Alice's Restaurant

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Alice's Restaurant

Post by patransom »

So it is that the group follows Shareev up and across the street to a large metal building with a wooden porch surrounding it. It is from this building that the music emanates. Pushing through the pair of wooden swinging half-doors in the entrance to the building, you find yourself in the very comfortable surroundings of a tavern common room. Although outside of the building was metal, this room seems quite normal. The walls, floor, ceiling, bar, tables, and chairs are all of wood. The only odd things about the place are the floating, glowing globes near the ceiling that light the room and the fact that the music has no visible source.

There are a few scattered patrons seated at tables and the bar. Their attire is a bit strange, as they mostly wear single-piece monochromatic suits. They scarcely look up as you enter.

After Thanis and Shareev lead you to a large table at the center of the room, a strange, small creature approaches. It is the size of a halfling, but very furry, with a head that looks surprisingly like that of a raccoon. From the lacy dress the creature wears, you guess it must be a female and, when it speaks, this suspicion is confirmed. In a high, squeaky voice (in Newspeak for those of you who declined the fish), she says to Thanis and Shareev, "Heeeello again, Gentlemens! Who are your new frieeeends? Are you heeeere for food or just dreeeeenks?"
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Post by Icefire »

Leenah looks at creature a moment then to Thanis and Shareev, waiting for them to respond as they were directly addressed by the female.
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Post by shai-hulud »

Oldin pushes his way past Shareev and Thanis, ignoring the halfling's odd appearance, and momentarily forgetting etiquette of waiting for introductions. "Excuse me, but may I humbly request something to eat?" Oldin's stomach rumbles loudly enough that Oldin visibly shakes as it rumbles. Oldin flashes a smile that pleads for food.
Last edited by shai-hulud on Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by klakxor »

Shareev lets out a laugh as Oldin pushes past him. "I'm terribly sorry Alice. Only a drink as usual for me. The rest of these people need some food, I am sure. They will also need a place t stay for the night."
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Post by patransom »

Alice smiles at Oldin, then replies to Shareev, "Food and dreeeenks right away, then, and I'lll show you the rooms lateeer." As she turns away from the table, you all notice the furry raccoon tail poking out from the hem of her dress.

She returns a few moments later followed by a metal cart on wheels that seems to roll along behind her under its own power. From the top of the cart, she removes a huge brown pot, which she places at the center of the table. She places a stack of empty bowls, spoons, and a large ladel next the pot. She also distributes a number of glass mugs and places several pitchers on the table, full of water and what appears to be ale.

She says, "Famileeee style tonight! One buck each all you can eeeeat and dreeenk. Enjoy, I'll show you rooms later."
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Post by Icefire »

Leenah smiles at Alice, "Thank you Alice."
Then she turns to Shareev and Thanis, "And what would be an equivalent value offering?"
Perearth: Tana Lattia, Monk of the Order of St. Cuthbert, human female
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Post by mechwarrior26 »

Thanis shrugged a little as he reached over and started dishing the soup from the pot into the bowls and distributing them around the table for all of the people there," Don't worry about it. I can take care of it all. I can get your rooms for the night as well if you want. If not, I really don't know what the 'exchange rate' is for your current currency." He smiled to Leenah a little as he handed her a bowl of the steaming soup. He waited to serve himself though as he started to distribute drinks, pouring glasses of both water and ale for all the people at the table. After that was all done he got himself some food and sat back down at his seat.
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Post by klakxor »

Shareev gives a smirk as Thanis passes out the soup and drinks. "Unfortunately, I am not sure your coins will be worth a lot to many of the people here. Alice likes shiny things like them. She may be willing to exchange a couple of bucks for some of them. As far as paying for the food and rooms, I think that Alice may be willing to trade some services for your coins as well."

Turns to Oldin, "So what is in that book of yours that seems to be so important. I have heard of keeping a book close for reading but it seems to be more than that for you."
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Post by whtknt »

Rúadhnait is utterly taken aback by the odd halfling, but is also curious in a way she can't quite explain. "What are you?" she asks rather bluntly (in Common, since she isn't convinced of the fishes' value as a fashion accessory). "You look like a racún, but where I am from, they do not talk or walk like us."

As she receives her meal, Rúadhnait gives the soup a cursory sniff. Deciding that it must be edible, she lifts the bowl to her mouth and drinks heartily. When she sets the bowl back down, it is empty. She hefts the ale and does the same, then belches loudly.
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Post by shai-hulud »

At seeing real food, Oldin looks like he wants to hug the raccoon woman. Ordinarily, he would be intrigued by a new race, but right now, eating is all that consumes his thoughts. As Thanis ladles out the soup, he eyes each bowl until finally one is passed to him. Forgetting manners, he hungrily devours all of it. For a moment, he looks as though he is about to ask for seconds, but the food begins hitting his stomach. As it has not had any food in it for two days, it shrank a little, and the bowlful of soup has filled him up. He pushes the bowl back as his stomach lets him know its displeasure at being forced to wait so long.

