[RUNNING!] Interested in a paid Campaign hosted by admin?

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[RUNNING!] Interested in a paid Campaign hosted by admin?

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I am looking to start DMing a LIVE (through a Virtual Table Top) Pathfinder 1st edition campaign as a PAID Game Master!

I have many many things to determine (like the DMing fee, and the max. number of players, which Virtual Tabletop to use (most likely FoundryVTT or Roll20), Discord for Voice, which books to allow and all the rules behind this etc etc...

But first and foremost, I am interested in knowing if ANY TOS+ users would be interested in participating in such a Campaign. Please assume that:
  • The fee required is within your budget,
  • Such a game occurs at a time when you are available,
  • Game sessions will be at least 3 hours long (we can exceed this, but having a headset on the head for longer might start to be annoying!)
Obviously, this might not be as interested to you if you already played the campaign we will use (unless it was a long time ago, and you kinda forgot it!) but if you are interested in re-playing it, then I don't mind (as long as you don't spoil it!)

TOS+ will be used for Character Management, and (possibly) the standard character template from the VTT used.
As a bonus, TOS+ subscribers will NOT have to renew their subscription time as long as they participate in the campaign! (i.e. subscription maintained as long as they participate!)

The Loot Divider Tool will also be gifted to all registered players, to allow the group to manage their Treasure!

If you have any interest in this, please send me a private Message and let me know (if possible):
  • How much would you be willing to pay your Game Master for a 3+ hr game session?
  • The ratio of Combat vs RPGing that you prefer
  • The Adventure path you are interested in playing (I am initially considering the Rise of the Runelords AP)
  • Your availability/frequency to play, and your TimeZone?

Rise of the Runelords or another AP?
I am thinking of using Rise of the Runelords as it is rated as the best adventure path created for Pathfinder 1e! But I am totally open to other Adventure Paths as well! Let me know when you contact me which APs you would be interested in playing.... !!
I can even run multiple Campaigns, each with their OWN adventure Paths...!

So please let me know via Private Message if this is of any interest to you!

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Aditional Information

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Here, I will try to answer questions and also determine some aspects of the LIVE game(s) I will be hosting!
GENERAL Questions
Q: Do I need to use TOS+?
A: Yes you do to manage your character - but you'll be able to create your PC in the VTT used

Q: My subscription to TOS+ expired: DO I need to renew it to play?
A: NO! When you make your 1st payment to join as a player, your subscription will automatically be enabled if it has run out

Q: My Subscription to TOS+ expired in the middle of the campaign. Do I need to re-activate it?
A: Nope! As long as you are a paying player, you will continue to have access to the forums even if your subscription to TOS+ has expired

Q: WHICH adventure path will be used?
A: Depends on the players showing interest and what they are willing to play.

Q: Which VTT will be used?
A: FoundryVTT (90%) or Roll20 (10%)

Q: Do I need to buy the VTT to play?
A: No, I will handle that aspect

Q: Do I absolutely need to create my TOS+ character into the VTT's character sheet?
A: Not at all. I always use TOS+/TOS FiVE/TOS 2nd Dynamically when I play on a VTT myself and I roll dice in Chat.. So this is quite ok with me!

Q: Do I have to use Discord for Voice?
A: Yes - and I suggest using the Desktop version of Discord

Q: How much will it cost to play?
A: I have yet to determine this and will depend on the reply I receive to the question in the previous post. Remember that a 3 hour game requires at least the same amount in preparation time!

Q: How long will sessions be?
A: I am aiming to make 3 hours session, but that may vary depending on progression

Q: Do I need a Camera/video to play?
A: Nope, we need only your Voice (in Discord!).

Q: Which BOOKS will be allowed for Character creation
A: All the books included in TOS+.

Q: Can I use another BOOKS that is not in TOS+?
A: I am considering making provisions to allow this, but that is not decided yet

Q: Starting Level?
A: Level ONE, unless the adventure path specifies otherwise

Q: Attributes?
A: The Point Buy system will be used (most likely: High Fantasy 20 points)

Q: Evil Character?
A: Playing an Evil character (or group) will not be considered UNLESS the Adventure Path itself is MADE for such a group.

Q: If I already played the Adventure Path selected, can I still join?
A: Sure, I don't mind as long as you don't spoil it for the players that did not play it!
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Re: ✅☕☕☕ Interested in a paid Campaign hosted by admin?☕☕☕✅

Post by admin »


I am happy to announce that the first group of players in which I will host as a hired DM at a live (online) VTT has been established!
I'll admit that scheduling was the hard part, as everyone has his or her own time constraints :D

This means that, unfortunately, I was unable to accommodate all those who applied; But if I can find a way to setup a second group with people not in the EST timezone, I'll try. I just need enough applications to form a new group.

So if you decide you would like to be considered, do sent me a Private Message and answer the queries in the top post and I'll add you to my list of interested players! Of course I understand your details/availability can change over time...

Players from Europe even showed up!
I wouldn't mind playing in the (EST) morning or afternoon to accommodate Europeans players, but I would need enough players interested from that region to setup a group.


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