Getting error when adding a discriptor

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Getting error when adding a discriptor

Post by glitchies »

Ok, this weekend our group came across a normal dagger with an agate in the handle. I thought "Great! let me just throw this into the item builder and see what it says..." selected weapon>dagger>?? and it was there that i got confused... gm said the agate was worth 5gp, so how do i add this to the item? there was no spot to add the agate even, nevermind it's worth... is this not what the item builder is for? or is there something i am not understanding?
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Re: Getting error when adding a discriptor

Post by admin »

You have 2 ways to handle this

A) In the Treasure! sheet, type in Dagger with Agate$7 to represent the value of the dagger (2gp + 5gp)

B) Create this item as a custom item: Custom items are defined in the Data worksheet. Once you click on the Click here to add custom items link, you can add your new item:

Item Name: Dagger with Agate
value: 7
weight: 1
type: weapon
Details: LWeapon

Now, this second way of doing it would be very useful if your Dagger ALSO has an enchantment on it!! It means you could now define, in the Treasure! sheet, these kind of daggers: Dagger with Agate [+2] or Dagger with Agate [Mithral]

The Item Builder sheet exists to help you find the correct syntax for all the available properties (as explained in the User Guide)

Does this helps?
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