Transition: the Lord of Time... Again

A game that seems to change settings every couple of years; currently following the Age of Worms Adventure Path.

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Transition: the Lord of Time... Again

Post by patransom »

I recommend listening to Pink Floyd's Time while reading this. I particularly like this version, even though it’s not the whole song…


The Gamma team exits the Whispering Cairn to find that everything's changed. Clearly, you're not in West Virginia any more. Before you even open your eyes, a continuous sound alerts you that something is odd. The sound is a series of jangling bells. You realize that you are standing up, but completely unable to move. It’s not uncomfortable and you are not restrained, but somehow you are unable to get your muscles to respond.

Opening your eyes reveals a strange scene. You are standing in a misty void with no sky, horizon, or ground. Floating in the distance, you see various hourglasses, sundials, digital clocks, and other time-keeping devices. Some of them are the source of the bells that have awakened you.

You are all standing in a semi-circle. At the center of the semi-circle stands a tall, slender man, shrouded in a gray, hooded cloak. His arms are crossed and you cannot see his feet. He seems to float several inches above where you would expect the ground to be, if there were a ground in this misty void.

The whole scene seems vaugely familiar. Maybe you saw it in a movie. Or a deam. Or was it a former life?

The man sighs, Pardon the interruption... once again. After shaking his head, he continues, As usual, I hate to intervene, but I simply couldn’t let you continue any further. Too disruptive to the balance of things, you see. Those blasted Chaos Lords are really mucking things about now. Ghosts aren't even supposed to exist in this setting!

I'm afraid the time/space locus of our little problem has moved. If you're still willing to help, I'm going to have to move you. Once again, it will be an unfamiliar alternate reality/time stream, but, once again, you won’t be anomalies. While you decide if you're still going to go along with my plan, I can answer a few questions. It’s not like I don’t have all the time in the world. He chuckles, shooing away a particularly annoying alarm clock that has been buzzing around his head.
Feel free to ask this odd fellow questions, in character, while we work out the ooc details of the new game outside this thread.


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Re: [Active Thread] Transition: the Lord of Time... Again

Post by Duniagdra »

Yes, I'd like to continue with this quest. Where are we?
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Re: [Active Thread] Transition: the Lord of Time... Again

Post by tdsprouse »

I too would like to see where the rabbit hole goes. But wont we be missed?
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Re: [Active Thread] Transition: the Lord of Time... Again

Post by CGM3 »

I've gone this far, I might as well continue. But could you give us some clue as to what that "little problem" is?
Over on Discord, I go by Gryphon
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Re: [Active Thread] Transition: the Lord of Time... Again

Post by patransom »

The man in the gray cloak answers the questions in reverse order, The little problem is the same one you were meant to deal with in your modern reality/timeframe, although I imagine you don't really remember the assignment. The problem is that certain forces, specifically certain Chaos Lords, are interfering with the time/reality stream in a manner that threatens to greviously upset the law/chaos balance. Thanks to some actions by third parties, their interference in your modern reality/timeframe has been quite stifled. But they're not done yet. Oh no, they've merely shifted their target to another reality/timeframe, one where chaos already holds a pretty firm grip.

So, once again, we need the careful injection of some countervening elements to balance things out appropriately. By countervening elements, of course, I mean you. I mean, to use a more dramatic term, champions. Because that's what you're beginning to be by now: Champions Eternal.

Turning to Tex he says, I can't quite say whether you'll be missed, as I haven't really studied your personal relationships. I can say your role as Champion Eternal is no longer needed in the modern reality/timeframe. It is needed, however, where/when I propose to send you. I guess you could say you'll definitely be missed if you don't go.

For Marcus' benefit, he explains, Where you are is my domain. Depending on your frame of reference and/or educational background, you might call it The Elemental Plane of Time or The Fourth Dimension. But what you call it doesn't matter as much as the mere fact of its existence.
So, I've got the Character (Re-re-)Creation Thread up for you to start working with. There's a bit of associated background reading, if you want it, in a couple of threads that are cross-referenced there. While we deal with character building, feel free to continue asking in-character questions of the silly man in gray...


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Re: [Active Thread] Transition: the Lord of Time... Again

Post by tdsprouse »

Tex puffs his chest up a bit. Champion Eternal, yeah, I could get used to that. What should we expect when we get to wherever we're going?
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Re: [Active Thread] Transition: the Lord of Time... Again

Post by Duniagdra »

Fascinated by the thought of the "Forth Dimension" Marcus extends a hand and scoops up strands of mist and watches it flow from his hand. As Tex speaks, Marcus drifts in thought a moment until the persistent ti, ti, ti, ti drifts loader and louder in his ear. Waking from his inward thoughts, he realizes one of the many clocks, an analog chrome framed with two silver bells and a small silver hammer between with a dark black face contrasted by silver symbols of unfamiliar writing, has drifted up next to his ear. He gently turns it and taps it, sending it drifting off and away.

A silly question, but how do you put up with all this ringing and ticking and droning? I suppose after a time you must be used to it and can tune it out?

Another thought comes to him, in the end of all this, do we become Time Martials?
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Re: [Active Thread] Transition: the Lord of Time... Again

Post by tdsprouse »

Or, Time Cops, like Jean Claude Van Damne in the movie? Tex inserts with a grin. Or maybe Sam Beckett from Quantum Leap? Tex looks like he could go on for a few more, but perhaps thinks it wiser to stop with a double.
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Re: [Active Thread] Transition: the Lord of Time... Again

Post by Duniagdra »

Seeming not sure of what more to ask, Marcus tries anyhow, Are we ready to go Father Time?
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Re: [Active Thread] Transition: the Lord of Time... Again

Post by patransom »

It's almost time...
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