Updating version without subscription

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Updating version without subscription

Post by admin »

I received this email and though I think it would be best answered on the forum!
Drake Phoenix wrote:Dear Sir, Madam,
I consider purchasing TOS for pathfinder 2nd. but I don't plan to purchase the subscription option. I would like a "one time deal". This is the reason I don't use the online options such as hero lab (that I used for the last 15 years, till they went online and requested subscription).
I do think, and know, that there are version of the TOS and there will be further versions.
my question is: if I don't buy the subscription and there is a new version of the TOS, should I buy it again or will I have the opportunity to upgrade my version for free as I purchased it before.
The differences between the Subscription and the non-subscription are:
  1. Price: The Store versions are less costly since they don't include the Subscription time.
  2. The Store 'Cut': Store have fees for their services - from 20% to 35% of the product's price. But that's not what you want to hear :P
  3. Access Time: The Subscription comes with Forum access time which grants:
    • Technical support for the duration of the Subscription (support is done through the Forum)
    • Access to all Add-Ons and other content (Classes/Races/Spells/Feats etc etc...) created and shared by the community.
  4. Delays: Subscribers do not have to wait for Online stores to process new updates (they have delays)
  5. Interim Versions: Subscribers may gain access to interim versions (ones that are not pushed through the Stores - Useful for me to have people start testing new features)
  6. Useful!: Last, but certainly NOT least; Subscriptions are more helpful (financially) to support the author's work.
Do note that, at writing time, the Subscription renewal comes to USD $0.75 per months when choosing the 2 year renewal period ($18 for 2 years) - (Which is usually less than the cost of a cup of coffee).

I have published many updates to TOS 2nd CORE edition since it was first released, and the stores were updated with these updates (The online store is supposed to notify their clients of updates...I don't control their side of things). This answer your first question: Any purchase of TOS 2nd CORE edition from an Online Store will get you any released updates when they processed it.
Drake Phoenix wrote:In addition, I would like to know how the "character" is saved when moving from one version to the other? usually, the problem with Excel files is that such a thing doesn't work. Is it a macro that save the data specifically?
Macros, Yes. All my Character Sheet products (TOS+, TOS FIVE and TOS 2nd CORE edition can save Character directly to a (special) TEXT file (editable in Notepad). The Control worksheet of these products is where the "Save Character" button is available to do that. This means that when you get a new update, you just save your Character with your older version, then Load it in the newer version. Upgrade done :)
Drake Phoenix wrote:Another question is, what about original material. custom races, classes and such. how can I import them to the TOS and move them later on to a new version. I am writing about my own custom races and classes, not ones from the TOS database.
Both the Class worksheet and the Race worksheet of my products have the LOAD/SAVE Class/Race buttons, allowing one to create a Class/Race and save just that part. This is why the forum has like around 775+ classes and 350+ Races for D&D3.5 and Pathfinder 1e. All of which were created and shared by Subscribers....
Drake Phoenix wrote:Thanks for your help,
Glad to be of help!
Post any other questions here if needs be!
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