Prayer Booth #2 [Vulan]

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Prayer Booth #2 [Vulan]

Post by patransom »

Vulan wrote:I was told you could find me some teachers of the old stories - where can I get those?
"Oh, yes. The easiest way to answer your questions would be for you to go to the Chapel." Sanctuary directs you from the mess hall to another building, which, from the outside, looks like every other building in the cavern.

Inside, however, it's a bit different. Although the walls, ceiling, and floor are made of metal, the interior is quite comfortable and almost familiar. The floor is covered by a thick carpet with intricate designs. Upon the walls hang tapestries with pictures of plants and trees.

Along one wall of the Chapel are a series of wooden booths. The door of one of them slides open and Sanctuary says, "Go on in and we'll try to answer your questions."

Assuming you enter the booth, you find it just large enough for two people to sit facing each other, with a bench on each side. Taking a seat on one of the benches, the door shuts and a man appears sitting on the opposite bench! The man is elderly, with deeply tanned skin, and wears flowing white robes with herbal patterns. The man is semi-transparent and slightly glowing, like a ghost or an illusion that you've detected as such.

The apparition says, "Greetings, my son. How can I assist you?"
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Post by Sunbolt »

Vulan eyes the ghostly figure. Smiles and sits.

"Hello. Are you science or magic? Or something else. Seems ever since we woke up, we're finding that you folks have redone everything except the sun. I'm not sure what happened or what I need to be honest - except answers.
Here's what I know. I joined a group to rescue some kid, which I thought was a noble use of my time and a good way to make up for past wrongs. The guy leading the group had some magic orb he didn't know about and claimed we were after this very evil man. Only when we find the boy - after fighting werewolves and others - the guy tells us the boy is possessed and he's going to weaken the demon then free the kid. The problem was he was bloodletting the boy.

Either the demon was weakened by the blood letting and this allowed the prelate to do his job and bind the demon into an earthen obelisk or he was trying to kill the kid and take his powers - I still don't know which, because the guy who called us all together used an orb to get through the prelates defenses and the whole world went black - well we were knocked out more thoroughly than by drinking a tankard of dwarven ale on an empty stomach.

When we work up - the whole world was the same, but different. The obelisk was gone - but there was a machine creature attacking us. The boy was fine - just like the prelate said he'd be, which was the first thing to make me really doubt the story from the old man. So we traveled and met new friends. Then they were attacked by these "dudes" in a tavern. Well, maybe attacked isn't right word. My companion - the sexy one - she was made the object of a dude's lust. So she drew, I drew - well we all drew and dealt with it. After the combat - we were all thirsty, so I made peace and offered to buy them a drink. They offered to buy instead - which is their right as the loser - so we drank to our mismeeting and were trying to make friends when that Oldin guy killed them in the most cowardly of manners.

Now, I really started to wonder if the Prelate was telling the truth the whole time, and it was Oldin causing all the problems to begin with. He acts like he's ok with doing anything as long as he says it's in the best interest of the boy. I think he'd kill everyone in this sanctuary and say it's because the blood that Dr. Zeus took could hurt the kid. The only problem is that I don't know if he just says it, or if he means it.

Oh - and he's offered to let me leave the group - now that he has us gods know where or gods know when! Fat lot of good that'll do me. Get me home first, jerk!

Anyway - the first step in getting home is knowing where we are. If we're in a dreamworld - that's like our, but not ours - then we need to know. If we're far in our grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's time, then I need to know the stories of this land - how it came to be - who are it's heros, what have they taught this world - who are these dudes - why can they do what they will what laws exists here, if any. And more - if you were a prelate - a powerful wizard and priest - either trying to gain power, or else trying to save children from demonic possession - where might you go in this world?

So - I need the stories both old and new, that might lead me to understanding.
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Post by patransom »

The apparition smiles at your question about science and magic, "It is said that science may appear to be magic to those unfamiliar with it. Indeed, many those who brought about the enlightenment believed that science was Meeher's greatest gift to man. Thus, it may be said that science ultimately stems from a divine, and therefore magical, source. So, one could consider me both science and magic!" The apparition seems quite pleased at this idea.

"I have been speaking with the one you call Oldin and I believe his causes are just, although his beliefs are a bit misguided. I believe there is hope that he may eventually recognize the illusions he's followed are just that -- illusions -- and that the true source of all just causes is the One God, Meeher. In the meantime, a just cause remains a just cause even when one's perception of its source is incorrect."

"As to this Prelate you both have described, I suspect he also is guided by illusions, and more dangerous ones than those that deceive Oldin. For the action of draining blood from an innocent child to chase off a 'demon' is clearly not the act of a just or sane man. There is no justification for it in science. Quite unlike the work done by Dr. Zeus, which causes no harm and seeks only to further the protection of Meeher's followers."

"I can assure this is no dreamworld. It may be your grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's time. There are stories of those who have been reawakened after being stored away by the ancients."

