Beyond the stone door

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Post by shai-hulud »

Strength +0
Escape Artist -4 (guess which one I'll be trying)
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving is not for you.
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Post by Galaphile »

Brand attempts to break free of the web.

Strength Check +2
Image R.I.P. Brand
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Post by TheGreenLabrador »

Vulan, upon seeing the wall dissapate, lunges forward without hesitation. And attempts to leap over the webbing encasing his companions.

Jump check, Double move.
Hopefully a move to 1224.
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Post by valinor »

Aeless moves to 1209 and casts in elven (True Strike) once more as he aims his bow towards the Prelate.
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Post by whtknt »

Infuriated, Rúadhnait struggles against the web. Her eyes begin to glaze over as she gnashes her teeth, a mixture of foam and blood bubbling from her mouth. The muscles in her arms and legs begin to stand out, her face becomming red, then purple.

Going into rage, and then trying to escape (+4 on Str check)
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Post by Sunbolt »

I know how hard this is to understand - the need for secrecy, the way I have to hold the boy here. He has to be tied to the obelisk, or the demon will be free. Even now you see the essence of the demon being pulled from the boy into the stone - and so powerful the demon that he's trying to reach out of the stone, but here - the floor, the walls, there's nowhere for him to flee.

See too, that I do not seek your harm - I only delay you, I don't want to spill your blood - that's the last thing we need here is more blood. Your healing potions will restore the boy in short order, as would any of my spells of healing. Natch-Ur is no false god. And rest assured there have been no secret monthly rituals! Such nonesence! I do not know who fills your head with the lies about me - but this is the first such ritual I have ever performed. The boy lives and will live. We will bleed the demon out of him and before his dieing breath restore him to life. The ritual is almost complete, the demon's bindings are weak and in moments I will be able to break them.

Please, I beg of you - do not approach - to do so will force me to harm you in order to ensure the demon is banished.

If I am wrong - if I am mad - if this child dies - I will have no chance against all of you. You see that my spells all expire after a time. Look around you - there's no other escape for me. So then what?

As for the rest - there was no time. I did not know any of you - I do not know any of you. I only discovered that a "rescue" party had been sent only minutes before your arrival. The werewolves won't kill me - but there would have killed the boy if they believed it would have killed the demon. I must bind the demon into the obelisk. The time is so short now.

If you can not trust in Natch-Ur, if you can not trust in me - and I hold you blameless in that, the only other choice is to fight. Please - that would solve so little. While we fight - the boy dies, the demon escapes, and one or more of you and most likly me as well perish. I'd rather avoid that.

This isn't a delusion of grandeaur. I'm not the only person who can cast the necessary spells. I'm simply the only one in this room that can. I'm the only one of my order willing to tiehimelf to a single place for long enough to make this happen and spare the boy's life aswell!

Please, I do not know if your cleric friend is a minion of the demon, or if he's as mad as he claims I am - or simply blinded by so much rhetoric and fabrication that he refuses to see the facts in front of him! The demon has done all I have said - and hid himself quite convincingly behind the smile of this lad, with bright eyes and an eagerness to learn. And those eyes will shine again - this boy shall play with his peers beneath the sun - but in truth as himself without the taint of evil within him poisoning him and having him sneak off in the night to the catacombs of his home. Go there for your proof! Find there in his own basement the way out into the night - the way to his own personal torture chamber for small animals! You have not looked there. How do you suppose I came into custody of this boy?
If I'm so insane - how did I get the boy from his family? Did I simply walk into their house through the front door and say - "hi your son's possessed, give him to me?" Or perhaps I told his father I wanted him for a ritual to increase my own power?" Now that would be insane. I found him by following him back from his nightly rituals! Besides, I have power to do my job. What I lack is faith and trust and time to do it!"
This must end soon. You either believe me or you don't.
You must choose. Have faith and watch the boy live and evil loose - or trust nothing and attack me.

I am not foolish enough to believe that my web spell will hold all of you until this ends. But it will not hurt you while you consider. My next spells, I'm afraid will not be so passive.
In minutes you may have to choose to hurt yourselves or to stand back and let me do what I said I would do. I will try not to inflict upon any of you any permanent damage should you persist.
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Post by shai-hulud »

As Oldin struggles against the web, he calls out, "Young man, if aiding Amon is truly your intention, then take the time to explain to us how draining a boy of his blood has anything to do with banishing a demon. Stop the ritual now, heal Amon back to health, then after you explain it to us, we will gladly aid you in your workings. In fact, personally, if you were trying to aid Amon rather than kill him as it appears to me now, I would do more than aid you. You would have my gratitude for preventing an evil such as you are describing from entering the world.

