The Boar and Pig (Gathering Supplies)

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The Boar and Pig (Gathering Supplies)

Post by patransom »

Note: continued from validation at the end of the previous thread. Read that for flavor.

The group reconvenes in the common room of the Boar and Pig early the next morning. Oldin and Jiam have returned from their errand and the party sits down to a light breakfast. The rest of you recap for Oldin your preliminary discussions. Esias again unrolls the map, on which he has traced your proposed route (at Aeless’ suggestion last night). He also presents a preliminary list of supplies. You note from the list that it accounts for supplies for one more party member than was present last night. It is at this time you note that Oldin is accompanied by a stout halfling man of indeterminate age. He sits quietly, barely picking at the inn’s food.

Esias’ current supply list:
  • 8 light horses (one each, less Esias, Rúadhnait, and Brand, plus one to serve as a pack animal)
    2 ponies (for the lad and the halfling)
    26 days rations x 11, plus 13 for the lad’s return
    11 tents (to be adjusted for those of you that have them and assuming the lad will double up on his return to keep him safe)
    12 bedrolls (again to be adjusted)
    10 waterskins (one to be carried on each animal, assuming most already have their own, should make sufficient storage for water)
    12 pairs cold weather clothing
    2 quivers arrows (Leenah’s request)
    2 quivers bolts (Jermain’s request)
    Daggers (number to be determined)
    Rope and grappling hooks (number to be determined)
Esias’ map, with route added is below. Trenth, newly added thanks to Esias’ knowledge of geography, is a village at the ford of the Sharryn.

Between now and Friday’s validation, please use this thread to suggest adjustments to this list (in character) and discuss strategy in general. We will not roleplay Aeless and Brand selecting the horses or Esias and whoever assists collecting supplies, and the next validation will begin your journey. Things may move very quickly from that point on.

Any special requests for things individual characters would like to do prior to leaving Tak Shire can be handled via pm or email
Last edited by patransom on Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by patransom »

A couple of questions left hanging from last night, to save you from reposting
Esias wrote:"Oh, and one other thing we should take up wi' the sage," the scout remarks. "Some way t' let the lad know we're friends, else he may raise a fuss at th' wrong time."
Aeless wrote:Looking at Jermain as if gaging he asks, "Do you happen to know some zone spells to keep a magical zone around our encampment, when we need it?"

OOC: Alarm spell
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Post by valinor »

Aeless asks, "We should get double bunk tents (2 person tents) rather than get 11-12 tents 6 will do us all 1 for the ladies of the group and the rest find your quarter since it will rotate as we all pull guard shift. This should save us time and space to pack, unless your privacy is too much when one can wait outside while the other changes. The more we carry the more time we consume in getting to the child."
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Post by Icefire »

valinor wrote:Aeless asks, "We should get double bunk tents (2 person tents) rather than get 11-12 tents 6 will do us all 1 for the ladies of the group and the rest find your quarter since it will rotate as we all pull guard shift. This should save us time and space to pack, unless your privacy is too much when one can wait outside while the other changes. The more we carry the more time we consume in getting to the child."
I would have to agree with Aeless, 6 two person tents are going to be easier than a bunch of single tents. Those that don't want to sleep in a tent don't have to, those that are on watch can rotate with the others. And to be honest if we travel as hard as I think we might it won't matter to me who is in the tent so long as I can sleep when not on watch. Speaking of, I am more than willing to take second or third watch. I already have a bedroll, I would like two extra daggers myself. We should probably plan on at least one quiver if not two of bolts or arrows for any that can use them. I have 50ft of rope but not a grappling hook. She pauses thinking through some things and after breakfast rises, "I need to go run a few errands before we leave, I'll be back in an hour or two."
Perearth: Tana Lattia, Monk of the Order of St. Cuthbert, human female
Brave New Peareath: Leenah, Viridian female rogue
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Post by CGM3 »

OOC: PM me with the items in the list your character already has, or doesn't need, so I can add 'em here and figure out what to get.

[Updated c. 19:20 EDT, 27 June 2006]

Aeless: has bedroll, grappling hook, 50' rope, and I believe a horse; needs rations, cold weather garb, winter blanket, and another 200 ft of rope
Brand: has bedroll, 50 ft silken rope, grappling hook, tent, bedroll; needs heavy blanket, cold weather garb, rations
Elezar: needs cold weather clothing, quiver of arrows, rations, winter blanket, probably a horse
Esias: already has a cold weather outfit, tent, bedroll, winter blanket, 50 ft silken rope, climber's kit, 2 waterskins & 60 arrows (40 normal, 10 w/ alchemical silver heads, 10 w/ cold iron heads); he has some rations as well, but will "fill up" courtesy of Oldin
Leenah: has a bedroll & 50 ft of rope; needs winter garb and blanket, rations, probably a horse; could use some daggers and a hand axe for chopping wood
Oldin: needs cold weather garb, tent, bedroll, winter blanket, horse, crossbow quarrels
Rúadhnait: needs bedroll & winter blanket, probably rations
Tilden: needs cold weather garb, tent, bedroll, winter blanket, pony, darts

