Oldin and Shareev's Meeting Outside

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Oldin and Shareev's Meeting Outside

Post by patransom »

[I’m posting this as an open thread to facilitate quick resolution. I’m assuming Oldin and Shareev will relay this information to you pretty soon. But if you really don’t like spoilers, don’t read it.]

Sam Tinker is waiting for you when you make it outside. He says to Oldin, “You shouldn’t believe for a second your troubles with the Dudes is over. We here in Nauthan are very familiar with you they operate.” He gestures to Shareev on this point.

“When the ones you left standing report what happened, they’ll likely be back in greater numbers, looking for you. If they don’t find you, they’ll hold the whole town to blame. And that will put us in a considerable predicament …”

“I’m taking a risk even warning you. I could have just come up with some excuse to keep you around for a while, until they came for revenge. I’m hoping you’re smart enough to help me come up with some other solution. I think I can delay their departure a while, if you need time to consider.” He gestures behind him ...

Looking where he points, you notice something in the darkness that wasn't there when you entered Alice's. It's like an open wagon or cart, made of metal, but with huge wheels. There's certainly enough room for several men to rid on it, but no beasts to pull it. There are also three other small three-wheeled contraptions near it.
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Post by shai-hulud »

Oldin contemplates. "I understand. Clearly these 'dudes' are more than the rabble they appear to be. I suppose there are enough of them to cause problems. What exactly are these 'khuns' they use, and how do they cause so much damage? Thanis was nearly killed by their loud noises.

"As for a plan to avoid trouble with the rest of their tribe, I am not a devious man. I can attempt to talk with them, or even negotiate with them. We attempted to follow the protocol for dealing with them, and when they caused a ruckus at the bar, we ignored them as Shareev and Thanis did. But they came looking for trouble anyway. I don't see how this situation could have been avoided.

"The solution we seek may be something very simple. If our being here puts the town at risk, perhaps we can allow them to exact their revenge without harming the town. If no other solution can be found, we will kill the remaining men, and I will head to where the rest of these 'dudes' are alone and claim that I am the cause of their deaths. If asked how an old man could kill a group of men, I will tell them the truth. I could kill them with the power of my god. The fact that I didn't bears no relevance to that issue. They will exact their revenge upon me, and life can continue here."
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Sam scratches his head at Oldin's question about khuns. "Let's see. How to explain? They don't kill with sound, they kill with projectiles. Fast-moving projectiles. Very deadly. Not to be trifled with."

"No wonder your group ended up in a fight with those Dudes. I suppose it's my fault, but I hadn't expected a scouting party the very same night as you odd lot showed up. And I'd hoped Shareev and Thanis could keep you out of trouble. I suppose you're right about this situation being unavoidable."

"I doubt negotiating with those two in there will accomplish anything. The whole bunch of them are liars and theives. And extremely vengeful. They may be playing cool now, but they'll be back with their friends as soon as they have a chance."

"Killing the remaining two might buy us some time. But I'm sure they notified their bosses when they arrived. They'll come looking. Might get you out of trouble, but wouldn't help the town, as they'd hold us responsible for the disappearing men."

"As for where the rest of the Dudes are, well, it's a careful guarded secret ... although," he glances at the odd wagon, "we may now have a way of finding out ..."

"Maybe this is an opportunity, not a problem ..." he glances at Shareev.
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Post by klakxor »

"Fact is Sam, I really had hoped that even with their initial actions, we may have been able to get around this. Too bad it turned out worse. There will be more dudes, I know that. We can't let Nauthan be in danger because of our actions. Perhaps if we left, you could send them after us. Maybe that will keep the town safe. I am sure Thanis and I could get to some sort of safe haven that we could set some type of ambush. The Dudes surely know that if our group took out their scouts, that the townsfolk would not have been able to stop us from leaving."

The question about the kuhns also has Shareev a bit baffled. "How do they work? Well the specifics of combustion and the pressure needed to push the projectiles out in a straight line could be quite complex."

He holds up his sawed off. "However with one of these, they don't always go straight and they don't go far."

When Sam mentions their hide out and looks over to the vehicle, Shareev looks at him with curiosity. "You don't think it's programmed in, do you?"
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"Hmmm, Shareev that's an idea. Might not even have to kill those two in cold blood. You take them prisoner and skip town."

"Then, when more show up, we tell them another gang kidnapped their fellows and put them on your trail ... right into an ambush. I like the way you think ... might not get all of the Dudes that way, but maybe weaken them."

He looks at the vehicles, "I'm pretty sure the Dude bosses have a way of keeping track of their valuable treasure. With enough time, I bet I could trace it back to their hideout."

