRD it doesn't seem to want to move past it in certain areas.
The only way I have to move beyond the SRD (and stay legal) is to make the Sheet as customizable as possible - This way, new content can be added and shared between users... and looking at the number of files shared (over 400), I'd say this strategy is working beyond expectations!!
cyotee wrote: I couldn't find an area to input deities and their domains. I know they aren't in the SRD, and I'm not asking that they be added, but a place to input the deities of the setting, and the domains would be nice. I also didn't see where the domains could be edited.
There is only one area to select your Character's Deity, and it's on the FRONT worksheet. I have not seen it useful to have a 'list' of Gods, as character usually have only one (to my knowledge, this was never proposed and people just type in the God they want for their characters). Evidently, I can't use God names that are copyrighted anyways. Domains (in v7) are added in the Customize Worksheet as previously mentionned.
cyotee wrote:These are minor points, my more serious questions care about support. I don't expect someone else to do all the work for me, but I know just enough about excel to cobble together some simple code from examples, how helpful are people in the forums with code? And more specifically has anyone made and distributed ready made additions, like Complete Arcane? I ask because I'm playing in a Iron Kingdoms game now, and alot of data will have to be added to the sheet, and I'd like some help with the equations.
I held off answering right away, to see if any of the nice people around here would reply to your queries :D I do support as much as I can, but thankfully, I can also count on many these great people to help out !!

The next iteration of the SHeet (called version 8 ) will add more support to add content (like you mention) - But just a note to say the Sheet is 'a sheet', not intended as a Database of all the stuff that can exist for D&D!! But more to create a rule perfect character!!

Let us know if you have more queries!

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Re: Questions about the Sheet

Post by Sunbolt »

cyotee wrote:I had some questions about the sheet before buying and I was hopinh some of you could help me. First I'll say it looks like a great sheet, and seems very customizable. I especially liked how there were forms for filling in new race or class information, as I don't know excel very well. And the option to just add a picutre right to the document was neat. But it seems like while the sheet is developed around the SRD it doesn't seem to want to move past it in certain areas. I couldn't find an area to input deities and their domains. I know they aren't in the SRD, and I'm not asking that they be added, but a place to input the deities of the setting, and the domains would be nice. I also didn't see where the domains could be edited. These are minor points, my more serious questions care about support. I don't expect someone else to do all the work for me, but I know just enough about excel to cobble together some simple code from examples, how helpful are people in the forums with code? And more specifically has anyone made and distributed ready made additions, like Complete Arcane? I ask because I'm playing in a Iron Kingdoms game now, and alot of data will have to be added to the sheet, and I'd like some help with the equations.
Regarding support: There's plenty of it around here. Many of the geeks (cough - I mean Excel support personal) are all too happy to help with code issues on the sheet. We've got most of the custome classes and races published by WoTC books in share areas in the forum - we also have several on-line roleplay games here, where people actually use the sheet. Finally, if we (the other sheet owners) can't answer your questions in a timely manner - Richard steps in and the problem goes away or is added to the next sheet release list. The only thing he doesn't do is break the SRD - but he'll open it up for you to add any content you want from a book you've bought - etc. (WoTC has to make their money, you know....)
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Thank you all.

Post by cyotee »

Well thank you all. I think I'll order it soon. And I think I was misunderstood regarding the deity thing, I was just suggesting another entry to automate the deity, alignment, and demoain selection. Someplace I could enter all the domains for a setting, link them to spells; and enter all the deities and their allowed alignments and domains just for error checking.
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