Two-man tents are certainly acceptable. Anybody know the cost and weight of one? And Esias is open to standing any watch.
Last edited by CGM3 on Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by patransom »

Aha, a standard PHB tent sleeps two! My mistake in making up the list.
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Post by shai-hulud »

patransom wrote:A couple of questions left hanging from last night, to save you from reposting
Esias wrote:"Oh, and one other thing we should take up wi' the sage," the scout remarks. "Some way t' let the lad know we're friends, else he may raise a fuss at th' wrong time."

"I think a fuss may be raised upon seeing those who would rescue him regardless. He is an excitable youth, given easy to bouts of exuberance. As his godfather, I have seen him oft come bounding across the room at the sight of me." Oldin smiles, a twinkle in his eye as he reminisces. His face then twists in a scowl, "In fact, I will have to hold my own tongue to avoid calling out whomever holds Amon. Oh how I long to rain Seker's purging fires upon them!"
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Post by shai-hulud »

OOC: This post actually takes place before my previous one.

When Oldin appears the following morning, he is trailed by a fellow of diminutive size. Less than three feet tall, a stout halfling with dark black hair and bright green eyes stands next to Oldin. Every once in a while, the light catches his hair just right and it shimmers navy blue.

"I apologize for taking leave of you all last night, but I had important matters to attend." Oldin gives Jiam a nod. "I would now like to introduce all of you to the last member of our group. This is the famed Tilden, Chef Extraordinaire." Oldin makes a great sweeping motion with his arm to introduce the tiny man. (OOC: I am picturing a bad chinese film where the better your kung fu, the better the food you prepare, and Tilden is making an awesome martial arts pose to show just how bad@$$ of a chef he is. Except he doesn't know kung fu and isn't posing, but other than that...)

Oldin pauses as Tilden makes an introduction speech (OOC: Pat will fill in if he wants). Then Oldin calls each party member's name so Tilden can become acquainted.

After introductions, Oldin asks the status of the supply list.
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Post by shai-hulud »

As Oldin peruses the supply list, he looks to Jiam and asks, "Do you think we should bring disguise kits? You never know when someone will be able to recognize lineage and suspect that something is amiss."
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Post by AtlantaDM »

I would love some arrows and cold weather clothing. I have never slept in a tent, so what ever size you suggest is good for me.

An extra dagger or two is always good. I suggest hemp rope if the horses have room, the silk stuff is a little dainty for me.

As to watches, I am used to taking a 6 hour turn every other day, but will do what ever works for the rest of the group. Having spent so little time on land I suspect things are a bit different than on the open sea where we can see our enemies from afar.

Can anyone provide a magical flame that niether consumes the toch or produces heat. They are very handy on board ship and I suspect in a tent?
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Post by CGM3 »

Esias shows the rough list he has compiled:

4 bedrolls
8 cold weather blankets
7 sets of cold weather clothing
6 horses (including the pack animal) with tack
2 ponies with tack
4 quivers of arrows
6 cases of crossbow quarrels
darts (however many Tilden finds appropriate)
2 daggers (for Leenah)
1 hand axe (for firewood; Leenah's suggestion)
5 tents
300 days of trail rations (26 days for each of us, plus 14 for Amon)
22 waterskins
200 ft of rope
2 climber's kits
writing implements & parchment
liniment (lots)

"Th' horses be for you, Aeless, Elezar, Jermain 'n' Leenah, and a pack beast, wi' the ponies for Master Tilden 'n' the boy," he explains. "Sir Brand has his own steed, and Mistress Rúadhnait 'n' me will go afoot. I've not heard from Jiam nor Vulan what gear or mounts they might need, so th' number o' bedrolls, blankets, 'n' winter garb may increase. Wi' my own tent, we'll have six, enough for all, and I figured th' rations 'n' waterskins for all as well; again, I have two o' the latter m'self.

"I reckoned two extra quivers o' arrows for those as asked for 'em -- Elezar 'n' Leenah -- and three cases o' quarrels for yourself 'n' Master Jermain. I don't know how many darts Master Tilden thinks adequate; never had cause to use 'em, or traveled wi' folk who did.

"Th' extra rope 'n' climbin' kits, wi' m'own, should suffice in the hills if needed. The scribin' things were Jermain's notion, t' keep a record o' what we see and find, which strikes me as sound. The liniment... well, I got a feelin' some folk are goin' t' be glad we brought it along before we get too far."

