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Post by CarnageCJB »

Upon hearing his name, Jiam suddenly looks alert for the first time in days, and glances around the shop at all the wonders contained within. He begins muttering to himself, and reaches into his belt. "When did it get so hot here? With heat like this, a man gets so thirsty he can't think properly. I really hope that this heat hasn't spoiled my ale." Jiam proceeds to pull out a large jug of ale, and tastes it to see if it has spoilt. If not, he will produce mugs and offer some to any who may want some. (If the ale isn't any good, he will stow the jug with a sigh and pull out one of wine, tasting it as well, before offering it to his companions. If both are un-drinkable, he will sit on the floor and content himself with water for the time being.)
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Post by patransom »

Sam Tinker continues to hold the flopping fish in his hand as he tries to answer your questions.
shai-hulud wrote:More comfortable?!? I am more comfortable wielding the magics of Seker. He has blessed me with his power. Have you no priests of Seker in this town? If not, then I will bring Seker's light and heal your wounded. Just give me an hour of prayer to Seker, and I will be ready.
"Sorry friend, I didn't mean to insult your religion. There are priests about, most of them live over at Sanctuary, but they visit often. I don't know that they'd be too happy at your mention of this Seker, though. They're kind of sensitive to what they consider blasphemy."
Sunbolt wrote:What does the peeutheh do? And how do you breed these fish from only one fish? Doesn't it take two fish to make more?
"This peeutheh, the paypelfish, lets you understand and speak different languages, son! That's how I'm talking to you. And you're right, you usually need more than one fish to make more." He smiles, "But that's not always the case when you're dealing with peeutheh. The ancients had ways around normal peeulaykeehayl requirements and I've learned a few of their tricks. I won't bore you with the details, but it involves sellhuldurs and donor urkayneesms."
shail-hulud wrote:Mr. Tinker, my companions and I were wondering if perhaps you could help us figure out where we are … We would like some assistance figuring out not only where we are, but how much time has passed since we began our trek.

Do you know this boy's father, Shah Lyeah? Are we still in the nation of Tharbria? How far are we from the Viridian Empire? Have you heard of an amazing halfling chef named Tildon? And do you know where I might hire the services of an experienced chef here? I haven't eaten in two days, and I am starving!
"My my! That's quite a tale …" you're not certain if Tinker believes you or even understands the details of your story, but he continues, "As for where you are, you are in the north-central Wastelands, in the Town of Nauthun, the most advanced community in all the Wastelands!" he beams with pride as he says this.

"The names Tharbria and Viridian Empire sound suspiciously like Dayrpray and Virithiayn, which I know as kingdoms from the Dark Ages. And your friend there," he points directly at Brand, "certainly looks the part of a Dark Ages knight." He scratches his chin and is now talking almost to himself, but still using your language, "So … maybe … some sort of stasis. But that's impossible, they didn't have that kind of treasure before the very end of the Enlightened Age …"

He looks for a moment at each of you, appraisingly, "It's possible you are Awakened, as they often get their history confused … but you're awfully hearty-looking for Awakened, and where would you have gotten those clothes? They look like something out of a fantasy gooloovit."

He then directs a question to Shareev and Thanis, " Thell mi moor aypooth whayr yau boont dem. Ways eeth ayn eensthayleesgun ob de eensheenths? Wayr dere hreeoopets oor de leeh? Teet eeth lauh leeh ee mausium?"

He shakes his head as he waits for Shareev or Thanis to answer, "I'm afraid I can't help you with your main questions. I'm a bit of a history buff, but it's not my primary expertise. Maybe the folks at Sanctuary could help you more, or you could try to find some Sleeth … the Sleeth keep records of all sorts."

"As for food, that I can help you with! Alice runs a restaurant and tavern just down the street. She can make you a fine, hearty meal. But you'll need to be able to talk to her." He holds out the floppy fish again. "And you'll need some bucks … or something else to trade … she likes shiny things."

At this point, out the windows of the building, you can see that the sun in beginning to set and it's getting a little dark in here. Sam absently claps his hands together and the ceiling of room lights up, providing plenty to see by. It's at this point you notice that the faint hum you've heard since entering the town is a bit louder in here.