"Was that Alice? Perhaps I would be able to barter with her over the exchange of our currency for yours. What are they called, again? Bucks? And how many bucks did our fish cost you? It would have been 500 of our gold coins, so knowing what you paid gives me an idea of what Mr. Tinker believes the exchange rate to be. Aeless, perhaps you could aid me in this endeavor? You seem to have a keen understanding for these types of negotiations. Perhaps together we can arrive at a fair exchange rate, provided that Alice possesses enough Bucks for all of the gold we wish to trade.

"Thanis and Shareev, perhaps you could give us some information on Bucks. Are they used outside of this city if we should decide to head elsewhere? What sorts of things can bucks purchase? For instance, our currency works off the gold standard, with 10 silver pieces being equivalent to one gold and 10 copper equivalent to one silver. For 1cp, we could purchase a pound of wheat. 2cp ... (see pg. 112 of the PHB for the rest of the wealth comparisons that Oldin uses)"

Using this information, Oldin will attempt to keep as much of their gold from Alice as possible. Keeping the supply small will give him the best returns. He will try to trade enough gold so that the party will be able to live comfortably for at least a month. He figures that they should be able to figure out something to do by then. This will hopefully provide the party with enough left over to trade, should they find another source of demand, potentially pinning the two against each other.

I believe Oldin only has 50gp on him, and if he could, he would like to keep at least half of it. He also has stopped wearing his breastplate. He will sell that if he has to, as it was more of a nuissance that an asset during battle. He is comfortable enough wearing armor, but he never did enjoy it, and certainly prefers a fight without it.
Last edited by shai-hulud on Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CGM3 »

Not being the gourmand Oldin is, Esias cheerfully puts away two bowls of the soup.
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Post by shai-hulud »

Lol, gourmand is the wrong connotation for Oldin. He does not eat a lot, usually. He is just very finnicky about what he does eat :-P. He is more a food connoisseur.


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Post by CGM3 »

OOC: a gourmand is not one who is fond of eating excessively (that's a glutton); it's someone who is excessively (or heartily) fond of good food and drink. "So there, Bainbridge scholars!" :wink:
Over on Discord, I go by Gryphon
"And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, for if you hit a man with a plowshare, he's going to know he's been hit." - The Wisdom of Nodwick
"Nothing says love like two hundred feet of parachute cable and a cargo net." - Fred Jones, Scooby Doo: Mystery Inc.
"I know, the first rule of Robot Fight Club is, you don't talk about Robot Fight Club." - Jack Darby, Transformers Prime
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Post by shai-hulud »

OOC: Gourmand: 1. a person who is fond of good eating, often indiscriminatingly and to excess.
[Origin: 1400–50; late ME gourmaunt < OF gormant a glutton]

Its typical connotation is the same as glutton, since its origin is glutton.
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Post by Icefire »

Inclines her head with a smile to Thanis as he dishes up the soup and drinks. "Thank you," she says to him softly before settling down to eat. Her eyes moving over the place even as she eats and listens to the conversations at the table.
Perearth: Tana Lattia, Monk of the Order of St. Cuthbert, human female
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Post by valinor »

"Interesting, I'll eat later for now folks, for I'm not panged with hunger at the moment. Thank you." states Aeless and watches his companions eat what they asked for.
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Post by Galaphile »

Brand watches Oldin eat with an amused smile, in between mouthfuls of soup. Not nearly as careful as some others, Brand happily has seconds, and ponders whether to have thirds.

While pondering whether to have thirds, he nods his thanks to Thanis for the meal.
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Post by patransom »

The party finishes eating, a strange-tasting but delicious stew. Just as Alice appears to be heading over, followed by her cart, to clear the empty bowls, she stops in her tracks. You all hear a loud grinding sound from the dirt road outside, followed by several skidding sounds. Alice waves her hand and the cart rolls off in the direction of the kitchen. Alice herself scurries over to the bar and begins rapidly pouring drinks.

The swinging half-doors bang open and five tall men enter. They are all dressed alike, in what appear to be thickly padded one-piece outfits with a random brown and tan pattern. They wear wide-brimmed hats and bandanas around their necks. Each of them carries an odd-shaped staff, like a shorter version of the one Thanis has, slung on a strap over the shoulder. They have batons and knives at their belts.

The five men stride toward the bar like they own the place, sneering at the other patrons. The one in the lead shouts "Drinks! Now, Dabber!" The patrons at the bar leave their seats for nearby tables, and a couple of those nearest the door exit quietly.