Pausing a moment, he checks the list again, adds: "Unless some o' us can pass for allies o' the abductors, I don't much see any reason for disguise kits. Out in th' wilds like that, they'd probably figure anybody comes pokin' around is likely a foe."
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Post by valinor »

Looks at the purchases, but he seems to befriend the horses and the mule, "As I see it our friends here will do, in accompanying us in our trek up north. Time to get them to the stable and we'll need them well rested as our travel is far and we need to be there yesterday." Moments later after he collected his requested gears he says, "Get some sleep, get your needs done and we're off to point A which is the town or village of Trenth."
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Post by shai-hulud »

"Esias, my good man, the disguise kits may be a welcomed precaution for some of us. It is not the sort of thing that should be discussed here at this inn. I will explain once we are passed Trenth. I would suggest a kit for each of us."
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Post by CGM3 »

Esias shrugs. "As you wish; my craft be scoutin' 'n' guidin', belike this be more along your trail," he allows amiably.

Then a thought visibly strikes him. "Beshrew me, somethin' else not normally my responsibility, but it just struck me. How many o' us have skill in the physickin' arts? Perhaps we should include a few healin' kits as well."
Over on Discord, I go by Gryphon
"And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, for if you hit a man with a plowshare, he's going to know he's been hit." - The Wisdom of Nodwick
"Nothing says love like two hundred feet of parachute cable and a cargo net." - Fred Jones, Scooby Doo: Mystery Inc.
"I know, the first rule of Robot Fight Club is, you don't talk about Robot Fight Club." - Jack Darby, Transformers Prime
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Post by whtknt »

Rúadhnait watches with fascination the flurry of activity that goes on about her. It is obvious that she understands only about half of what is said.

::later, after supplies have been purchased and retrieved::

She takes the offered bedroll, blanket, and cold weather gear without a word of thanks, but does nod approvingly as she slips on the heavy furs and runs her hands over the woolen blanket and bedroll.

::still later::

When things have calmed somewhat, she approaches Esias at a quiet moment. For a moment, she only stares at him, unable to find words to express what she wants to say, or perhaps unwilling to speak them.

"Thank you for gathering these things for me," she says, her face flushing slightly. "I do not understand why the tent would be better than sleeping in the open, but if you want me to, I will try."

With that, she turns her attention to rearranging her pack.
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Post by Icefire »

Disappears for a while during the day but is back after no more than an hour or two. She gathers her things taking them to her room to adjust her pack. She also takes some time out near the stable to run through some practice moves wielding both short sword and dagger. At dinner she mentions the latest rumors regarding the mist. "As far as I can tell the lastest rumors make it to be three hags in the Mists..." She drinks a little more heavily this night than she did the last and retires early.
Perearth: Tana Lattia, Monk of the Order of St. Cuthbert, human female
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Post by shai-hulud »

CGM3 wrote:Esias shrugs. "As you wish; my craft be scoutin' 'n' guidin', belike this be more along your trail," he allows amiably.

Then a thought visibly strikes him. "Beshrew me, somethin' else not normally my responsibility, but it just struck me. How many o' us have skill in the physickin' arts? Perhaps we should include a few healin' kits as well."
"Yes, that would be a good idea. Would one kit be enough? As this is my first expedition, I don't know how often to expect to need medical attention."
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Post by valinor »

"Make it two, as we would rather have an extra and not use it; than need one and not have it." says Aeless as he is packing his bag. "Am gonna head to the fletcher for a moment, anyone need anything." and waits for a reply and a few minutes later heads off to his business.
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Post by CGM3 »

Somewhat distracted by Rúadhnait's unexpected remark, Esias absently opines: "Might be best t' learn who o' our company knows summat o' the physicker's art, 'n' try t' find a kit for each. 'Tis not a skill I've had occasion t' learn," he confesses, then pats his belt pouch, "though I have a few... useful items held 'gainst serious need."
Over on Discord, I go by Gryphon
"And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, for if you hit a man with a plowshare, he's going to know he's been hit." - The Wisdom of Nodwick
"Nothing says love like two hundred feet of parachute cable and a cargo net." - Fred Jones, Scooby Doo: Mystery Inc.
"I know, the first rule of Robot Fight Club is, you don't talk about Robot Fight Club." - Jack Darby, Transformers Prime
"Always. Expect. Ninjas." - Sydney Scoville, Grrl Power
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Post by shai-hulud »

Oldin extends his hand towards Tilden. "As well as being the best chef in the entire Viridian Empire, Tilden is also an exceptional apothecary. His mentor, the famed chef Gilbert Dimitri, a self-proclaimed halfling of enormous stature, taught him to find his own ingredients. While searching for the perfect truffle, Tilden brought home what he thought to be an interesting spice. It turned out to cure a fever that I had. Since then, he has studied the curative properties of many of the plants he finds.