Sam now turns to Shareev, "Eev hefth yau weetheenk loonk inub, doo. Yau seet yau prayth payh sum treasure. Leths gayv ee lauh ayth wgath yauv kayth!"

Jiam's ale, by the way, is warm, but perfectly fine
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Post by shai-hulud »

Oldin paces as he waits for the business to conclude. From what he is talking about, they have not dealt with the Viridian Empire since a time they refer to as the Dark Ages... Hmm, that seems to indicate some sort of astronomical occurance. Perhaps we are in a land across the sea that used to have naval trade with the Empire, but long ago, there was some astronomical occurance that made navigation impossible. Yes, that must be it. So, if we can figure out where we are exactly, we can figure out which direction to sail in order to return home. The orb must have created a teleportation effect! Hmm, a teleportation effect to where? Perhaps it was a Gate effect! Although, the Gnosophim would have recognized magics that strong, wouldn't they? Unless the orb had deliberately had parts of its magics hidden from divination. Perhaps the monks did not want the orb falling into the wrong hands, so they hid the true nature of the orb, even from magical detection. That would have been an excellent idea, unfortunately, that leaves us with little clues as to where it might have taken us. Perhaps we are in a parallel plane that looks much like the material, only some small things are different that have caused everyone to forget us... Or, perhaps the orb truly did create a portal to a distant land. I suppose the only thing to do would be to try to find a map of the area.

Unless... no... it couldn't be... like Tinker said, that would be impossible... We couldn't have been trapped in stasis while the world went through several eras that these men call Ages... That is just rediculous.

After Tinker and Shareev finish talking, Oldin addresses Mr. Tinker, "From my studies of your language, Virithiayn would be your pronounciation of Viridian. That is clearly where we are from.

"You mentioned the 'Dark Ages' and history. How long has it been since you have had contact with the Viridian Empire, and where, geographically, do you believe it to be? I am quite influential, as I am a Viridian noble. I am certain that if you were willing to aid us, we could establish some form of trade between this city and the empire. I am guessing that before these 'Dark Ages' you mention, this city engaged in naval trade with the empire, yes? I am not certain how much we would be able to offer you in the way of treasure like you are trading. Our currency is based on the copper, silver, and gold standard, but perhaps some scrap metals could be located in trade for the metals that we use. I am certainly not familiar with this Wasteland, but my companion, Esias, here is excellent with maps if you have any of the area." Oldin takes out a few gold coins to show Tinker the proper currency of the Empire.
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Post by whtknt »

Rúadhnait has finally grown weary of the incessant talk. Before anyone can stop her, she grabs Tinker by his shirt and shakes him. "No more riddles!" she shouts angrily. "Where are we? Where is Kelt? Speak plainly, or I swear to the gods, I will shake the answers from you!"
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Post by klakxor »

"Dey wer sthuh een ay hoolayfset heev. Der ways nu treasure aynywheer oder den di treasure wi wer boloowing."

“Aynt aypot or treasure”, Shareev whistles to bring in his wheeled box. “Hir yau ku. Toon’th pi chip Tinker, Ee noo som ob dees ees kaut”

When Ruadhnait goes to grab Tinker, Shareev will pull out his kahn. “Payh obb, Tinker weel noth pi gayntlet leeh dayth.”
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Post by shai-hulud »

Seeing the woman's response, Oldin snaps at her, "Put him down! If you do that again, you will be on your own. Let those with more tact deal with potential allies. You deal with potential enemies. Understood?!?"
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving is not for you.
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Post by mechwarrior26 »

