Bardic Performance Tracker

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Bardic Performance Tracker

Post by jugglerbri »

So, I was watching the tutorial on adding a tracker in TOS (I purchased TOS+ this morning but haven't recieved my code yet). I want to add a tracker for my Bardic Performance but I don't know what the ability name is. I tried =TrackInfo("Bardic Performance") but that returned a zero and not what I wanted. Am I using the wrong name? Is this not working like I think it should? If I'm using the wrong name, where can I find the correct name so I don't have to come here each time I want to add a tracker?

Thanks! I've really enjoyed using TOS core (it made it really easy to set up characters for my boys) and I'm looking forward to customizing in TOS+.

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Re: Bardic Performance Tracker

Post by admin »

TOS Core does not allow custom trackers (you posted you question in the TOS CORE section)

The Ask the Wizards [TOS+ Help Desk] is where technical support is provided for active subscribers.

You can upgrade to a subscriber at any time here.
For 2 years, it comes to $0.75 per month.. . or about the price of a monthly cup of coffee....

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Re: Bardic Performance Tracker

Post by jugglerbri »

I'm not asking the question about TOS+. I'm asking the question about TOS Core. I've created trackers in TOS Core that link to characters abilities as described in THIS video posted on your site. I want to link the tracker to an ability, not create a custom ability or create a custom tracker. The bard has an ability that I would like to track. That ability is tracked somewhere and all I'm interested in is if this can be done or not.

I created a video using TOS Core showing how the tracker was created using the above mentioned method for a wizard but, when I go do it for a Bard, it doesn't work. Am I using the wrong name? You can view it HERE.
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Re: Bardic Performance Tracker

Post by admin »

I do not do technical support for non-subscribers (as tech support is a benefit of subscribing...), but since you took the time to explain the problem with a video, I will take the time to help you out this time.

The TrackInfo() function will not work in this case - as the 'format' of the bardic performance (created much earlier than TrackInfo() ) is not compatible with it.
TrackInfo() requires a string that contains X/day or Y/min to work (X and Y being numbers). It uses the slash character to locate the number in the string.

As a work around to TrackInfo() for this particular ability, use this named cell:

Code: Select all

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Re: Bardic Performance Tracker

Post by jugglerbri »

Thank you very much. That worked.

On a side note, I find your business model to be a little odd. I would think you would want as many people as possible customizing and doing cool things with your tool and sharing that information with as many people as possible hence spreading the excitement about TOS. Instead, you require people to pay additional money just to access something that should have been documented in the wiki in the first place. I totally agree with charging a subscription to be able to access the additional classes, races, etc. but just to be able to figure out something that was eluded to in a video? That seems a bit odd.

Just my $0.02.

Time to customize my Bard!
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Re: Bardic Performance Tracker

Post by admin »

It is actually the other way around: The sheet has been $20 since it first appeared a decade ago (yeah, no change in price to take into account inflation... :( )

After years, I noticed that some people find $20 too much to spend on such a tool (many actually expect such a tool to be a freebee :wtf: ), I decided to accommodate them with a stripped down version @ $10, which does not includes the subscription time (i.e. no tech support, no access to shared content and no updates).

This Stand Alone version can be interesting for those who are undecided (borderline), and want to give it a spin.
Some are actually Excel gurus, and have no need of anything else - so that fulfills their profile as well.

I do not provide Technical Support for the stand alone version, those who purchased the Stand Alone version specifically made the decision not to get it.
Also, it would not be fair to those who do support this project with their active subscriptions...

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