"While I have no skill in healing, Seker has chosen at times to bless me with the ability to call upon his skill in healing, but I need no kit for that." He holds out the large green tome he has been holding. "This book allows me to focus Seker's will, his benevolence save us all." As Oldin speaks, the silver sun embossed on the book's cover seems to shine a little brighter, as if the praise Oldin spoke was heard by Seker himself.
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving is not for you.
"Danger is like Jello. There's always room for more."

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Post by TheGreenLabrador »

The supply list covered my needs, however, two quivers of arrows for me would also be appreciated.
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Post by CGM3 »

"Then by all means, Master Tilden should have a healer's kit or two," Esias avers, nodding respectfully to the halfling. "And whatever aid Seker can grant us will be much appreciated."

In response to Vulan's remark and their conversation, he amends the supply list:
6 quivers of arrows
2 healer's kits
"Anybody else here have some craft in th' physicker's art?" he asks the party at large.
Over on Discord, I go by Gryphon
"And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, for if you hit a man with a plowshare, he's going to know he's been hit." - The Wisdom of Nodwick
"Nothing says love like two hundred feet of parachute cable and a cargo net." - Fred Jones, Scooby Doo: Mystery Inc.
"I know, the first rule of Robot Fight Club is, you don't talk about Robot Fight Club." - Jack Darby, Transformers Prime
"Always. Expect. Ninjas." - Sydney Scoville, Grrl Power
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Post by Icefire »

Perhaps if there are not many that know of the physicker's arts if it is possible a few potion cases with healing potions might not be amiss? Or even if such is available and not too unreasonable a wand as there are several who might be able to use it... Leenah adds softly.
Perearth: Tana Lattia, Monk of the Order of St. Cuthbert, human female
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Post by valinor »

"I say that drinkin much is a bit odd for you, Leenah." asks Aeless and adds, "Is there something on your mind?"
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Post by Icefire »

valinor wrote:"I say that drinkin much is a bit odd for you, Leenah." asks Aeless and adds, "Is there something on your mind?"
She arches a brow and chuckles, "No I can hold my alcohol just fine, last night I didn't want anything blunting my perceptions, or making me say things I had no wish to impart." She smiles a bit darkly and shrugs delicately, "Some simply seem to think that if I have had enough to drink I might be willing to impart more of my history than I am comfortable with others knowing, when I do not know them well." Finishing a goblet of wine she refills it with an arched brow at Aeless, "Besides My Lady, is fond of drink." She chuckles and lifts the goblet whispering softly, what almost sounds like a prayer.
Perearth: Tana Lattia, Monk of the Order of St. Cuthbert, human female
Brave New Peareath: Leenah, Viridian female rogue
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Post by shai-hulud »

Oldin walks to Leenah and whispers something.
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Post by valinor »

"Well, it seems you have this all handled, but do save some on the trip for it might be a boring one." as he laugh at the unknown.
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Post by Galaphile »

After breakfast, Brand looks over the supply list. "A woodcutters axe, good idea Leenah, I never thought of that."

Brand spends the rest of the morning sitting at a table alone, writing what appears to be a letter or two.

After collecting his gear, Brand heads back to the stables. "I need to check on my horse, and run a few errands." Taking his letters, he leaves.

Brand returns in time to enjoy dinner with everyone, but after he goes up to his room. He leaves the door open, and anyone who walks by, sees him polishing his armour and oiling the straps.
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Post by shai-hulud »

"I definitely think that I can obtain a wand or two. The question is, do we want both to be used for healing, or one to be healing and the other for another purpose? Jermain, do you have any suggestions if perhaps the second wand were arcane, rather than divine? Perhaps a wand of the arcane spell that you call Alarm? I doubt that I could obtain a wand with more power than that, though.

"Does anyone else have any ideas? Leenah, you originally mentioned the idea of procuring wands. Do you fancy any in particular?"
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving is not for you.
"Danger is like Jello. There's always room for more."

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Post by Icefire »

Inclines her head and chuckles softly at Oldin's whisper, responding softly in kind. She then thinks over the question. "Twas just a thought that perhaps a wand of healing would be easier then a large quantity of potions. I will defer to others in what kinds. My mentor showed me how to use a wand with fairly decent accurancy. I've never had one blow up at least," She laughs softly.
Perearth: Tana Lattia, Monk of the Order of St. Cuthbert, human female
Brave New Peareath: Leenah, Viridian female rogue
TOS 100+: Belladona Southfarthing, halfling rogue/swashbuckler/thief acrobat
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