As the woman grabs tinker, and Shareev's shotgun comes out.. at the same time, almost in unison, Thanis's Rifle slides off of his shoulder, circling around to put the but at his shoulder and the barrel reaching straight to the temple of the barabarian's skull, sitting only several inches away,"NU ONE MAUVE! Ee tun’th hnuw wau yau dinh yau are, puth yau hat pether futh Tinker ton reekt no. Ee woulth geeth thau gayve thau splayther yaur frethy lithle beece ayll over dis fleece… " Thanis finger adjsuts slightly on the trigger as he watches the barbarian, still being mindful of the others in the store.
Seeing the woman's response, Oldin snaps at her, "Put him down! If you do that again, you will be on your own. Let those with more tact deal with potential allies. You deal with potential enemies. Understood?!?"
Thanis looks over to the old man after he speaks and grinns," Pether reikn in yaur woman olt mayn…" he looks back to Rúadhnait
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Post by Sunbolt »

"When I woke up - the Prelate said he'd healed me like he promised, and that we were all on another world now. Do you think we're on that world, or that we're way in our own futures - forward in time? "

Then he mutters...."Did I really have a demon in me?"
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Post by shai-hulud »

Sunbolt wrote:"When I woke up - the Prelate said he'd healed me like he promised, and that we were all on another world now. Do you think we're on that world, or that we're way in our own futures - forward in time? "

Then he mutters...."Did I really have a demon in me?"
"Another world, possibly. Our own futures... that seems less possible. I am not an expert on stasis, but I believe that the Temporal Stasis spell that would have brought us to our own future is a Transmutation spell, and the orb that Jiam's order provided us was conjuration and evocation. Now, I suppose if the magics of the orb acted upon the Prelate's magics, it is possible that a transmutation effect occurred. It is very difficult to tell, especially if the monks disguised the magical auras of the orb."

"As for your demon, I don't believe so. We asked the Prelate to prove his claims, and he refused. I believe that if he was truly trying to help you, he would have been very willing to display proof of his claims. Also, before the orb was shattered, I had access to many of my spells, but after, I felt like I had spent them all, although I had not. I assume that it was the same for the Prelate, which would indicate that he had not cast any spells to heal you, but the orb's effect took care of that. He was a master of deception, probably filling in many of the gaps of his lies with truth. Thus making it impossible to tell the difference between what was truth and what was lie."
Last edited by shai-hulud on Wed Dec 13, 2006 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by whtknt »

Rúadhnait relaxes and releases the man, but makes no move to apologize. She glares at Oldin in response to his comment and backs off, sulking.
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Post by Icefire »

Leenah moves to Rúadhnait from where she was still standing near Oldin. "Rúadhnait, let him go. We are trying to figure out where we are." Turning to look at the Tinker she says softly, "Please forgive Rúadhnait, this is all very strange for us. Perhaps maps of the areas you know, paypelfish and an escort to this Sanctuary might be in order, if you please?"
Perearth: Tana Lattia, Monk of the Order of St. Cuthbert, human female
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Post by shai-hulud »

Oldin replies with a smile, "Thank you, Leenah! My mind is running over the problem of where we are causing me to forget to ask for the obvious, what we need to continue."
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Post by valinor »

"This is not sounding quite, right at all. We travelled in time? I only heard of powerful bethren of mine who were able to understand time were only able to stop it for a brief moment...." and Aeless seems faintly pale as finished his statement, "...oh my."
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Post by mechwarrior26 »

Thanis smiles and relaxes the rifle down again. No doubt that Shareevs shotgun would have done a more impressive job of 'resolving' the situation, but he couldnt help himself from trying to assist. He watches the group slowly, still not understanding a damn word coming out of their mouths. Some of it seems almsot familar to the language he knew, but he still couldn't graps it. he shook his head slowly as he walked to the far side of the room. He wanted to be at a point where he could fire on any of the new comers without fear of hitting Shareeve or Tinker.
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Post by klakxor »

Shareev also lowers his weapon as he sees Tinker being released. He keeps his eyes on Ruadhnait as Oldin and Leenah exchange words. "Tinker, laug ayth mee treasure. Dayth wee wi gayn keth dem oth ob gir."

