How is this sheet different from Travis Woodall's sheet?

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How is this sheet different from Travis Woodall's sheet?

Post by shearin69 »

It seems to me you used the exact same data base from Travis Woodall's sheet from - even the errors are the same.

For a fully updated 3.5 character sheet, I would expect the character classes listed from the WoTc Complete Series along with feats; however I only see a fraction of the available characters. Granted, I only used the demo version, but before I sent off $20 bucks, I like to know if the sheet will really be of use to me with my playing in Living Greyhawk and house rules. Adaptability with adding spells, feats and characters is important.

Before with T. Woodall's product, I was unable to access the hidden files where Characters were listed, there getting an error #NAME if I adjusted the surface reference for adding a character such as the SCOUT form the Complete Adventurer. I am NO excel expert so I have to rely on those you out there with a brain to make these things work - for that I gladly pay the $$. Earl
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Re: How is this sheet different from Travis Woodall's sheet?

Post by admin »

shearin69 wrote:It seems to me you used the exact same data base from Travis Woodall's sheet from - even the errors are the same.
I am not familiar with Mr. Woodall's Sheet. But I would be very cusious to know which "Bugs" you have found that makes you think this Sheet is based on Mr. Woodall's work. There are many people using the Sheet and I usually know it soon enough when a bug is located !! Note that the Sheet is based on the System Reference Document - Which should be the identical to everyone - and I started working on it in late 2003!
shearin69 wrote:For a fully updated 3.5 character sheet, I would expect the character classes listed from the WoTc Complete Series along with feats; however I only see a fraction of the available characters. Granted, I only used the demo version, but before I sent off $20 bucks, I like to know if the sheet will really be of use to me with my playing in Living Greyhawk and house rules. Adaptability with adding spells, feats and characters is important.
It is not legal to use copyrighted information without the express written permission of the Owner - and after contacting Wizards of the Coast [Their reply is in the Royal Court section], they are NOT interested in seeing their Non-OGL book inside an automated Character Sheet [I can easily understand why!!]. Hence, It is not legal to use their intellectual property - and I don't.

Evidently, If people Customize their OWN stuff, including races and Classes from sources other than the SRD, then that's their business! People are free to share their creations in the other sections of the Forum...

As for Customization, I am told this Sheet is one of the highest customizable Sheet - Perhaps some Registered Users could give a comment here?? <looking around>
shearin69 wrote:Before with T. Woodall's product, I was unable to access the hidden files where Characters were listed, there getting an error #NAME if I adjusted the surface reference for adding a character such as the SCOUT form the Complete Adventurer. I am NO excel expert so I have to rely on those you out there with a brain to make these things work - for that I gladly pay the $$. Earl
Registering is more than getting a single workbook: You also get access to ALL the sections here (I think I did saw the class you mention in the "Classes of the Land" section...), meaning you can Share your Races/Classes. You also get support thru the Forum (ask away, there are section for most topics - help included) AND you get free updates! Did I mention I was adding support for 3 more classes? (meaning the Sheet will support up to 6 epic Classes, 3 of them Custom ones)

Don't hesitate to ask questions - that's the reason for this Forum!

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Post by draconas »

I sure as hell haven't been able to find a more customisable D&D automated character sheet.

Its a simple fact: every bit of automation reduces the ability to customise by it's very definition. If you want totally customisable - get a pencil and piece of paper. However this sheet strikes an excelent belance: automating the tedious number crunching (which was putting me off D&D) while making other things such as classes, races, feats etc... customisable for me.

Yes, I would like admin to fully integrate the classes/races/feats/spells etc.. from the entire complete series and the races of.... series into the sheet. But by the same token I don't want WoTc to sue his ass - the content belongs to them and they have declared that they don't want it to happen, so we just have to live with it.
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There should be a limit.

Post by gondolin1 »

Having a sheet with everything in it would make the file way to big and would be hard to handle. This was the problem with the Heroforge sheet which was about 5megs. This had an adverse effect of opening, using and saving the file, even with the import/export feature.

A lot of people out there don't understand what the SRD really means. I myself contacted admin because I was able to create a Duergar Psychic warrior from EPH but couldn't create a thri-kreen of any kind. admin kindly pointed out (meaning he didn't laugh at my ignorance :wink: ) that the Thri-Kreen race is not part of the SRD. This clearly shows that admin has done his homework as far as legal issues are concerned. So, seeing how concerned he is about the legal aspect of his work, I doubt very much that he is using Mr Woodall's intelectual property. The reverse could be possible though, I don't know
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Post by kmt1001 »

Just to be fair I did go and download a copy of the "other" sheet. What I found was a much lower level of customization, specifically in the smaller details that we players use to finesse our alter egos. One of the important differences was that admin's sheet was very strongly based on the character sheets we have all been using for years format wise, meaning it was easier on us set in the ways folks to actually use while playing. The other thing that I particularly like about admin's sheet is that it "catches" the errors we make in character setup. With so many editions out there it's very easy to get the rules mixed up, but admin's sheet will highlight those errors for us. Which for our DM's it makes the game flow better. Hands down for all involved in our gaming experience, this is the best sheet we've found.
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Post by admin »

I'm still awaiting to know which "Bugs" you have found ... I'd like to fix them!

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Flexible sheet

Post by JefA »

And I have tried, and buyed (bought i know) many other character generators, metacreator, etools, MadIrishmen, dungeonGenie,RPGenerator etc. I like systems and games, and have a lot.

So Far, for DnD3.5 admin sheet stands head and shoulders above.

Any similarities I see are i believe just those of commonality of subject.. they use the same 26 letters A-Z but they are jumbled up in a diff fashion.

I to regret that WotC are being protective of their non-SRD books, but thats not admin's fault.

I congratulate admin, especially since the save character data mod.

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Re: Flexible sheet

Post by admin »

JefA wrote:And I have tried, and buyed (bought i know) many other character generators, metacreator, etools, MadIrishmen, dungeonGenie,RPGenerator etc. I like systems and games, and have a lot.

So Far, for DnD3.5 admin's sheet stands head and shoulders above.

Any similarities I see are i believe just those of commonality of subject.. they use the same 26 letters A-Z but they are jumbled up in a diff fashion.

I to regret that WotC are being protective of their non-SRD books, but thats not admin's fault.

I congratulate admin, especially since the save character data mod.


Next step is Monstrous races - a feature selected by POLL by the Forum Users!! It`s gonna be COOL to create races with Class Levels... How about a Troll with 15 levels of Barbarian... !! If all goes well, I plan on releasing the first beta before Nov. 14th !!

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Post by takei27 »

I just downloaded Mr. Woodall's sheet, and to be honest, 2 years ago I would give him monsterous amounts of praise. However, I cannot see how you could think that admin's sheet is based on this other sheet.

First and foremost, admin's sheet is the most easily customizable of any character sheet I've seen, which is why I didn't mind registering it. Secondly, admin has a great deal more information on his sheet.

I think you are confusing the "look" of the sheet (with all of the comment red triangles) with the functionality of the sheet. That is where the comparison stops.

Also, admin, Kudos on the monsterous races. You and Flinx did a great job there.
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Post by wolf_spider333 »

I have tried almost every sheet availible on the market. I was very sceptical when my wife told me she was buying me yet another sheet as I have been severely dissapointed in the past with the workability ofthose sheets... I would have to say without a shadow of a doubt this sheet is well worth the $20. I would even say that it would be worth a small yearly fee to continue getting the updates and pay for your time and effort as for bugs I have found very few, and those were fixed with the next update I downloaded..
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