"As for the stories of this land, I can give you a brief synopsis. I will not mention tales of specific heroes, unless you truly desire it. Although heros can be important, what must be understood is that their actions, and the results of those actions, are more important than their names. And their actions are important because those actions were guided by the cause of Meeher."

"It is known that in the Dark Ages, man was decieved by many illusions and superstitions, which the folk believed to be gods. There were many religions and this led to conflict and misery. There were a few good folk who recognized the One God, Meeher, and with his guidance realized the other religions to be false. Unfortunately, these folk were persecuted for their beliefs and forced to seek shelter in barren lands."

"There came a time, however, when a few of the faithful, guided by Meeher, emerged from the hidden Holy Cities and entered the 'civilized' lands. There they found many evils, caused by leaders who believed in the darkest of false gods. They also found, however, a few who, although deceived by false gods, supported the causes of righteous and justice. Although the faithful were dismayed at the false beliefs of these few good men, they recognized their causes to be just and ultimately guided by Meeher, even if those who followed these causes were unaware of the truth."

"So it was that the faithful banded together with the misguided good and, after much struggle, threw down the leadership of those who followed the darkest of false gods. This brought about a transitory age, where some still followed false gods, but much that was dangerous and evil had been cast aside. After a time, many more began to recognize Meeher as the One God and set aside their superstitions and false beliefs. There was some strife and conflict during this time, but ultimately our true religion was victorious. Most of Perearth recognized Meeher as the source of all that is true and just."

"This victory brought about the Enlightened Age. This is the time you will hear many refer to as the time of the Ancients. No longer burdened by illusion and superstition, man was able to perceive the patterns set out in the world by the One God and the rapid advancement of science took place. This truely was a time of heaven upon Perearth, as science allowed man to prosper with little conflict and strife, seeking only to help and protect all of humanity, as Meeher would have it."

"Although the Enlightened Age lasted thousands of years, eventually and sadly it came to an end. Men began to lose their faith, deceived by an illusion even more deadly than those of the Dark Ages: that there was no higher power; believing in science for science's sake alone. So it was that science was perverted, no longer guided by good, and many horrors were introduced to the world. Great conflicts erupted over this perverted science and the End Times began."

"Only we few faithful were wise enough to use science for Meeher's divine purpose and build places like Sanctuary to protect us from the horrors of the End Times. Sadly, it was not enough and much of Perearth fell into madness and ruin. It can now be said that this Gamma Age is a new Dark Age. For many outside the safety of Sanctuary once again are deceived by superstition and illusion -- either the dark illusion that ended the Enlightened Age, that might makes right, or, it would seem, other reemergent illusions from the original Dark Ages, of false gods like those your friend Oldin describes."

"There are places like Nauthun, where some semblance of order has been restored, but these places are few and far between. And even there, most do not fully recognize the One God. Until they do, no new Enlightened Age can begin once again."

"These Dudes, from what we have observed here in Sanctuary, are among the worst of the misguided. They have no faith at all, desiring to take what they can without regard for their fellow man. They harass and cause misery among the people of Nauthun. Fortunately, they have as yet been unable to disturb us here in Sanctuary, thanks to the wisdom of the faithful in making this a place of great safety."

"As for the Prelate you speak of, I cannot say where he might have gone. Someone so misguided by dark illusion could be cabably of anything. If we are fortunate, his superstitions will have led him to his own doom. If not, then he could easily gather many creatures of this world to his side. There are many with no faith to guide them that can easily be duped."
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Post by Sunbolt »

You say that magic is a part of science or empowers it. In my time, there were creations of the mundane which seemed magical, then there was magic learned by sorcerers and another kind of magic that seemed the same to me, but was granted by the divine. This god or that. What you call illusions and deceptions. I have trouble believing that the shaman that taught me as I grew up was so easily deceived as were all of the shaman before him. Is it not more likely that this Meerer of yours simply bested the other gods became the last god and then told all his followers that he was the only true god from the beginning? IF this was so - so many years later - and with few if any to tell the other story, it would be very easy to dismiss whole beliefs as disillusionment.

I have seen demons and their works. Possession was not unheard of in my lands. Though, I have no way to know if the boy was ever possessed and less to believe the Prelate. I agree he is a danger, but not necessarily because he is deceived - I'd wager he's harder to deceive that you are. He's usually the one doing the deceiving. In that, he and Oldin seem to be equally skilled. The both can spin a tale to make their own actions seem righteous and just when they are atrocities.

You seem to put a great deal of faith in the Meeher. So much so that you deny that the humans who work towards the aims of Meeher have anything to do with the success of of Meerher's work. Yet, if Meeher is so all powerful, then why would people turn from her? How could they come to succumb to illusions and deceptions so easily? Would not Meeher see this happening and enlighten those same people? Or is it that only through the people who follow her valiantly that Meeher can achieve any success. If this is the case, then the names of the heroes you are so willing to leave nameless and their legacy should be shouted not hidden. Every knight has his king - every warrior his tribe! Forget the one and you doom the other - it may be this arrogance more than anything that has led to what you call this new dark age.