When he sees Aeless start to go pale he says, "Yau laug sih". He then chuckles and looks over at Thanis. "Leeg EE gayn see aynydink"
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Post by Sunbolt »

"Another world, possibly. Our own futures... that seems less possible. I am not an expert on stasis, but I believe that the Temporal Stasis spell that would have brought us to our own future is a Transmutation spell, and the orb that Jiam's order provided us was conjuration and evocation. Now, I suppose if the magics of the orb acted upon the Prelate's magics, it is possible that a transmutation effect occurred. It is very difficult to tell, especially if the monks disguised the magical auras of the orb."

"As for your demon, I don't believe so. We asked the Prelate to prove his claims, and he refused. I believe that if he was truly trying to help you, he would have been very willing to display proof of his claims. Also, before the orb was shattered, I had access to many of my spells, but after, I felt like I had spent them all, although I had not. I assume that it was the same for the Prelate, which would indicate that he had not cast any spells to heal you, but the orb's effect took care of that. He was a master of deception, probably filling in many of the gaps of his lies with truth. Thus making it impossible to tell the difference between what was truth and what was lie."[/quote]

I guess... he just made it sound like he used his magic last - that there was no reason to save it. And wasn't he behind an abjuration when you through the orb? What does a temporal stasis spell do anyway? I've only heard the name.
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Post by valinor »

Aeless composes himself and asks, "What is the year?" he asks these in Elven, Draconic, Undercommon, Celestial, and last but not least Common.
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Post by valinor »

"Oldin, that Prelate has to be a sorcerer to had been able to cast his spell. As you said you feel you've used your spell and you haven't that is the same with me too." Aeless awaits the answer from his first question.
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Post by patransom »

[My, my, Tinker has a lot to respond to …]
shai-hulud wrote:"You mentioned the 'Dark Ages' and history. How long has it been since you have had contact with the Viridian Empire, and where, geographically, do you believe it to be? I am quite influential, as I am a Viridian noble. I am certain that if you were willing to aid us, we could establish some form of trade between this city and the empire. I am guessing that before these 'Dark Ages' you mention, this city engaged in naval trade with the empire, yes? I am not certain how much we would be able to offer you in the way of treasure like you are trading. Our currency is based on the copper, silver, and gold standard, but perhaps some scrap metals could be located in trade for the metals that we use. I am certainly not familiar with this Wasteland, but my companion, Esias, here is excellent with maps if you have any of the area." Oldin takes out a few gold coins to show Tinker the proper currency of the Empire.
Tinker laughs, "It would be quite impossible for us to have had any contact or trade with Virithiayn, if it's the same as this Viridian Empire you talk of. Nauthun wasn't here in the Dark Ages! Still, from what Shareev says, I can't tell if you are somehow Awakeneds from that time, or just very confused … oh well, quite the mystery."

He takes a look at the gold coins Oldin shows him and says, "Hmmm, well these aren't worth anything to me, but I'm sure I could trade them to Alice or the next Dabber caravan to come to town. With some polishing they could be quite shiny! If you have, say, 500 of these to offer, I could provide a paypelfish for each of you."

It is at this point that Ruadhnait interrupts, grabbing the old man by the shirt. He seems about to panic before Shareev, Thanis, Oldin, and Leenah intervene to diffuse the situation.
Icefire wrote:"Please forgive Rúadhnait, this is all very strange for us."
"Crazy woman! Still, if you are new Awakeneds, I can understand her upset. It can be a confusing experience. No harm done." He brushes his shirt off and moves back away from the group of newcomers. As if in an effort to calm himself, he begins examining the parts inside Shareev's box.

"Yes, yes, dirz saum kaut treasure gir. EE hayn ti layths weed dees. EE'll keev yau 3000 bucks boor di wgool feel. Ti yau waynth mi thi sfleeth dayth pithwin yau aynt Thanis?"
Icefire wrote:"Perhaps maps of the areas you know, paypelfish and an escort to this Sanctuary might be in order, if you please?"
Having concluded his inspection, he responds to the rest of Leenah's request. "I'll still trade you the paypelfish for 500 of your shiny gold coins. As for an escort to Sanctuary, I doubt you'll need one. I'm sure you saw their peeutoom on the way into town. I doubt they'll talk to you until morning, though. They're very sensitive about strangers visiting in the night."