The new arrivals lean on the bar and begin rapidly slamming down the drinks that Alice had already poured, all the while talking loudly and laughing amongst themselves.
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Post by Icefire »

Leenah leans toward Thanis and speaks quietly to him, her eyes on the newcomers.
Whispering, "What's with them?"

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Perearth: Tana Lattia, Monk of the Order of St. Cuthbert, human female
Brave New Peareath: Leenah, Viridian female rogue
TOS 100+: Belladona Southfarthing, halfling rogue/swashbuckler/thief acrobat
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Post by whtknt »

"Dabber? I thought her name was Alice," Rúadhnait ponders aloud, to no one in particular. She gives the men a once-over, then settles in to watch their next move. Though she cannot say why, her distrust of these men is obvious.
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Post by shai-hulud »

Oldin watches the newcomers. Clearly there is some form of ettiquette and protocol regarding them. They may sit wherever they like and order around whomever they like. Perhaps they are warrior princes, descendants of the isle from where Rúadhnait came? Also, clearly an unpopular bunch, as many have left since their arrival.
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Post by klakxor »

Shareev sends a sneering glance their way as they come in. Under his breath he simply says "Dudes" and just puts his head down towards the table.
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Post by shai-hulud »

Oldin whispers, "Well, as the old saying goes, [High Viridian]When in the Viridian Empire, do as the Viridians do.[/High Viridian]" He then follows Shareev's example and puts his head down towards the table.
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Post by CGM3 »

Esias regards the newcomers covertly with a grimace of displeasure. "Bravos," he says in an undertone. "Young fools runnin' in a pack, all full o' themselves 'n' thinkin' they c'n do anything they feel like. No different here than Valder's Thorpe nor Carrick. Best we all be wary, these c'n be more dangerous than a rabid wolf or an orc in a blood frenzy."
Over on Discord, I go by Gryphon
"And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, for if you hit a man with a plowshare, he's going to know he's been hit." - The Wisdom of Nodwick
"Nothing says love like two hundred feet of parachute cable and a cargo net." - Fred Jones, Scooby Doo: Mystery Inc.
"I know, the first rule of Robot Fight Club is, you don't talk about Robot Fight Club." - Jack Darby, Transformers Prime
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Post by mechwarrior26 »

Thanis growls faintly at the apperance of the gang members. He slowly an covertly slides the sniper rifle under the table, hiding it behind one of his legs carefully. He doesn't really lower his head, but just leans furhter over the table and finishes his Ale. He whisperes to the others," Just wait until they leave. It shouldn't take too long. They come to down, drink, grab some ammo, and then leave."
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Post by whtknt »

Rúadhnait does not lower her head, but eyes the newcomers carefully, trying to gauge their weaponry and relative strengths. "I do not understand," she says aloud in Common, "why do you fear these men?"
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Post by shai-hulud »

"Rúadhnait, it is not necessarily fear, but more dislike. The custom here appears to be to ignore them and they will go away. They are apparently unsavory characters. Errm, not nice fellows," Oldin says, fumbling a little as he knows Rúadhnait's distaste for longer words.
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving is not for you.
"Danger is like Jello. There's always room for more."

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Post by Icefire »

Leenah nods to Shareev and Thanis, turning her attention back to her companions. She does slip her dagger free of its sheath and lays it in her lap. While she does seem to pay attention to her companions, she keeps an ear on the men.
Perearth: Tana Lattia, Monk of the Order of St. Cuthbert, human female
Brave New Peareath: Leenah, Viridian female rogue
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Post by whtknt »

shai-hulud wrote:"Rúadhnait, it is not necessarily fear, but more dislike. The custom here appears to be to ignore them and they will go away. They are apparently unsavory characters. Errm, not nice fellows," Oldin says, fumbling a little as he knows Rúadhnait's distaste for longer words.
Though she does not lower her head, this response does seem the satisfy Rúadhnait, and she turns her attention back to her companions. "What does it mean, 'Dabber?' I thought the racún's name was Alice."
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Post by CGM3 »

"A nickname, thinks I," Esias opines, covertly watching the newcomers, making certain his shortsword is at hand in its sheath. "And not a friendly one, I fear, not by th' way yon lout spoke it."

OOC: Listen +11, Spot +11, Sense Motive +8
Over on Discord, I go by Gryphon
"And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, for if you hit a man with a plowshare, he's going to know he's been hit." - The Wisdom of Nodwick
"Nothing says love like two hundred feet of parachute cable and a cargo net." - Fred Jones, Scooby Doo: Mystery Inc.
"I know, the first rule of Robot Fight Club is, you don't talk about Robot Fight Club." - Jack Darby, Transformers Prime
"Always. Expect. Ninjas." - Sydney Scoville, Grrl Power
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