But then, I am little more than a barbarian, what should you care for my thoughts on these matters. Perhaps you are right and all I have ever been taught is a lie.

In this world - is there any way through science, magic, divine or arcane, or even the mundane to go back to the world I once knew?

If not, what can you tell me of the few laws that have survived here and how I can make myself a home in this new world?
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Post by patransom »

Sunbolt wrote:I have trouble believing that the shaman that taught me as I grew up was so easily deceived as were all of the shaman before him. Is it not more likely that this Meerer of yours simply bested the other gods became the last god and then told all his followers that he was the only true god from the beginning?
The apparition looks a little sad at this question, "Such is why illusion is so dangerous: that it is attractive for humankind to believe. It becomes more dangerous when it deceives those who believe it into unjust and evil acts. Whether those who taught you were deceived themselves, or used deceipt to gain power over others, I cannot say. However, from your words and actions, I believe that what you were taught must not have been entirely at odds with Meeher's purpose. As such, you are only mistaken, not misguided. In dark times such as this, such a condition still brings hope that the world may return to a state of enlightenment."

"I can assure you that Meeher has always been the only true god. It was this truth that guided the earliest of his faithful, even in the oldest of dark times when illusion was prevalent, and ultimately aided them in bringing about the Enlightened Age. This truth is the first tenet of our oldest scripture, the White Book of Mazzaroth."
You seem to put a great deal of faith in the Meeher. So much so that you deny that the humans who work towards the aims of Meeher have anything to do with the success of of Meerher's work. Yet, if Meeher is so all powerful, then why would people turn from her? How could they come to succumb to illusions and deceptions so easily? Would not Meeher see this happening and enlighten those same people? Or is it that only through the people who follow her valiantly that Meeher can achieve any success. If this is the case, then the names of the heroes you are so willing to leave nameless and their legacy should be shouted not hidden. Every knight has his king - every warrior his tribe! Forget the one and you doom the other - it may be this arrogance more than anything that has led to what you call this new dark age.
"You misunderstand me. We do not deny that those who work towards Meeher's cause are critical to its success. We merely use caution such that the instrument does not become more glorified than the principle that guides it. This is an illusion that has deceived many and can cause great evil. The great kings and leaders of the first Dark Age are examples. Mere belief in their greatness doomed many, when these leaders ultimately forced their people to evil acts."

"Nor do we leave nameless the heroes who served Meeher's cause. I chose not to name them in answering your question about our history. I did so for expediency, and to avoid over-glorifying the instruments. I see now that this may have been a mistake; for perhaps you are better guided by the examples of others than by pure philosophy. I do assure you that we record the actions of heroes, when these actions serve the cause. Our third scripture, the Blue Book of Teehayrth, records how Meeher's faithful brought about the enlightened age. And it records the names of these heroes. As it is written more as story than philosophy, perhaps you could better come to understand truth through it than the methods I have tried ..."
In this world - is there any way through science, magic, divine or arcane, or even the mundane to go back to the world I once knew?
"That I do not know. The science of the Ancients achieved many things, but much of it has been lost to us. Perhaps that science may provide you a way to do what you seek. Although, if this world you speak of is as burdened by evil and illusion as it seems, it is difficult to conceive why you might wish to return..."
If not, what can you tell me of the few laws that have survived here and how I can make myself a home in this new world?
"Sadly, little of law survived the End Times. Here in Sanctuary we still follow the principles of Meeher, but elsewhere it is otherwise. Different communities, I am told, have different laws, some just, some unjust. Even our near friends in Nauthun have little in the way of written law, which is sad, although much of their guiding principles are as one might desire."
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Post by Sunbolt »

I would ask you to tell me these stories of the book of Teehayrath. I'm afraid I have no mind for reading books, and less in this tongue you speak. I would know of your heros and how they, working for Meeher, manage to do such great and glorious things without themselves being great and glorious people. It is a pity you equate humans with instruments as if they are simply hammers for the gods to use to build such great structures - or to bring them down.

What do you know of the tenents of these other illusions? Surely understanding the laws of the deceivers the rules by which they worked their deception can only aid us in preventing ourselves and others from being fooled again.
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Post by Sunbolt »

"oh.. and that last question... why I would want to return... it's a simple matter, actually. It is my time, my home, filled with my friends and my enemies, and perhaps, armed with what you have now taught me, I would be able to spread more of the teachings to beware these deceptions, or even better, find a way to preserve the legacies of my time."
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Post by patransom »

[I'm not ignoring you ... I'll get you a story eventually. I just have to make one up. Not like I've actually written the whole of post-apocalyptic Mycretian scripture. :P ]
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Post by Sunbolt »

patransom wrote:[I'm not ignoring you ... I'll get you a story eventually. I just have to make one up. Not like I've actually written the whole of post-apocalyptic Mycretian scripture. :P ]
Heh heh... you can just say sanctuary tells me one - and make up the details later.... it's all good.
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