"As for a map, I think I can help with that …" He walks to a counter in the middle of the room and begins messing with a strange box sitting there. "There we are," he says as a picture appears out of nowhere on the back wall of the store … it's a map! [posted below]

"You are here …" he points out the dot clearly labeled Nauthun, "and, from what I understand, Virithiayn was to the south in the Dark Ages, the Empires of the Ancients sprung out of it in the Enlightened Age. And, of course, it's all the Mayr Moon Jungle now …"
valinor wrote:Aeless composes himself and asks, "What is the year?" he asks these in Elven, Draconic, Undercommon, Celestial, and last but not least Common.
"The year? It's the year 112. That's counting from the founding of Nauthun, of course. It's probably meaningless to you, if you really are Awakened. It's probably 250 years since the Final Wars ended, which is around when most Awakened went to sleep." Apparently just to show off, he repeats this information in Elven, Draconic, Undercommon, and Celestial. "My, that's a lot of languages! See how well these paypelfish work?"

[One final note for Oldin and Aeless: you are at full spellcasting capacity again, having traveled for a day and rested/prayed on the trip. I should have mentioned that before.]
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Post by shai-hulud »

Oldin is currently not too trusting of his surroundings. He has learned the language with little trouble, and is not entirely sure he wants to put a fish in his ear. He is getting rather frustrated with the situation, as all of his postulating is leading him to no conclusions, except the possibility that you are all stuck here, far from everything you knew and loved, with no currency of value here (no money = difficult to survive). 500 gp buys you 8 fish in this land. At the very least, he would like to go out and see the rest of this town, visit Alice, see the Sanctuary before he invests any of his money in surviving better here. Perhaps there is an easy solution.

Of course, this is all what my character would do. As a player, I am loathe to allow this to go on any longer than it needs to. What would everyone like to do? Perhaps if everyone is amenable to the idea of attempting to negotiate with Alice for trade goods with Tinker, I wouldn't mind role-playing it. Perhaps if Pat is amenable to the idea of just fast-forwarding role-playing, that would allow us to get to the meat of this game. Would people like to go out searching the city without paypelfish? Or if Pat doesn't want to do that, should we just spend the 500 gold, with no guarantee that it will be worth our while (Oldin can act as translator, if need be, and who knows what else our gold might be useful for...)

As I see it, we have two choices: Trust that Tinker is not trying to gyp us, or try to negotiate a better deal. At the very least, Oldin will use diplomacy and try to keep as much of the party's belongings with the party as possible.


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Post by shai-hulud »

Sunbolt wrote:I guess... he just made it sound like he used his magic last - that there was no reason to save it. And wasn't he behind an abjuration when you through the orb? What does a temporal stasis spell do anyway? I've only heard the name.
Contemplating, Oldin decides to answer Amon while trying to figure out which way to turn next. "What do you mean he made it sound like there was no reason to save his magic? And what do you mean he used his magic last... last what? And another thing... he appeared to use magic as he left looking for 'a way back'... He disappeared, as though by magic, although I will admit that my eyes were playing tricks on me, but if he had no magic left, either from healing you or from the same thing that happened to us, how was he able to disappear like that? I think he is the key to figuring out this mystery.

"Yes, he was behind an abjuration, so it is possible that the orb's magic mixed with his to create the effect that it had.

"A temporal stasis creates an area frozen in time. It causes life to come to a standstill, and those caught within do not age, eat, sleep, or breathe. They are preserved indefinitely."
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Post by valinor »

The half-elf feels around the motives of their new found companions, as the conversation is about trinkets and money.

OOC: Sense Motive +5 or to aid another person who has it better.
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Post by CGM3 »

Esias examines the map with interest. "These Eesoo Dust Pits," he states, indicating the area with a finger, "look t' be where th' Iso Monster Lake was in, in our... time, or world, or whatever. That Lake Ayvis is much like th' Aves Sanctuary on th' maps o' the Viridian Empire, and what's called here th' Shayreen Aqueduct seems t' follow th' same course as th' Sharryn River we crossed. It, it could be," he allows unhappily, "that we have been... suspended by some magic, and the land changed in the time we were... unaware."