"Unfortunately, right now, I don't believe that your intentions are noble. And continuing this ritual without first explaining it to us may very well result in the fight that you are trying to avoid. I cannot speak for my allies, but I do not believe you that your ritual known as the 'Scarlet Sprinkle' does not exist, that it is purely speculation on the part of the nonbelievers. In all things, the simplest explaination tends to be the correct one. Which is simpler, that people across the lands have been fabricating stories of horror and woe, generating a mass conspiracy against your religion and Natch-Ur, or that it is grounded in fact, and that monthly you perform a ceremony called the Scarlet Sprinkle which drains a budding sorcerer of his power so that you can take it into yourself? The first means that people across all the lands are working to fabricate a story for which they have no reason to fabricate. Previous rulers of the Viridian lands have been followers of Natch-Ur, using the secret power to augment their own. This is not some closet religion you follow. So, all of the people's harsh feelings towards your religion would be against not only your religion, but past emperors, as well. People would be going out of their way to make up these horrible stories. Or on the other hand, let us imagine that they are grounded at least in part with truth. If this were the case, you have a small group of madmen worshippers who take the lifeforce of small boys to grow their own power. This seems far simpler a solution.

"And which seems simpler, that Amon is possessed by a demon, heading off to commit horrible atrocities against small animals, or that he is an ordinary boy, who goes off playing in the woods like an ordinary boy, without the torturing of small animals. You make it sound like the only way that Amon would ever leave the house is if he were possessed by this demon, as you claim. That seems rather convenient. A shut-in unless he is possessed, or a young boy who is full of life and goes outside to play; which one seems simpler?

"So, please forgive me if all of your rhetoric does not immediately win me over. All the evidence points against you with only your word providing you with any semblance of a supporting argument. So I ask again; please take the time to explain to us how draining Amon of his blood (a ritual that is documented by my church as your way of stealing Amon's lifeforce) will do anything other than kill him."

Diplomacy +15 (if it applies, which I doubt)
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Post by CGM3 »

If Rúadhnait is able to break free of the web, Esias will attempt to move through the resulting tear in the web (GM's call as to whether or not this situation has any effect, +2 Str and Escape Artist otherwise) and go to 1523. Otherwise, he will remain in place with a nocked arrow.

(Sorry, mind jumped the track there; Ethab is a character of mine in another campaign.)
Last edited by CGM3 on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by shai-hulud »

Who is Ethab?
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"Danger is like Jello. There's always room for more."

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Post by CarnageCJB »

OOC: Who's Ethab? :wink:

IC: Using True Believer (kind of forgot it up until now)

Having heard enough, Jiam struggles free of the web and rushes to aid the boy, reaching into his sashes as he does so... "Natch Ur is a god of falseness, deceit, trickery and lies. This is well known, even amongst those far outside the reach of the Empire. We have made numerous requests and attempts at reasoning, yet all we hear are threats and pleas for us to allow you to complete some unknown ritual. On the word of a Prelate of deception? I seriously doubt that God would will such a thing." Moving to 1323 and breaking an orb. :twisted:
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Post by patransom »

Leenah wriggles her way through the sticky strands and moves forward, not getting as far as she planned, but finding herself quite unstuck now.

The Prelate, seeing Leenah's success, moves closer to Amon [Ready action]

Vulan rushes forward, and, leaping in the air, tries to pass the web. Some of the webbing catches him as he jumps, slowing him down, but he does get past.

Brand attempts to break free, with no success.

Phatem Rablil makes a gesture and speaks a few words. A vertical curtain of whirling, glowing blades, 20 feet high, appears to surround him, the boy, and the obelisk. [Actual action for this round]

Ruadhnait gnashes her teeth, foams at the mouth, and still fails to get free of the web.

Esias, seeing Ruadhnait's lack of success, remains in place, bow at the ready.

Oldin attempts to break free, also with no success.

Jiam weaves his way through the web, with some success, but not quite as much as Leenah. Still he reaches an unentangled area [And one that's just close enough for what I've been waiting for :twisted: ]

Aeless casts a spell.

Then something unexpected happens. As Jiam speaks the words "I seriously doubt that God would will such a thing," and begins reaching into his sashes, a small, round object leaps from his garments as if of its own accord! The golden orb flies through the air, heading for the tip of the obelisk. Before it reaches its destination, however, it hits the wall of blades.

The orb shatters and there is a flash of white light, which blends with the increasingly red glow of the cavern to create a blinding pink. Although everyone in the room is blinded, you can feel the ground shake and hear a huge, otherworldly roar. Those of you not supported by the web fall flat on your backs.

Then everything goes black …

[Validation will continue in a new thread to be started in the next hour or so. Map below is only for reference, as things will have changed a bit.]
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Post by shai-hulud »

Oldin groans at the obvious failure of the orb to hit its intended target.
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving is not for you.
"Danger is like Jello. There's always room for more."

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