He looks at Oldin, "Your group seems quite competent. After all, you disarmed a scouting party of dudes with only those swords and such you carry. Certainly more force than we've had in town since the Dudes started running things. This could be the start of a way to get them off our backs once and for all ..."
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Post by shai-hulud »

"I will agree to leave town, but I cannot speak for the rest of my group. I hired them as mercenaries to protect my godson, not to save this town. I must consult with them about this. If they do not agree, I will go along with this plan. In fact, I will do whatever is necessary to protect this town, even if that means that my own life is forfeit. I realize that we have put you all in great danger.

"I also guarantee that if my allies agree, I will ensure that we see this through to the end. If these men are causing you this much trouble, then as far as I am concerned, they will have a war on their hands. I am a reasonable man who understands that sometimes, there is only one way to deal with UNreasonable men.

"If you are willing, please supply us with some 'kuhns' and teach us how to use them. It seems clear to me that our weapons are insufficient. I, however, will not need a weapon. Seker will protect me.

"Even though I am willing to go, I fear for my godson's safety. Would you be able to offer him protection until I return, or if I cannot return, take care of him? He is my primary concern, and I will not risk harm to him. If you cannot provide him sanctuary, I will bring him with me, but I will not be able to pursue the 'dudes' until I am sure he is safe."
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Post by patransom »

Sam Tinker says, "That sounds quite reasonable. Consult with your people, but don't let those Dudes get away if you're going to execute Shareev's plan."

"At least keep them busy in there a while longer, so I can have a look at their transports and see if I can figure out their tracking devices."

"I can put your godson under Sherrif's protection. He's competent enough to handle any trouble that might arise while you're away."

"As to khuns, I have a few, but they aren't of the quality the Dudes carry. They tend to confiscate anything of decent power that folks sell me. If you agree to help us, then I'll give you what I can scrounge up. We do have plenty of ammunition, what with the factory and all."

Oldin and Shareev, go ahead and post your re-entry into the restaurant in the other thread, along with how you're going to handle the situation now.
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Post by shai-hulud »

"So, Shareev, tell me about this bet that Alice said you should take me up on."
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Post by klakxor »

"Ha, yeah about that. I told her that you bet I couldn't handle a mouthful of earthworms. She knows I'll eat anything, so the bet was a sure thing. I thought it would be a good way to get her to agree I go outside with you.

How do you suppose we should make this offer to your friends. Thanis should be easily persuaded I think.

As for the last two dudes, Sam is correct. We cannot allow them to survive. They would most definately report this incident to their superiors."

Shareev is stone serious with the last statement.

"Not to seem eager to kill, but I know the damage the dudes can do."
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Post by shai-hulud »

Oldin frowns, then says, "This puts me in a very difficult position. I am very opposed to killing men who have surrendered. Are you certain that we possess no method of incarceration? Perhaps punishment will change their ways. I understand the difficulty of what I ask, but is it not better to preserve their lives? We have already had one death tonight. I would prefer no more die needlessly."
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Post by patransom »

Sam, hearing the discussion, notes "I thought the plan was to use them as hostages to lure the Dudes into your ambush. Ya wouldn't have to kill 'em to do that."
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Post by klakxor »

"If the sheriff thought that they could be jailed, then that is what would have happened, along with us. If we put them in a cell, the dudes will only come and let them out. I would prefer to deal with as little of them as possible. They take the best treasure and kuhns for themselves when they pillage.

Sam, as hostages, they would still be trouble. Not to mention that I don't think they will be real co-operative. And what would you have us do with them after the ambush. More lives will be lost I am sure, and theirs would need to be included then as well.

I wish there was another way, but I don't see how we could do it without endangering ourselves. Not to mention, if the dudes communicate with these two, your boy would be in terrible danger."
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Post by shai-hulud »

"Very well. I will take the one on the left, you take the one on the right. We approach from behind and slaughter them like the animals they are. If hands must be bloodied tonight, then they shall be mine."
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Post by klakxor »

"Yes, since the plan is ours, let it be ours that start the carnage. Before we do what we must, perhaps you should have your boy go elsewhere. Mayhaps Alice can take him to his room. There is no need for the child to be witness to such violences."
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Post by shai-hulud »

"Indeed, that was my plan, as well."
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Post by shai-hulud »

"Shareev, before we do this, do you have an extra knife that I may use for this task?"
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Post by klakxor »

"Sorry, I don't usually carry those. Perhaps grab one from one of the fallen."
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Post by shai-hulud »

Oldin nods. "That was my back-up plan."
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