He frowns, then gestures towards the area marked Great Rift. "Goodman Tinker, know you aught o' a range o' mountains called th' Smokes, t' th' southwest o' this Great Rift o' yours?" he asks.

OOC: +10 in Knowledge (geography), which should let him recognize the similarities in contours and place-names. And +8 in Sense Motive.
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Post by klakxor »

"Ee weel fee bor di bish. Justh theeh eeth oth ob mee huth brom di treasure. Ee hayn fee di mayf thau. Ee kess Thanis aynt Ee hayn show dem thau Sanctuary ays well.”

He will then turn to Oldin and say "Flis theeh dise so wi hayn untersthaynt ich oder.”
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Post by shai-hulud »

Oldin looks incredulously at Shareev. 500 gold is a great deal to be spending on perfect strangers. I wonder how much these fish are worth in their currency. Perhaps I should suggest that he purchase one for himself so that he would be able to understand our language and communicate with us that way until we can purchase our own fish. I am not certain that I wish to be indebted to men I hardly know. Of course, would he be insulted by my rejecting his hospitality. I will simply translate and see how the others feel about this. If they are less suspicious than I am, perhaps my fears are unwarranted.

Oldin translates, "Shareev says that he will pay for our fish from his half of the treasure. He also says that he can pay the map, too, although I am not certain what that means. Perhaps he is offering to purchase the map for us? He says that he and Thanis will show us the way to the Sanctuary, and he requests that we accept the fish so that we can understand each other."
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Post by valinor »

"Purchase? I don't know for our sum of what we have left, maybe borrow it for now till we can determine it's worth for us." Aeless suggests.
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Post by Sunbolt »

Amon is still stuck on the conversation.... "So if we were caught in a temporal stasis field - and time moved around us and we were just frozen there - then what happened to the big pillar thing?, and how did I get healed up if everyone's magic was gone? And if he had no magic how did he leave? I just don't get it - why would he go so far to kill me anyway? And if he intended to kill me from the start, without healing me - why not just cut off my hands and feet so I'd bleed to death faster? None of this makes any sense at all.

(if you're not a douglas adams fan - ignore this part of Amon's rambling)
Like why would a fish let me understand people? It's like a miracle, something that could only exist if god put it there as proof that god existed, and doesn't that undermine the power of faith - if we have proof? And in the absence of faith - wouldn't god cease to exist?

Amon finally throws his hands up in frustration and tries to think to concentrate on understanding what everyone is actually saying in this wier language.
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Post by Sunbolt »

Amon is still stuck on the conversation.... "So if we were caught in a temporal stasis field - and time moved around us and we were just frozen there - then what happened to the big pillar thing?, and how did I get healed up if everyone's magic was gone? And if he had no magic how did he leave? I just don't get it - why would he go so far to kill me anyway? And if he intended to kill me from the start, without healing me - why not just cut off my hands and feet so I'd bleed to death faster? None of this makes any sense at all.

(if you're not a douglas adams fan - ignore this part of Amon's rambling)
Like why would a fish let me understand people? It's like a miracle, something that could only exist if god put it there as proof that god existed, and doesn't that undermine the power of faith - if we have proof? And in the absence of faith - wouldn't god cease to exist?

Amon finally throws his hands up in frustration and tries to think to concentrate on understanding what everyone is actually saying in this wier language.
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Post by mechwarrior26 »

Thanis pipes up from his little nook that he has been watching from,"Ee cayn feey bor deir lotking aynt baut bor da neekgth ays well. Meeh ith all isier.”
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Post by Icefire »

Leenah watches and listens quietly, before replying, "I think it would be worth at least a few of us getting these fish and paying a visit to the sanctuary, perhaps they can tell us more. Because from what I have heard I think we are indeed in the future of our world. And from the looks of things unless those at this sanctuary know of a way to send us back we are going to need to find a way to support ourselves."
Perearth: Tana Lattia, Monk of the Order of St. Cuthbert, human female
Brave New Peareath: Leenah, Viridian female rogue
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